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Topic: 341: Lucid Dreaming For Horny Reasons  (Read 11975 times)


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341: Lucid Dreaming For Horny Reasons
Sauce Frank West Secret Gaygent 69 Boots Raingear chai tea latte Immoral Filth the ill literate Macho Masc Sangy Savage Salubrious Rex Dr. Buttplug KingKalamari

the ill literate

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341: Lucid Dreaming For Horny Reasons #1
Kumquat was in rare form for this episode but lowkey joke of the episode has to go to Frank West's The Nut Out of Space comment.

Bravo, bravo.
Puppy Time

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341: Lucid Dreaming For Horny Reasons #2
Solid gold episode.

Spider-Man's ballsack flapping in the wind was an incredible reveal.
Great Joe

Shell Game

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341: Lucid Dreaming For Horny Reasons #3
Even in the dreams i control I'm dunked on.
Immoral Filth Seth "Slimy" Rollins Antivehicular adrenochrome dome Dr. Buttplug


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341: Lucid Dreaming For Horny Reasons #4
This episode was ostensibly about lucid dreaming but it's such a perfect encapsulation of Reddit.

I can't decide whether the best part was the fifteen year old whose subconscious consisted entirely of Marvel movies and Funko Pop or Frank West explaining the story of the war between CooldownBot and FuckCooldownBot.
the ill literate Seth "Slimy" Rollins Secret Gaygent 69 Shell Game Antivehicular Great Joe chai tea latte Puppy Time Dr. Buttplug KingKalamari


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341: Lucid Dreaming For Horny Reasons #5
Yeah, this episode is complete purestrain Reddit, and it's amazing. I laughed harder at the PEE IN PANT thread than I have at anything in a while.

I also recommend everyone read the doc, at least for the incredibly Reddit moment of some dude talking about losing his "dream virginity" to some random cartoon character, and some other dude being like AW SHIT NOW I WANNA DO HER
SHAMBA~1.SBB Dr. Buttplug


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341: Lucid Dreaming For Horny Reasons #6
Even in the dreams i control I'm dunked on.
Shell Game, January 08, 2021, 12:15:16 pm

I was struck by how much these people apparently have no control in their 'lucid' dreams, which made me wonder are they just dreaming about lucid dreaming?


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341: Lucid Dreaming For Horny Reasons #7
I think it's more that their subconscious is tattling on them in their own dreams, but they're too busy being oneironauts to unpack "i can't even imagine a girl liking me"
Puppy Time Dr. Buttplug

A Meat

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341: Lucid Dreaming For Horny Reasons #8
It's okay Bunnybread, I liked your attempt at doing a speed racer opening song bit

Puppy Time

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341: Lucid Dreaming For Horny Reasons #9
Don't fuck the Carl hot.

Puppy Time

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341: Lucid Dreaming For Horny Reasons #10
Two observations:

1) I am entertained that nerd culture has so broken these dudes' imaginations that they can't even fuck their waifus in dreams because they get hung up on explaining how it works

2) In a document where redditors talk about their sex fantasies, somehow the funniest thing was the Titanic conspiracy theory
chai tea latte Secret Gaygent 69 Antivehicular adrenochrome dome SHAMBA~1.SBB Dr. Buttplug


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341: Lucid Dreaming For Horny Reasons #11
All of you are fucking idiots it's pretty damn obvious they SIMPLY used Einstein's Time Machine from Red Alert 2 in order to teleport Soviet subs with the sprites palette swapped to German colors in order to sink the Titanic. Yuri was on that boat!!! a dream told me about it, also it was a yuri funko pop

Puppy Time

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341: Lucid Dreaming For Horny Reasons #12

- It's so hard for me to listen to episodes like this about new age culture because I love going "all in" when I discover a new strange thing to experiment with.  Part of my brain says it's funny and then the other part wants to say "but no, lucid dreaming is a real thing, yo."  I don't know if I believe lucid dreaming allows a person to purposefully manifest waifus for having overintellectualized sex with, though.  I think that might just be a Reddit thing.
FantsyPants, January 14, 2021, 10:17:25 am

In theory, lucid dreaming allows a level of control over what's happening, which can go up to waifu sex or whatever, and I've seen people talking about achieving that kind of usage. (I'm assuming at least some of them aren't lying; it doesn't seem particularly farfetched to me.)

I never personally bothered with lucid dreaming, but I'm interested in dreams and how they relate to our minds,* and a lot of the people in this sound like they're just so insecure that they literally can't get over their low self esteem even in their power fantasies.

I kind of wonder if a lot of the lucid dream people have given up on control over their waking lives and are trying to achieve it in dreams because that's the only thing that seems possible to them.  Ironically, that lack of waking control means it's pretty likely they'll never get what they want in dreaming, because it's all about what your mind believes. Your dream self is pretty much never going to be fundamentally different from your waking self.

* The idea of "dream dictionaries" is complete hogwash, but there are a lot of personal symbols and ideas that pop up that can be teased out fairly easily with a little introspection. Also, things like recurring situations can often be a sign that there's something your brain's figured out and is trying to get you to pay attention to, albeit not in a literal sense.


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341: Lucid Dreaming For Horny Reasons #13
* The idea of "dream dictionaries" is complete hogwash, but there are a lot of personal symbols and ideas that pop up that can be teased out fairly easily with a little introspection. Also, things like recurring situations can often be a sign that there's something your brain's figured out and is trying to get you to pay attention to, albeit not in a literal sense.Puppy Time, January 14, 2021, 01:24:11 pm
Yeah, I wouldn't say that my dreams are particularly subtle when they confront me with my insecurities and sources of guilt.

Puppy Time

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341: Lucid Dreaming For Horny Reasons #14
I used to have a lot of dreams where a beloved family member was an insane dick. Then, in therapy, I figured out that this person was just inadvertently low-key abusive a lot of my life and I hadn't really made that connection consciously. 

Once I had that realization, the insane dick dreams stopped.

Most of the time you do not need a lot of symbolism to understand dreams.  And, on the other side of the coin, most stuff in dreams doesn't necessarily have a deeper meaning other than "Your brain is just throwing a bunch of shit around while it's cleaning up. That giraffe just happened to go there for a minute, don't overthink it."
Dr. Buttplug