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Topic: Movies We've Seen Recently  (Read 215514 times)


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Movies We've Seen Recently #720
by good fortune i am in australia and as thus can go to the cinema more or less freely due to 0 community transmissions in months. most recently (in cinema) i've seen Mortal Kombat, Godzilla vs Kong, Cosmic Sin and Monster Hunter also i went to a showing of Blade Runner when we were still in semi-lockdown
Megacrex inepta, April 26, 2021, 09:27:17 am

I moved from Queensland to the south east of England in 2016. I got here then a few months later we voted to leave the EU, then got Boris in, and now we have the shit show that is our covid response. If it weren't for developments in my private life I'd be really regretting moving.

On topic I really want to see Mortal Kombat but can't in the UK as there's been no release set, same for the terrible monster hunter movie I also want to see. I did however see Palm Springs recently and enjoyed that a fair bit. Reasonably funny and I can't not watch a time travel film.

accepting change

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Movies We've Seen Recently #721
Honestly? Monster Hunter was fine. I don't know anything about the source material other than the basics. Maybe my standards have slipped a bit because of covid but out of the films i've watched recently, i haven't had any really bad ones. I've also been to private screenings of Body Melt (an australian's body horror type thing from the 90s) that was great, Psycho Goreman (fantastic), and a couple of older godzilla films (these served as a great reminder before seeing Godzilla vs Kong that the godzilla franchise has always had completely outlandish technology and things like aliens, time travel and mind control)

edit:  cosmic sin was amazingly bad but has also led me down this weird rabbit hole trying to work out who owns the production company 308 ent and where the funding comes from because its completely bizarre that they keep putting out extremely shitty movies (e.g. Gotti) with reasonably big stars, though perhaps past their prime like Bruce Willis, Pierce Brosnan, Russell Crowe, Gerard Butle etc.


the social media buttons at the bottom of this page don't work, and its not just because they haven't been linked. 308 ent has no social media presence at all and also no wikipedia page. One of the things that link a lot of the movies together is that they co-star Corey Large or his cousin Kieran Large. Corey Large also is the producer and screenwriter for a lot of these films so it almost seems as if he funds these films just so he can hang out with the main star?

Corey Large's character in Cosmic Sin is never fully introduced. He's just hanging out with Bruce Willis' character in a 500-years in the future dive bar and joins in on the mission even though its never explained why or whether he has any sort of military experience.
« Last Edit: April 27, 2021, 10:01:34 am by Megacrex inepta »


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Movies We've Seen Recently #722
I watched Body Melt for Halloween last year, it's an amazing movie, worth watching.

Agent (gobble, gobble) Coop

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moooo566 (taylor's version)

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Movies We've Seen Recently #724
The cinemas are open and fuck all is releasing so I watched Mortal Kombat.

It's extremely faithful to the games, in that it's dumb as hell but in a very entertaining way. The story is nonsense (although it doesn't line up with canon, for the purists), the dialogue flits from eye-rolling to comic every other line, the fatalities are rad and the blood is excessive.

10/10, but play a mortal kombat game first so you can go "haha, that stupid shit he's doing is the thing from the game!!"
Agent (gobble, gobble) Coop

Dr. Buttplug

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Movies We've Seen Recently #725
We've all got our shots, so I had dinner with my parents then we sat down and watched A Quiet Place. It's spooky thrilling and you can watch it with your parents.


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Movies We've Seen Recently #726
Cruella sucks, but it sucks in a way that's way more complicated than "funny dog kick mom off a cliff".

For instance, it's not a movie about why she hates dogs. Cruella de Vil doesn't hate dogs. She has a dog who's been her friend since she was a child. She does kidnap the Dalmatians that killed her mom, because one of them ate her mom's family heirloom necklace, but by the end of the movie, she's won the trust of the Dalmatians and they're her pets now.

