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Topic: 258: Do Not Pass Go  (Read 17728 times)


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258: Do Not Pass Go #30
If the crytek suit doesn't literally end the project, I'm still kinda optimistic. I've gotten ~45 hours of gameplay out of it so far, and a good portion of the ships are flyable, and tbh taht's all I was expecting. Obviously they've promised a lot more and are digging deeper and deeper but as far as what I was hoping for out of an honest space sim, I've gotten all the wow factor I wanted. Obviously yeah a good portion of the fanbase is delusional as fuck but also more self aware than I would have expected. For comparison, No Man's Sky. Somehow people to this day are still defending that dumpster fire.

Knitting Machine

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258: Do Not Pass Go #31
I've been doing nothing but reading about Star Citizen drama all weekend. It's so good.
Guts Going Nutz, December 18, 2017, 12:36:54 am

Same! I've been loving every single detail that pops up about it. It's like EVE Online but even better because it doesn't fucking exist.
Dr. Buttplug


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258: Do Not Pass Go #32
Haha yeah the forums are an absolute cesspit.  And yes, there's a significant chance that even if they pull it off and release a finished, polished, functional product, they'll royally fuck up some critical component (MMO economies are easy, right??) or it simply won't be fun.  At this point, through the magic of scope creep, they're basically trying to build Arma -- and they're having to learn the hard way a lot of the lessons Bohemia had to learn over the years.  (e.g. wow, you mean a default 'press E to use' FPS action button is insufficient when you have nineteen things all next to eachother you can interact with?)

Even in its current janktastic state though, the swarm PvE wave mode stuff has given me some of the most enjoyable dogfighty fun I've had in a very long time.  Co-op with friends, it's a great time.  Elite: Dangerous is lovely and all (and is really good in VR), but the dogfighting in Star Citizen feels much crazier and more visceral.
Lemon Apricaughts chai tea latte


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258: Do Not Pass Go #33
I've been doing nothing but reading about Star Citizen drama all weekend. It's so good.
Guts Going Nutz, December 18, 2017, 12:36:54 am

Same! I've been loving every single detail that pops up about it. It's like EVE Online but even better because it doesn't fucking exist.
Knitting Machine, December 18, 2017, 05:27:51 pm

I love that in the time this happened Eve has gone free to play, so I've been able to just fuck around in a dumb space ship shooting rocks while listening to other nerds pay thousands to say how they're gonna totally shoot rocks with a WAY COOLER space ship they have a picture of in like six years.


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258: Do Not Pass Go #34
Considering how easily GamerGaters are parted with their money, I've always toyed around with the idea of producing some piece of shit (not literally.... although.... hmm....) and marketing it towards them. Any negative reviews I receive for this piece of trash will be spun as CENSORSHIP by THE FEMINISTS; just look at that guy in this episode who gave the game five stars not because it was good or because he had any experience with it, but because someone gave it one star. You know how Abraham Lincoln (allegedly) said that you can fool all of the people some of the time, and some of the people all of the time? GamerGaters are the later; they are fooled all of the time. The question isn't if these guys will waste their money on shit, it's what shit they'll spend it on.

Honestly, though, if I did this (and I almost certainly won't), I'd probably feel guilty and donate all of it to the SPLC or ADL or NAACP or someone.
Psammetichus, July 30, 2017, 06:33:24 pm

When the dust settles on Star Citizen, there is going to be whole careers based on the group dynamics of stupidity. I'm sure there's fplus-worthy stuff out there if I wasn't more worried they'd stalk us all.


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258: Do Not Pass Go #35

The Game Crafter has no monopoly (no pun intended) on horrible board games. Plenty of them just spring up ex nihilo online.


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258: Do Not Pass Go #36
This sounds like it could have been a fun concept for a game but then you scroll down and every individual character is the worst most offensive thing ever. Joy!

jim and the mammograms

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258: Do Not Pass Go #37
That furry game is really just adult Mystery Date.

Shell Game, July 31, 2017, 03:26:07 pm

I was thinking Mystery Date but I think it's actually a direct ripoff of this Sweet Valley High board game (https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/6563/sweet-valley-high) I had when I was a kid. You need to pick a partner and collect what you need for your date (but instead of fetishes and sex toys, it's an outfit, props, and a teacher chaperone to go on the date with you. Same difference.) It lacks the randomness factor you get in Mystery Date, and the only thing they changed was that when you get a date in SVH you get to stop playing, but for Furpile I guess you just keep going until you're too horny.

(Sometimes listening to a podcast to go to sleep is a bad idea, when you're a real gamer with real gamer knowledge.)
Lemon Shell Game