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Topic: Movies We've Seen Recently  (Read 215742 times)


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Movies We've Seen Recently #240
Mad Max: Fury Road is as excellent as the reviews suggest. The best action movie since Dredd. It is a lot better than Dredd. There is a guy who's thing, the entire movie is to stand on an amp rack with wheels with backing drummers and play a flamethrowing guitar whilst attached to the vehicle with bungie cords.
MISANDRY CANNON, May 19, 2015, 01:59:21 am

I really wanna watch it, especially since it seems to annoy the fuck out of MRA's.
Ambious, May 19, 2015, 07:08:26 am

What amuses me is there's screaming on both sides.  The MRAs, yes, but also Tumblrinas.  It's really easy to avoid spoilers on Tumblr because everything's plastered with TRIGGER WARNING TRIGGER WARNING TRIGGER WARNING.

chai tea latte

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Movies We've Seen Recently #241
What amuses me is there's screaming on both sides.  The MRAs, yes, but also Tumblrinas.  It's really easy to avoid spoilers on Tumblr because everything's plastered with TRIGGER WARNING TRIGGER WARNING TRIGGER WARNING.
memorylikeasieve, May 25, 2015, 05:29:51 pm
Here’s the problem with loving movies and the politics within them: you accidentally end up in movie debates with people who aren’t actually into movies. I’ve noticed a new wave of editorialists who seem to watch movies only to find something wrong with the politics. They zero in on their pet issue, which I’m all for. A great movie like FURY ROAD, or even a not-so great one like, let’s say THE GINGERDEAD MAN or something, is worth looking at from a million different angles. But too many of these anglers seem to have a poor understanding of how storytelling works, of metaphor, of larger cinematic history, the context of the genre or the filmmaker’s larger body of work, or just of the joy of watching movies. They mistake satire for sincerity and depiction for endorsement (call it WOLF OF WALL STREET Syndrome) and I feel like they’re cherry-picking evidence more than discovering a truth. Their often well-intentioned points about race or gender or whatever do more harm than good, because they promote this idea that people who care about those issues are joyless prigs who just look for something to be outraged by and don’t know what the fuck they’re talking about.Quote from


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Movies We've Seen Recently #242
What amuses me is there's screaming on both sides.  The MRAs, yes, but also Tumblrinas.  It's really easy to avoid spoilers on Tumblr because everything's plastered with TRIGGER WARNING TRIGGER WARNING TRIGGER WARNING.
memorylikeasieve, May 25, 2015, 05:29:51 pm
Here’s the problem with loving movies and the politics within them: you accidentally end up in movie debates with people who aren’t actually into movies. I’ve noticed a new wave of editorialists who seem to watch movies only to find something wrong with the politics. They zero in on their pet issue, which I’m all for. A great movie like FURY ROAD, or even a not-so great one like, let’s say THE GINGERDEAD MAN or something, is worth looking at from a million different angles. But too many of these anglers seem to have a poor understanding of how storytelling works, of metaphor, of larger cinematic history, the context of the genre or the filmmaker’s larger body of work, or just of the joy of watching movies. They mistake satire for sincerity and depiction for endorsement (call it WOLF OF WALL STREET Syndrome) and I feel like they’re cherry-picking evidence more than discovering a truth. Their often well-intentioned points about race or gender or whatever do more harm than good, because they promote this idea that people who care about those issues are joyless prigs who just look for something to be outraged by and don’t know what the fuck they’re talking about.Quote from
chai tea latte, May 25, 2015, 07:52:16 pm

^^^  This is a thing of beauty.  Seriously.

Also, I had to hunt up a Google cache of this site because it was... missing... I think... (I'm not very computer literate) but it was worth it.


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Movies We've Seen Recently #243
I saw Luc Besson's "The Family". Some of it worked. Some of it didn't. But Michelle Pfeiffer going apeshit with a propane canister on a snooty French man and his stupid little grocery definitely worked.


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Movies We've Seen Recently #244
Ex-Machine, while well-made, was mostly 'bleh'.
It's not the ground-breaking thought-provoking movie I was promised it was.
It asked all the regular questions you'd expect a movie about AI to ask, without REALLY posing any new ones or answering any of the old ones.
If anything... a lot of it seemed stupid. You'd think a person smart enough to create an AI would be smart enough to program it not to want to escape, and of course smart enough not to provoke it to do so just for kicks. He really didn't need whatshisname there, it all seemed kinda pointless.


