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Topic: Find An Episode  (Read 192680 times)

junior associate faguar

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Find An Episode #180
Hi - which FPlus live had Kumquatxop reading Blow Up the Moon and who was that piece originally by?
sea hag, May 11, 2023, 08:18:51 pm

It’s by Alexander Abian on Usenet, and was read at F Plus Live 6
sea hag

sea hag

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Find An Episode #181
Hi - which FPlus live had Kumquatxop reading Blow Up the Moon and who was that piece originally by?
sea hag, May 11, 2023, 08:18:51 pm

It’s by Alexander Abian on Usenet, and was read at F Plus Live 6
junior associate faguar, May 11, 2023, 10:10:30 pm

Do you know if there's an archived copy of the essay? Google is being worse than useless. (It starts at 49:30)

And also makes me wonder if this is the most readily available copy of it. Kumquat screaming the work of this apparently brilliant mathematician interspersed with people yelling fuck the moon.

Oh and for Usenet archive the earliest posts even mentioning him (for the blow up the moon thing) are from 1991. This essay was earlier.
« Last Edit: May 11, 2023, 11:59:26 pm by sea hag »

junior associate faguar

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Find An Episode #182
Here you go. I think it was something that he had mentioned in the past but only properly crystallized later, because I can see references to it from earlier, but this is the oldest extended writing on the topic I can find.

As an almost-mathematician, I can say frankly that being a great mathematician and being bugfuck insane are not contradictory, and might even be correlated.
« Last Edit: May 12, 2023, 12:08:15 am by junior associate faguar »

sea hag

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Find An Episode #183
Here you go. I think it was something that he had mentioned in the past but only properly crystallized later, because I can see references to it from earlier, but this is the oldest extended writing on the topic I can find.

As an almost-mathematician, I can say frankly that being a great mathematician and being bugfuck insane are not contradictory, and might even be correlated.
junior associate faguar, May 12, 2023, 12:00:55 am

Yeah. He seems like a gem though I wouldn't ever want to be around him. He also thought we should pull Venus far enough away from the sun so it would develop the same climate as the Earth. Among a lot of other things.



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Find An Episode #184
I just finished House of Leaves, and my first thought was “I need to re-listen to all the F-Plus episodes that mention it so I can get the references.”

Does anyone know exactly which ones those are?


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Find An Episode #185
I know this doesn't even scratch the surface, but I think there was one in the wrestling wiki episode.

junior associate faguar

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Find An Episode #186
Which episode was it with the guy who was trying to pass a drug test after smoking an inhuman amount of weed and Lemon says that if he pricks his fingers, a Cottonmouth Kings song comes out?


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Find An Episode #187
Which episode was it with the guy who was trying to pass a drug test after smoking an inhuman amount of weed and Lemon says that if he pricks his fingers, a Cottonmouth Kings song comes out?
junior associate faguar, October 03, 2023, 03:15:31 am

I thought I was going to hit this sooner because this bit seems like it would be from a question and answer site but it is from episode 325 on Bulletproof coffee. The post is about 70 minutes into the episode.
Lumbermouth junior associate faguar DUDEVSTHEWORLD


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Find An Episode #188
He was gonna get real fat and then burn off the fat with the weed in it

Recon Rabbit

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Find An Episode #189
Cannot remember the episode in which Kumquat announced SSL encryption for poop.computer.  Please help.
SHAMBA~1.SBB, July 21, 2021, 02:35:00 pm
Took a while but found it. End of 277: Self Publish and Perish


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Find An Episode #190
Which episode had the person ranting about the laser sniper ape and giant flesh eating centipedes? It's an older one I know but I cannot figure it out for the life of me. I don't have any other context for the line because it just came out of left field in the episode

Edit I know the username was centipedesruinedmylife that they were reading
« Last Edit: February 15, 2024, 03:54:29 am by Wolley74 »


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Find An Episode #191
Which episode had the person ranting about the laser sniper ape and giant flesh eating centipedes? It's an older one I know but I cannot figure it out for the life of me. I don't have any other context for the line because it just came out of left field in the episode

Edit I know the username was centipedesruinedmylife that they were reading
Wolley74, February 15, 2024, 12:33:09 am

286 - Topix Not Worth Discussing

Not only flesh eating, but also cave-dwelling


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Find An Episode #192
Here once more to pick the collective brain. It's half F Plus related, because it got mentioned in an episode and I'm not sure where else to ask it.

I'm pretty sure it was Nutshell that brought it up but someone brought up a reference to the guy that would just absurdly slow down music like 33x and listen to it repeatedly, and I can't for the life of me remember who that was a reference to. It's been stuck in my head for a few days trying to figure out where that reference came from, but I've hit a wall. I'm pretty sure they brought the reference to it up in 105 during the musician help guy bit, but it's literally just a split second mention of it, and I can't seem to find anything else on that subject anymore.


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Find An Episode #193
That was Ulillillia. He would record the songs from Bubsy the Bobcat in Claws Encounters of the Furred Kind on tape at a zillion different slowed-down speeds and listen to each one for months at a time.
Wolley74 chai tea latte


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Find An Episode #194
That was Ulillillia. He would record the songs from Bubsy the Bobcat in Claws Encounters of the Furred Kind on tape at a zillion different slowed-down speeds and listen to each one for months at a time.
SHAMBA~1.SBB, April 26, 2024, 12:24:02 pm

There’s a Jack Chick reading of his site that covers this and more in Episode 100.
Wolley74 chai tea latte SHAMBA~1.SBB