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October 22, 2024, 12:54:39 am

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Topic: 405: Confessions In The Raw  (Read 7716 times)


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405: Confessions In The Raw
Salubrious Rex vaMpiresoftWare Vinny Possum


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405: Confessions In The Raw #1
Thank you vampire software
Lumbermouth vaMpiresoftWare Dr. Buttplug


  • The Atomic Unit of Sin
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405: Confessions In The Raw #2
>:( >:( >:(


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405: Confessions In The Raw #3
This is the most divorced forum y'all have ever covered, holy shit

Salubrious Rex

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405: Confessions In The Raw #4
I'm glad to hear Chai Tea Latte on the podcast, it's great to finally have some genuine Australian representation especially after all the awful accents the rest of you have done.
Sauce Lemon chai tea latte Dr. Buttplug Vinny Possum


  • The Atomic Unit of Sin
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405: Confessions In The Raw #5
I’m glad my warning was read because I’m sure I agonized over the word choice. I wanted to avoid needing to list all of the horrible kinds of shit you can find because it really is every single kind of horrible post that is too terrible to be read on the podcast.
GirlKisser420 oscaruglyface


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405: Confessions In The Raw #6
the f plus accent curse has finally reached my homeland...
Lumbermouth Salubrious Rex chai tea latte

Dr. Buttplug

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405: Confessions In The Raw #7
lambast verb

​lambast somebody/something to attack or criticize somebody/something very severely, especially in public

SYNONYM lay into somebody/something

Word Origin
mid 17th cent. (in the sense ‘beat, thrash’): from lam ‘hit hard’ + baste ‘thrash’. The current sense dates from the late 19th cent.

Vinny Possum

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405: Confessions In The Raw #8
I really enjoy the cackling incel version of Philip K. Dick
Immoral Filth


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405: Confessions In The Raw #9
I think the lambasted-by-Mom poster is the water-weighing/"sister pulled her hair into a ponytail but not really" copypasta poster all grown up
thelizzerd sea hag