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Movies We've Seen Recently #245
What amuses me is there's screaming on both sides.  The MRAs, yes, but also Tumblrinas.  It's really easy to avoid spoilers on Tumblr because everything's plastered with TRIGGER WARNING TRIGGER WARNING TRIGGER WARNING.
memorylikeasieve, May 25, 2015, 05:29:51 pm
Here’s the problem with loving movies and the politics within them: you accidentally end up in movie debates with people who aren’t actually into movies. I’ve noticed a new wave of editorialists who seem to watch movies only to find something wrong with the politics. They zero in on their pet issue, which I’m all for. A great movie like FURY ROAD, or even a not-so great one like, let’s say THE GINGERDEAD MAN or something, is worth looking at from a million different angles. But too many of these anglers seem to have a poor understanding of how storytelling works, of metaphor, of larger cinematic history, the context of the genre or the filmmaker’s larger body of work, or just of the joy of watching movies. They mistake satire for sincerity and depiction for endorsement (call it WOLF OF WALL STREET Syndrome) and I feel like they’re cherry-picking evidence more than discovering a truth. Their often well-intentioned points about race or gender or whatever do more harm than good, because they promote this idea that people who care about those issues are joyless prigs who just look for something to be outraged by and don’t know what the fuck they’re talking about.Quote from
chai tea latte, May 25, 2015, 07:52:16 pm


Nikaer Drekin

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Movies We've Seen Recently #246
I just saw it today and can confirm it's terrific. Movie of the year so far for me, though there's still a LOT of contenders coming up (Inside Out, Crimson Peak, The Hateful Eight, Star Wars).

It's also hilarious that MRAs hate it because that implies that they're taking issue with the idea that "it's bad for women to be baby-slaves, and also maybe they should do things in movies." I don't know how you can argue against that and not be totally batshit.


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Movies We've Seen Recently #247
At least two separate points in that rant are factually wrong about the movie, but this is the more funny wrong one.

The perceived uselessness of old, infertile women (hags, crones, witches!) is a sexist trope that’s old as dirt, and its prominence here is beyond repulsive.


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Movies We've Seen Recently #248
It's also worth mentioning that the first 30 minutes of Mad Max​: Fury Road are basically a live action interpretation of every Heavy Metal album ever created - combined!
It's fucking glorious.


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Movies We've Seen Recently #249
While I liked it a fair bit I feel like I was slightly annoyed about a few things. Firstly why does Max sound American? Secondly why are most of the cars left hand drive with speedos in mph? If you can look past those things, and really the fact that they annoy me maybe says more about me than the film itself, then it's definitely worth the time.
Blandest, May 25, 2015, 07:10:12 am

the electric guitar/flamethrower prop was built for the movie and is fully functional
chai tea latte, May 25, 2015, 11:07:53 am

I seriously can't stress enough how awesome that thing is


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Movies We've Seen Recently #250
I saw Jurassic World.  It's real fucking bad

Nikaer Drekin

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Movies We've Seen Recently #251
I saw Inside Out last night. It was so good, Pixar's best film since Up.


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Movies We've Seen Recently #252
I saw Inside Out last night. It was so good, Pixar's best film since Up.
Nikaer Drekin, June 21, 2015, 09:08:10 am

I thought it was pretty close to being a perfect film, honestly. Superb visuals, a beautifully written story, and really one of the most creative ideas I've seen in a long time. Honestly, the only other Pixar movie I put just above it is Toy Story 3, but I'm sure part of that was me being at just the right age for it (20s, in college).

On a related note, I really have to give mad props to the guys who made the short that was shown before the film, because they got me all misty-eyed over a fucking volcano.


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Movies We've Seen Recently #253
I saw Inside Out last night. It was so good, Pixar's best film since Up.
Nikaer Drekin, June 21, 2015, 09:08:10 am

I thought it was pretty close to being a perfect film, honestly. Superb visuals, a beautifully written story, and really one of the most creative ideas I've seen in a long time. Honestly, the only other Pixar movie I put just above it is Toy Story 3, but I'm sure part of that was me being at just the right age for it (20s, in college).

On a related note, I really have to give mad props to the guys who made the short that was shown before the film, because they got me all misty-eyed over a fucking volcano.
Locclo, June 22, 2015, 02:17:49 am

Aside from one plot hole, (During the scene where they introduce the gum commercial running gag, one of the workers sends a memory straight to HQ via pneumatic tube. Why didn't Joy just return the core memories that way? Even if she needed to be there to use them, at least it would have freed up her hands.) Inside Out was a great movie. Even the marketing was top notch, considering how little of the actual story the trailers revealed.


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Movies We've Seen Recently #254
I saw the Blumhouse film, The Gallows.  It's extremely mediocre.  It was okay until the last ten minutes which fucking sucked a whole lot