Or, for instance, the movie turns the name "Cruella" into a deadname metaphor. See, when she was mean as a child, her mother told her "You're Estella, not Cruella," so Cruella spends the first half of the movie trying to make her mother proud by repressing her "Cruella" side. But then she learns that her actual birth mother is an evil narcissistic fashion designer. This is presented as the reason why Cruella has an evil narcissistic side, and why she's a good fashion designer: because she inherited talent, narcissism, and evil from her birth mother. Her foster mother was therefore wrong to try to change her. She decides she's never 'really' been Estella, and she is now Cruiella. The movie even ends with a funeral after "Estella" fakes her death and she has completely adopted being Cruella.

Or, for instance, the whole thing is a seventies period piece, ostensibly set before the plot of the original movie. The original movie came out in the sixties.  There was a live-action remake of the movie made in the 90's (and set in the nineties; Roger Darling was a video game developer instead of a pianist) starring Glen Close, who has an executive producer credit on this movie. But there is also a Roger Darling in this movie, who is a lawyer who gets fired and becomes a pianist so that the post-credits scene can be him doing one verse of the Cruella de Vil song. So it's not connected in continuity to either of the 101 Dalmatians movies.

Also, while the movie has a lot to say about classism, it features zero racism, in a high fashion setting in London in the seventies. It is conspicuous and deliberate about putting non-white actors in visible roles, which normally I have no problem with, but at the same time it's hitting the '70's period piece' thing as hard as possible. So it ends up feeling like a weird sort of historical revisionism where they wanted the "realism" of setting this in an identifiable location and time period, but dealing with seventies-era British racism was uncomfortable so they just skipped it entirely.

Also the character that was touted as the first openly gay character in a Disney movie (that's a live action prequel of an animated Disney feature) is a camp gay stereotype named Art ("as in, Work Of," he explains) who owns a twee thrift shop, wears asymmetrical eyeliner, bonds with Cruella over fashion show trivia, and is on screen for approximately 5 minutes. I don't recall them ever bringing up that he's gay. In his last scene he has zero lines and mostly stands around in the back of the shot looking confused.

Despite all of this, it's still okay. You can watch it and it'll amuse you for two hours, it just has very little in the way of substance and as soon as you start digging it's just Disney-brand narrative rot. Anything that one could get out of it you could just as easily get by watching The Devil Wears Prada, Sweeny Todd, and dealer's choice of Wachowski movies back-to-back, and then you'd have watched three good movies instead of one mediocre one.

As best I can tell, the movie is directly aimed at teenage theater kids, so if you're not currently in your high school's drama club, there's not much for you in there. It's wall to wall high camp melodrama that's utterly toothless because its most coherent message ("classism bad") is undercut by Cruella turning out to have been a temporarily embarrassed aristocrat.
RoeCocoa chai tea latte

Dr. Buttplug

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Movies We've Seen Recently #727
Movie binge weekend roundup

The Hateful Eight Not as good as Django Unchained, but better than Once Upon a Time In Hollywood.

Stargate more 90s special effects and camp than I might have expected. If that's what you're looking for though, it's amongst the best.

Parasite lots of smarter people have said smarter things than I am capable of saying about this movie, but I must concur, it is very very good.

Nightcrawler the second half of my accidental fuck capitalism double feature. Jake Gyllenhaal puts on a stellar performance of a criminally disturbing redditor. The tension, cinematography and pacing kept me engaged even as things got more and more disgusting.

Predator classic action flick, still holds up. For me it's sort of a tradition to watch it and/or Independence Day on the 4th.

Predator 2 never saw it before yesterday. I don't know that it ever held up, but it definitely slaps you in the face with ten varieties of casual 90s racism within the first five minutes. It's almost a marvel to behold. I expected some Verhoevian twist, like it turns out it's a predator simulation of 90s LA or a corny tv show, but nope. It was worth sticking through to the end to see the inclusion of whacky predator weapons to sell toys, and watch Danny Glover and Gary Busey chew the scenery together.

