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Topic: 343: Keeping Cantel Moist  (Read 8852 times)


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343: Keeping Cantel Moist
SHAMBA~1.SBB Shell Game Immoral Filth Salubrious Rex


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343: Keeping Cantel Moist #1


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343: Keeping Cantel Moist #2
when he's right he's right, dropping your baby often has dire consequences

Tipsy Almond

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343: Keeping Cantel Moist #3
Salubrious Rex Zemyla


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343: Keeping Cantel Moist #4
Arc welders wear visors to protect their faces from flying sparks and also to protect their vision from an electric arc powerful enough to melt metal.

Great Joe

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343: Keeping Cantel Moist #5
Arc welders wear visors to protect their faces from flying sparks and also to protect their vision from an electric arc powerful enough to melt metal.
SHAMBA~1.SBB, January 23, 2021, 01:36:49 am
and also to protect their necks from UV, that stuff can mess with your thyroid

A Meat

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343: Keeping Cantel Moist #6
his description of DMT makes more sense if you replace DMT with melatonin, because it's both affected by sunlight, is produced by your own body, and you can just supplement it if you don't have enough, it also lets you commune with god in your dreams if you're into that sort of thing


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343: Keeping Cantel Moist #7
I want to note that Cantelmo’s website used Coolvetica, not Pricedown, as its text font. Don’t blame Lemon for this error. That was all me.
chai tea latte SHAMBA~1.SBB


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343: Keeping Cantel Moist #8
I got very jealous that he got to ride a sting ray and whale shark until I realized it probably wasn't true.


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343: Keeping Cantel Moist #9
This is a fun episode, I love deep-dives into one specific weirdo!


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343: Keeping Cantel Moist #10
I want to note that Cantelmo’s website used Coolvetica, not Pricedown, as its text font. Don’t blame Lemon for this error. That was all me.
Cheapskate, January 23, 2021, 07:36:01 am

He's right. It's Coolvetica.

And it is impossible to read.


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343: Keeping Cantel Moist #11
I've smoked DMT twice and i have no fucking idea what this guy is even talking about
Agent (gobble, gobble) Coop Immoral Filth Tipsy Almond Dr. Buttplug


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343: Keeping Cantel Moist #12
He's right. It's Coolvetica.

And it is impossible to read.
Lemon, January 23, 2021, 12:41:56 pm

You know, I assumed he was using Coolvetica at first because it's one of Typodermic's free fonts so it shows up a lot of places. But no, he's using it hosted off of Adobe Fonts, which means he selected it entirely based on its aesthetics as a font.
chai tea latte

Alpha Starsquatch

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343: Keeping Cantel Moist #13
I forgot how much I enjoy the "focus on a single crazy person" episodes. This dude was a roller coaster ride.
Cradicus chai tea latte

Shame Boi

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343: Keeping Cantel Moist #14
Oh man I love these half-read wikipedia article facts about physics. When he started talking about antimatter moving back in time, I thought to myself "oh man I know exactly what wikipedia article you misinterpreted to come up with that" right before "Feynman" was mentioned at which point I blurted out "HAHA YEP"

It's 100% this one: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/One-electron_universe

It might come as a surprise to you, but Feynman wasn't actually saying antimatter goes back in time and this dude's just an idiot. Feynman merely realized that antimatter can be modeled as normal matter moving backwards in time, due to CPT-symmetry.
Mr. Hunky Academia A Meat chai tea latte Zemyla