Really the way Eva describes Hamish's behavior reminds me of people who over-anthropomorphize their pets' thoughts for fun. You know, the kind of thing where you'll see a video of a cat thinking its owner has vanished and it'll be captioned something like "hooman? Where has hooman gone? What is this sorceeerrryyyy???" or a flailing dog getting groomed and it'll be dubbed "what are you doing?! I wish a curse upon your children and your children's children!! I shall slay this weird water-monster you have presented to me!! Bork bork bork!" etc. etc.
This makes it feel weirder to me because while the "dangerous, controlling monster boyfriend" archetype is definitely A Thing in fantasy romance, rarely is it combined with this sort of cutesy-wutesy "oh, Rover is so confused by this toy robot that lights up and spins around" angle. Hamish is an all-powerful dragon but his controlling behavior is portrayed as being as adorably harmless as a particularly feisty kitten, and that's... uh, weird. It's weird that he has the brain of a pet on Instagram, and it's weird that it's coupled with all of this talk of how dashing and worshipped he is.
Also everyone definitely needs to see
the gallery, which takes forever to load but trust me, it is most certainly worth it.
OF NOTE IN THE GALLERY: Hamish's design changes quite a bit and this is explained as him being something of a shapeshifter. How convenient. The weird head shape intrigued me but again, I'm pretty sure this is just supposed to be Toothless.
The "Dinosaur" creature is undoubtedly based in part on the "dinosauroid" that served as an entirely theoretical evolution of dromaeosaurids, had they become a sapient race akin to humans. This was never a serious scientific theory and was only presented by paleontologist Dale Russel as a kind of "hey, what if?" scenario, and yet this damned creature shows up in SO MANY kook posts about "real life reptilian aliens". THEY'RE NOT EVEN REPTILES! IT'S A DINOSAUR-MAN! MADE FOR FUN!
Similarly, this is not the first time (and most certainly won't be the last) I've seen Jurassic Park dinosaur bodies presented as "real astral dragons/dinosaurs". Jurassic Park's concept artists drew from what science knew about theropods at the time, but we've learned a ton since then, and JP's raptors have proven to not be all that accurate. And yet when people talk about interdimensional dino-dragon-beasts that totally exist for realsies, wouldn't you know it! They tend to have bodies that closely resemble those of the raptors in the 1993 Hollywood movie Jurassic Park. Wow, who would have known that those production artists would have missed the mark on actual dromaeosaurid anatomy, but absolutely nailed the look of hundreds of species of space-faring, magical draconic beings that can communicate on different planes of reality and especially enjoy talking to lonely human nerds! They should win some kind of award for such a fantastic discovery, I think.