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Topic: This Is My Elected Official  (Read 24544 times)


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This Is My Elected Official #15
I think earlier in the thread I might have said a couple nice things about Keith Ellison, things which I will now take back, because I learned the following news.

Keith Ellison is a nazi.

Of course, the above statement is only true if (and only if) FrontPageMag.com is a reputable news source. Which, I'm pretty sure it is. Here's the article, decide for yourself.

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This Is My Elected Official #16
no lie, I read Front Page clip on and off for about a year or so when a friend signed me up for an email subscription as a joke. It was always utterly terrible and would probably be a good 3:2 ratio of "news" to infomercial-type-shit (they were always promoting these scam-sounding language tapes, the name of which I honestly can't remember, and every week there was a new get-rich-quick stock being pumped). They, and this was the biggest deal for me, genuinely hate brown people, muslims and feminism (also probably women). Before FPM I guess I hadn't really internalized that there were parts of american political discourse where it wasn't just anger but genuine foaming-at-the-mouth hatred for minorities.

two ones i remember thinking were exemplary:



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This Is My Elected Official #17
This is my favorite, an article how the JFK conspiracy theory IS the conspiracy.


The real Kennedy conspiracy was an effort to suppress the basic truths of what had happened and to replace them with a recursive loop of conspiracy theories that could never resolve anything while convincing everyone that the basic truths of what happened could be safely ignored.

The conspiracy did not cover up the work of the secret organization that killed JFK, but the secret organizations of the left whose ideas led to his murder. The real JFK conspiracy concealed the deeper secret that the left is destructive and that its ideas carry a dark wind of violence.


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This Is My Elected Official #18
Well shit, looks like I have to move to Seattle now.


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This Is My Elected Official #19
Well shit, looks like I have to move to Seattle now.
Runic, November 22, 2013, 03:50:49 pm

This is pretty great. She has a lot of energy and aggression and I hope she gives them hell.


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This Is My Elected Official #20

(from here.)


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This Is My Elected Official #21
We recently had a state election in Queensland and one of the people running, the incumbent MP for my district, was asked at a meeting about a conflict of interest he had with some development project that he sat on the board for and could also be partially responsible for the approval of if elected. After a moment of silence this was his response

He won his seat back easily.