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Topic: 304: The Waste From The Mothership  (Read 19702 times)


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304: The Waste From The Mothership
Mr. Hunky Academia Macho Masc Sangy Savage GirlKisser420


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304: The Waste From The Mothership #1
I originally intended "Somehow Not a Blue Öyster Cult Song"to be a one-off tag and yet I can't think of a better one to suggest for this episode...
Sherman Tank Captain Nobeard

Mr. Hunky Academia

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304: The Waste From The Mothership #2
I still don't know who the Paa-Tal are

Achilles' Heelies

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304: The Waste From The Mothership #3
I was just listening to episode 266: For No One's Consideration, and one of the scripts was about Ashtar and starseeds. The F Plus Singularity draws ever closer.
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304: The Waste From The Mothership #4
are you sure this isn't actually la mulana fanfiction

A Meat

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304: The Waste From The Mothership #5
c'mon it's refrigeroids and not psychroids? that's a much cooler name

Macho Masc Sangy Savage

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304: The Waste From The Mothership #6
Surprised we didn't hear about the planet made up of objectivist aliens, the Randroids


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304: The Waste From The Mothership #7
Frankly i'm surprised there weren't any ghostbusters jokes when it was revealed there was an alien race known as the Akyroyds
GirlKisser420 chai tea latte Dr. Buttplug spunkzilla69 Macho Masc Sangy Savage Spenny KendrickLobstar
« Last Edit: May 29, 2019, 08:46:16 am by Wrought »

Dr. Buttplug

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304: The Waste From The Mothership #8
Listening to this and catching up on the Freedom Radio hour of Garbage Day creates an interesting contrast. Some commonalities in cognitive dissonance and ignorance, and maybe also racism?


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304: The Waste From The Mothership #9
For anyone interested, I’m pretty sure the thing that unites these people that Boots was talking about is theosophy


A Meat

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304: The Waste From The Mothership #10
why is there always weird hebrew shit with these ancient aliens people? the three high elf races are named after hebrew letters, why?

in any case, someone give me a crackpot who thinks that it's specifically old hungarian that the aliens spoke


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304: The Waste From The Mothership #11
arguably this was one of the hardest episodes to keep straight, although we already knew there were Aykroyd-ians in the universe   

Salubrious Rex Sherman Tank Adam Bozarth Dr. Buttplug adrenochrome dome Captain Nobeard

Salubrious Rex

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304: The Waste From The Mothership #12
arguably this was one of the hardest episodes to keep straight, although we already knew there were Aykroyd-ians in the universe   

KendrickLobstar, May 30, 2019, 10:12:27 am

Oh fuck me, Cone Heads was an Akyroid baby? Of course it fucking was, my childhood trauma all makes sense now.


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304: The Waste From The Mothership #13
why is there always weird hebrew shit with these ancient aliens people? the three high elf races are named after hebrew letters, why?
A Meat, May 30, 2019, 09:54:39 am

Rough guess, part of it is people coming from a Judeo-christian worldview and not quite giving it up when they switched to New Agery, so in the back of their heads, they still think the Hebrew Bible is important, it's just missing information about the ancient aliens. Part of it is probably also that Hebrew is the oldest-sounding language that most Westerners would be able to pick up on, so if you need something to be Ancient, you give it a Biblical-sounding name. Part of it is also because a lot of ancient aliens stuff is just straight up trying to explain the Bible as if it's a Star Trek episode.

Sherman Tank

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304: The Waste From The Mothership #14
Holy shit. I haven't been able to finish this one yet because I felt like I was becoming schizophrenic through osmosis just listening to it.