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Topic: 248: All World Keyboard Wrestling And Roughhouse feDeration  (Read 23128 times)


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So I used to be part of an e-fed back in 2003.  It was probably the peak of how much I was in to wrestling and I wanted to hang out with some guys who became good online friends that I still talk to this day.  So we just did wrestling roleplay and we had a pretty good time until it stopped being fun.  And then the majority of us moved on from it, bout 2006ish or so.  It had it's share of over the top gimmicks and ripoff characters (myself included at one point.  Hello Jake Roberts!), but none of it was to the level of what I just heard in this episode.  I've never heard backstories this fucking insane for a fucking e-fed wrestler.  All I put when I first started was that my character was a kleptomaniac and thought he was tougher and more resilient than he actually was.  That was all his backstory was to start.  Our crew was fine with that.  I'd say at most, a backstory was one paragraph and nothing that I would qualify as insane.

If any of us tried a backstory involving 2 year olds killing each other, tag team champions committing incest, or having a character named Baby Baller, we'd probably look at that person, say "WHAT THE FUCK?!", and not let any of that shit happen.

My character did have Papercut by Linkin Park as his theme though.  2003 me didn't make all the great decisions.
Boots Raingear Lemon Fatty Bo Batty MyFaceBeHi TurkeyPopulationGuessingMan Corn Syrup Saoirse-Lilith Sherman Tank Really_Quite_Nice Liatai blunge nuffkins, of all people,

Adam Bozarth

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Did Adam Bozarth attribute "Cult of Personality" to Fishbone?
Fatty Bo Batty, April 10, 2017, 01:32:52 pm

I did. Forgive me, I only listen to art rock.
Agent (gobble, gobble) Coop Fatty Bo Batty chai tea latte


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Did Adam Bozarth attribute "Cult of Personality" to Fishbone?
Fatty Bo Batty, April 10, 2017, 01:32:52 pm

I did. Forgive me, I only listen to art rock.
Adam Bozarth, April 12, 2017, 04:05:03 pm

Put them next to your speakers to improve the sound quality.
RoeCocoa Really_Quite_Nice IceTwister A Meat Corn Syrup Turtle Ms Dragoness Liatai Puppy Time nuffkins, of all people, Sherman Tank Vinny Possum

Adam Bozarth

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I didn't mention this on the ep, but I also did an e-fed around 2000-2001? All the "wrestlers" would write their own promos and ring banter, and the man in charge would then write out our matches and they were sent to us by email each week. It was a lot of fun. Nobody's back story was that deep and the characters were over the top. It was like WCW. For exampl, my cousin wrote for the character Big Purple Dinosaur, and was essentially a wrestling Barney.

My character was a punk character with green hair and Chuck Taylors, a good 5 years before CM Punk ever hit the scene. I forget the name of my finisher, but it was basically squeezing the opponent's head in between my arms until submission.
Really_Quite_Nice IceTwister Achilles' Heelies Liatai


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If anyone wants to role-play wrestlers I highly suggest the tabletop RPG World Wide Wrestling, the only Perfect Game


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I didn't mention this on the ep, but I also did an e-fed around 2000-2001? All the "wrestlers" would write their own promos and ring banter, and the man in charge would then write out our matches and they were sent to us by email each week. It was a lot of fun. Nobody's back story was that deep and the characters were over the top. It was like WCW. For exampl, my cousin wrote for the character Big Purple Dinosaur, and was essentially a wrestling Barney.

My character was a punk character with green hair and Chuck Taylors, a good 5 years before CM Punk ever hit the scene. I forget the name of my finisher, but it was basically squeezing the opponent's head in between my arms until submission.
Adam Bozarth, April 12, 2017, 05:32:52 pm

You're leaving out all the important details. How many hundred times did your character go to jail? How many people did they kill? We need those ranking numbers!


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If I made an eFed wrestler he would be called Richard "Dick" Puncher and his only gimmick would be that he punches other wrestlers in the dick. He would be disqualified from every match but the promoters would just keep putting him in there...
Stuck_in_Beta blunge Malten Lemon


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I was never in an efed, but I did play plenty of Total Extreme Wrestling 2005. I never could get the budgets to break even for the Gorgeous Ladies of Wrestling.


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I was never in an efed, but I did play plenty of Total Extreme Wrestling 2005. I never could get the budgets to break even for the Gorgeous Ladies of Wrestling.
Cheapskate, April 12, 2017, 10:00:05 pm

I never got TEW because it was just too much for the speed I wanted to go.  Extreme Warfare Revenge was the way to go even though it was easy to go from backyard company to global enterprise.  ROH was hell though because everyone you wanted to push kept getting stolen immediately.

I didn't mention this on the ep, but I also did an e-fed around 2000-2001? All the "wrestlers" would write their own promos and ring banter, and the man in charge would then write out our matches and they were sent to us by email each week. It was a lot of fun. Nobody's back story was that deep and the characters were over the top. It was like WCW. For exampl, my cousin wrote for the character Big Purple Dinosaur, and was essentially a wrestling Barney.

My character was a punk character with green hair and Chuck Taylors, a good 5 years before CM Punk ever hit the scene. I forget the name of my finisher, but it was basically squeezing the opponent's head in between my arms until submission.
Adam Bozarth, April 12, 2017, 05:32:52 pm

I never would expect a combination of CM Punk and Crush.  Law of averages say it would happen at some point I guess... Also, Big Purple Dinosaur is my new favorite wrestler I've never seen.

Agent (gobble, gobble) Coop

accepting change

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ive never watched a wrestling outside of mdickie games
GirlKisser420 montrith Agent (gobble, gobble) Coop Lemon Sherman Tank IceTwister Mique Yavuz


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Bozarth, it was Snuka not Steamboat.

Yup this was  painful.  Worst Lucha Underground fan fics ever.

All I'm saying is that the Ophidian and Zombie Pedro Plantain are more believable than this.

Fun Fact, Ryan ripped off CM Punk even harder than realized.  Ol' Punk has written comics for Marvel in the past.  I think Raven has too.


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This is the ultraviolent Combat Zone Wrestling.
Achilles' Heelies znarf
« Last Edit: April 16, 2017, 02:03:58 pm by Mique »


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ive never watched a wrestling outside of mdickie games
Megacrex inepta, April 14, 2017, 02:55:36 am

Online Fucker Idiot gets made into the Cool Warlock's Sissy Bitch is one of the greatest vids ever made.

Agent (gobble, gobble) Coop

Eider Duck

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Also, Big Purple Dinosaur is my new favorite wrestler I've never seen.IceTwister, April 12, 2017, 11:16:50 pm

I think Chikara has wrestling dinosaurs and other amazing nonsense. I don't watch their stuff though, because the reality can't possibly live up to how I picture it in my head.

Puppy Time

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I didn't mention this on the ep, but I also did an e-fed around 2000-2001? All the "wrestlers" would write their own promos and ring banter, and the man in charge would then write out our matches and they were sent to us by email each week. It was a lot of fun.
Adam Bozarth, April 12, 2017, 05:32:52 pm

This sounds a million times more fun than most of the internet RP I've done.
Eider Duck