Bad Lieutenant: Port of Call New Orleans The highlight of my weekend, bonkers ass Nicholas Cage performance, might have been more fun to riff on with friends, but still, very very fun. A top quality good bad movie.
« Last Edit: July 05, 2021, 11:14:14 am by Dr. Buttplug »

One Of The Crappy Pokemon That Nobody Likes

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Movies We've Seen Recently #728
Toast and I just finished watching the new Space Jam. I am prepared to make a chart contrasting and comparing it to the original.

Both movies are not what I would call "good," let me be clear on that. It's just that they're bad in ways that reflect the eras they were made in, and that's kind of interesting to see.
Macho Masc Sangy Savage RoeCocoa Achilles' Heelies Shell Game

chai tea latte

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Movies We've Seen Recently #729
Capsule reviews for the past couple months. For the first time since the pandemic began, I've begun seeing movies in the theatres again. It's a surreal experience and one that I deeply enjoy, even wearing an N95 and taking it off to drink soda and putting it back on again.

Aguirre, der Zorn Gottes I watched (again) because I was high as shit and wanted a movie I could just visually experience. Aguirre, which is Werner Herzog's first movie (and filled with legends of its production; the madman Klaus Kinski pulled a gun on Herzog once, Herzog stole the video camera he filmed this on, Herzog's instant awareness that Kinski had to star in the film, Herzog writing the entire film on a two day bus trip while drunk), is stunning beautiful. It has several scenes that will never leave me. the boat in the treetops, the horse on the raft, the death of the Kaiser, and the final scene. The music, by longtime Herzog collaborator Popol Vuh, is as much a part of the cinematic experience as are the images. Anything else I could possibly say about this film would be better said by its opening shots:

Carol was my third or fourth watch. This time I focused on, and was blown away by, Cate Blanchett's face and everything she uses it to do, as an actor. What a masterpiece. 5/5

Portrait of a Lady on Fire is ALSO a masterpiece. Third watch as well. I streamed this for Sanguinary Novel and some other folks and it was so amazing. what is there to say about this film i haven't before, that wouldn't be trite and fake and weak? It has a miniscule cast of four women (and that's IT), the most ambitious sound design I've ever seen in a romance, and manages to take the gulf of centuries between us, now, and its setting, and translate that into an emotional gulf between its two leads. 11/10, I nearly got a scene from this movie tattooed onto me last year.

Pig is theatres-only, stars Nic Cage in a rare earnest, stripped-down dramatic role, and is VERY good and WILL make you cry. The movie's use of silence is incredible and is something you will be thinking about for days after. 4/5, maybe 4.5/5.

Fast 9:

Bo Burnham's "Inside": I'm discounting the recommendations of a lot of people I know who liked this for the rest of time. sophomoric garbage, and i'm supposed to be impressed that he "did it himself"? buddy you could actually go outside. the whole time. i don't know if anyone told bo burnham this but presumably he could have gone to the film supplies store and picked up those lights in person. He just would've had to wear a mask. The jokes are not funny, there is one good song (the one everyone's hearing on the radio), the sequence with him talking to the sock puppet is ATROCIOUS (I can not believe that this is allegedly "the best part"), and I spent more time laughing at M. Burnham than with him. 2/5
jim and the mammograms

moooo566 (taylor's version)

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Movies We've Seen Recently #730
Free Guy is a film by someone who's knowledge of computer games comes from a 2007 issue of PCGamer clip with a feature entitled The Future Of Gaming. So much of it was stupid and bad I had trouble enjoying the bits that weren't, and I am not a difficult man to please.

