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Topic: F PLUS LIVE: August 19th, 2017  (Read 78082 times)


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F PLUS LIVE: August 19th, 2017 #45
Considering Minneapolis is literally, like, a 3 and a half hour drive from where I live, I'm definitely gonna be there.
Dunno if I'll stick around for the Sunday night shebang, since that'd require me to fuck with hotels, but I might shoot for that too if things turn out okay.

Macho Masc Sangy Savage

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F PLUS LIVE: August 19th, 2017 #46
Super jittery and nervous about it, but tickets and hotel booked! I'm making a vacation out of it and visiting a bunch of the museums. If anyone is interested in tagging along to the Minneapolis Institute of Art, I'll probably be going Thursday or the Friday before.

This is so exciting!  I get to hang out with nerds AND see the nation's largest book arts center!
Sanguinary Novel, July 03, 2017, 11:52:10 am

If you want to go on a museum tear, I would also like to recommend the Walker, which has the awesome Multiples exhibit on display. The Mercer Cunningham exhibit currently on display won't be there by the time you get in, but the other two exhibits that will be there look fucking awesome. And there's also a bar and a movie theater and HOLY SHIT, GUYS, ART IS SO COOL.

This city is also host to America's first ever basilica, the Basilica of Saint Mary. I haven't gone to it yet, but I'm looking for a good excuse to.
STOG, July 03, 2017, 05:00:59 pm

I've tentatively planned to see the MIA, the Walker, Russian art museum, Minnesota Center for Book Arts, and the Weisman (if not too far). I didn't know about the basilica. Depending on when they have service (so I'm not interrupting), and if they're open to visitors, I'd be fun to sketch.


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F PLUS LIVE: August 19th, 2017 #47
ETA: Oh shit found the actual post on thefpl.us. I never CHECK there anymore, I feel really silly right now.
« Last Edit: July 05, 2017, 12:12:03 pm by beelzeboob »


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F PLUS LIVE: August 19th, 2017 #48
Will this thread be updated once the venue is announced?
beelzeboob, July 05, 2017, 11:51:15 am

Yes. The live show is at 1111 S. Washington.

ALSO: Note on that. Because we're going to be taking over the whole bar, we're also going to need to charge a cover. There's a couple reasons for this, but the most straightforward is that regular-assed people generally don't respond terribly well to walking into a place and seeing a comedy show they weren't expecting. In the past that wasn't a problem, this time around we're going to need to set the expectation that this is A Thing just so we don't have the problem with people not understanding what's going on and trying to do the thing that shitty people do when they're confronted with the very idea of live comedy.

The actual charge is being negotiated, probably somewhere around $10.


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F PLUS LIVE: August 19th, 2017 #49
Will this thread be updated once the venue is announced?
beelzeboob, July 05, 2017, 11:51:15 am

Yes. The live show is at 1111 S. Washington.

ALSO: Note on that. Because we're going to be taking over the whole bar, we're also going to need to charge a cover. There's a couple reasons for this, but the most straightforward is that regular-assed people generally don't respond terribly well to walking into a place and seeing a comedy show they weren't expecting. In the past that wasn't a problem, this time around we're going to need to set the expectation that this is A Thing just so we don't have the problem with people not understanding what's going on and trying to do the thing that shitty people do when they're confronted with the very idea of live comedy.

The actual charge is being negotiated, probably somewhere around $10.
Lemon, July 05, 2017, 12:12:32 pm

Charge it to my Ballp.it account


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F PLUS LIVE: August 19th, 2017 #50
Okay, the Eventbrite page is live. Tickets can be preordered now.

Charge it to my Ballp.it account
Ambious, July 05, 2017, 12:58:29 pm
I can't do that. But you see that part up there where it says Enter Promotional Code?

Shell Game positive stress Please And Thanks Mix

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F PLUS LIVE: August 19th, 2017 #51
People looking to do other stuff in Minneapolis: May I recommend the Bakken Museum? My mom used to take me there, and it was incredible! It's got a lot of weird, interactive exhibits, it's all crammed into one mansion which gives it a "eccentric millionaire" vibe, and the animatronic Frankenstein show is terrifying.
Please And Thanks


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F PLUS LIVE: August 19th, 2017 #52
I went to the Museum of Russian Art last year. Really enjoyed that.

Silent Liver Disease

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F PLUS LIVE: August 19th, 2017 #53
Is the cover money going to the venue? I'll use the code unless the proceeds are going to the F Plus war chest/ liquor fund.

Silent Liver Disease

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F PLUS LIVE: August 19th, 2017 #54
I'm really torn between a road trip from MD to MN and a jetsetting long weekend with some allocated hangover time.


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F PLUS LIVE: August 19th, 2017 #55
Is the cover money going to the venue? I'll use the code unless the proceeds are going to the F Plus war chest/ liquor fund.
Silent Liver Disease, July 08, 2017, 03:37:46 pm

The fund does a couple things: Helps us cover our minimum, pays the bouncer, and pays for some drinks. All that said, don't feel compelled to eschew the ballpit rate. I posted it so you could use it.


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F PLUS LIVE: August 19th, 2017 #56
Started working on building up my alcohol tolerance
Eider Duck Corn Syrup
« Last Edit: July 10, 2017, 07:50:23 am by Ambious »

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F PLUS LIVE: August 19th, 2017 #57
Achilles' Heelies Please And Thanks Shell Game Boots Raingear Sherman Tank Yavuz Hoopy


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F PLUS LIVE: August 19th, 2017 #58
Bought my plane tickets today! I'm really excited to meet the folks who attend.
Lemon Boots Raingear Shell Game Macho Masc Sangy Savage junior associate faguar

junior associate faguar

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F PLUS LIVE: August 19th, 2017 #59
I just got my plane tickets, too. Let's high five!!! Assuming you're also a moron who's flying in at 5:45 AM Saturday morning. I'll be too tired to high-five anyone at the actual show.

The Friday before is the first day of the semester for me, too, so I'll be up continuously most likely from 6:00 AM Friday (because I've got a 7:20 AM class) until like 3:00 AM Sunday. I think I might need a nap or two in that time.
Shell Game beelzeboob Boots Raingear Lemon Macho Masc Sangy Savage Achilles' Heelies
« Last Edit: July 16, 2017, 09:14:15 pm by journeyman faguar »