Taika Waititi as the villain was the main redeeming feature, he owns.
Immoral Filth

chai tea latte

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Movies We've Seen Recently #731
Intouchables (french, on netflix) stars Omar Sy before he starred in Lupin. It's a classic feeling euro comedy about a tetraplegic rich guy and the unlikely friendship Omar Sy builds with him as his body-man/driver/pembantuan. The movie is very Euro comedy; a collection of vignettes, each with a wry ending, but which build a cohesive and quite beautiful story about two men who become friends. About two thirds of the way into the movie Omar Sy puts on a tuxedo and dances and it's INCREDIBLY fucking sexy. i'm heterosexual now that's how hot it was. I laughed many times at the movie, in particular at the closing scenes (you can always trust the French to make a good Hitler joke). 4/5

Another Round ('Druk', danish, 2021) stars Mad Mikkelson as a high school teacher (he's REALLY FUCKING GOOD IN IT, too, even stronger than in Hannibal) who, along with several colleagues, decides to be drunk at work constantly to see if it makes them better teachers. It does, at first, and then things collapse spectacularly in a way that I can't even hint at because it's so organic and beautiful. If you have an opportunity to rent this one during some kind of festival type situation I encourage you to do so. Also very funny and poignant. Sad. 4/5

I finally caught The Green Knight in theatres and I have to say that it is a masterpiece. There are so many shots from this film that will live in my head forever. I was very surprised that we actually got to see some cum on the big screen - try to see it in theatres for this alone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! An ambitious decision delivered on really well. If you appreciate beautiful imagery, and don't mind a slower or weirder movie than the average blockbuster (it really IS the weird ambiguous 600 year old poem, and that's it, man) I strongly encourage you to catch COVID-19 seeing this at your local theatre. 5/5.
Macho Masc Sangy Savage Salubrious Rex Great Joe jim and the mammograms Dr. Buttplug
« Last Edit: October 29, 2021, 01:30:39 am by chai tea latte »


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Movies We've Seen Recently #732
Dune (2021) was a real treat on the eyes, kinda like Bladerunner 2049 was.  I would've been fine sitting there for another two and a half hours watching part two.

chai tea latte

chai tea latte

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Movies We've Seen Recently #733
capsule reviews

47 Ronin (2013)
This is Keanu's action debut, which i never watched way back when because, uh, as I recall, "this sounds stupid". Imagine my pleasant surprise to find out that not only is it stupid, it's also great. Keanu plays a "half-breed" (this is the word the movie uses, constantly) swordsman favoured by the princess, who , because of his race and class(half-peasant, half-English sailor) (but also human, raised by demons in a bamboo forest of ghosts) is consigned to the maximum allowed respect to someone of his caste (almost none) in palace life.

Anyway, forget all that, because there's Sengoku/Warring States Period intrigue, tons of magic and spirits and so on, and Keanu Reeves' action debut/ inflection point between Bill and Ted and John Wick. The action choreography is better than competent, better than current standard Hollywood, but worse than an average samurai film. The story is plotted adeptly and hits some great genre high points; this is a movie that knows it is stupid and knows it is genre schlock but wants you to enjoy it as a spectacle.

Also, they do Japanese MacBeth, and no, I don't mean Throne of Blood (1957). 3.5 stars.

DUNE (2021)
none of my friends will see this with me so i haven't seen it yet. i'm so fucking pissed off. this isn't a review but i'll have one soon

Scream (1996)
for whatever reason I never saw any of the Scream movies. as a teen obviously i DID see 'scary movie' so it was cool to be like, oh , this movie is clearly what scary movie just, was, the entire time . but what I didn't expect was to be so delighted by the movie's playfulness and willingness to acknowledge horror as a genre, horror films that you the viewer have seen, and a sort of metatextual reconfiguration of, oh, whatever whatever, hey man go fuck yourself if you want critical monster cockysis, this is just good clean slasher fun. 4 stars
jim and the mammograms

Macho Masc Sangy Savage

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Movies We've Seen Recently #734

DUNE (2021)
none of my friends will see this with me so i haven't seen it yet. i'm so fucking pissed off. this isn't a review but i'll have one soon

chai tea latte, October 29, 2021, 12:14:48 am

Your friends are spoilsport cowards
lazzer grardaion? chai tea latte