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September 20, 2024, 08:50:39 pm

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Topic: What's up with your username?  (Read 165172 times)

positive stress

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What's up with your username? #195
You've set a high bar for yourself with your first ballpit post


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What's up with your username? #196
Thus was the title "Turbo Sexaphonic Delight" born.

Welcome to the forum.
Emperor Jack Chick Bodark Sherman Tank Nifty Nif znarf Maxine Headroom Quark-Antiquark

Pie Rogue

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What's up with your username? #197
My phone once auto-corrected "pierogies" to "pie rogues".  I also  like to bake, so it kinda fits.
Agent (gobble, gobble) Coop Dr. Buttplug Gyro Really_Quite_Nice


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What's up with your username? #198
My username is based on Arnold Schwarzenegger's pronunciation of "Jamie" in Jingle All The Way. I don't know why I chose it as a username.

A Dork Heathen

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What's up with your username? #199
I'm a dork who practices the pre-Christian religion of Northern Europe called Heathenry.  Pretty simple.


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What's up with your username? #200
I've never had a nickname, so it is my name backwards. 

I used to have another name back in the early 2000s for action figure and action figure customization websites, feralwolf or feralwolf72.  I even used it as an xbox 360 handle to play the fighting games.  Then people started asking me if I was a furry about 2 years ago, so that had to stop.


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What's up with your username? #201
My phone once auto-corrected "pierogies" to "pie rogues".  I also  like to bake, so it kinda fits.
Pie Rogue, July 10, 2016, 12:05:05 am

Nice pun. Also, props on the manul avatar, for it is grumpy and cute.


  • My name is Quark and I'm here to say, no one cares in a major way
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What's up with your username? #202
Basically, if it wasn't super obvious already, I'm a huge physics nerd. After many years of using my first name followed by 412 as a username, I decided I wanted something original and that was probably never taken. I had just started reading about quantum mechanics (I really don't want to sound pretentious while writing this), antiparticles and annihilation, and decided that Quark-Antiquark sounded pretty cool.

Eider Duck

  • Eats nothing but mussels
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What's up with your username? #203
I like ducks, and birds in general.

I also grew up near a massive colony of Eider Ducks, so I'm familiar with them and the amusing noises the males make when courting.
Yavuz Maxine Headroom

Dr. Buttplug

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What's up with your username? #204
And a hardy welcome to ye!
Eider Duck Maxine Headroom

Vocal Minority

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What's up with your username? #205
It goes all the way back to my days on the Xbox. When I was creating my account, I was given a few pre generated names to choose from. One was vocal flood man, and for some reason I chose it. Over the years it eventual shortened to Vocal Flood and then just Vocal, this became my name for all my online profiles.  Then one day I decided I needed more personality to my name. I thought of different phrases that Vocal would be a part of. I checked to see if Vocal Minority was available, It was, I took it, and the rest is history.


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What's up with your username? #206
I unashamedly stole mine from that one WikiHow episode.

I also identify as CourtesyPeekin. My accepted pronouns are: pee, and peeself.
Sherman Tank Lemon Ragnarok Boobies


  • Made of tea, science, art, and dragons.
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What's up with your username? #207
What else -- a conlang I tried to write when I was in my teens. It sucked, but hey, this was one of the words that I liked and stuck with me. x3;

Liatai is the feminine form of the noun "liata," plural "liatae," roughly meaning "one who creates," more specifically meaning "one who makes something new from pieces of the old." For example, a carpenter could be a liata if he makes a chair, but if a different guy puts a decorative carving on it, the carver's not a liata as it applies to the chair. Together they could be the chair's liatae, but that depends on local use of the word. x3;

It was more often used in the context of artists, writers, and musicians. Someone who copies a work of art, repeats someone else's story, or sings someone else's song is still important, and there would be another word for them meaning something like "performer" or "one who displays the work of others," but they wouldn't be liatae. A woman who writes songs would be a liatai. Same for a woman who paints original works, tattoos her own designs, or comes up with new stories.

I've been writing, drawing, and coming up with worlds for as long as I can remember, so... when it came time to pick an internet handle, my mind went back to Liatai. ^^;
Gyro Ashto Nifty Nif Ragnarok Boobies Really_Quite_Nice

Nifty Nif

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What's up with your username? #208
This isn't even my username but I just found out what a Sherman tank is and now I'm disappointed that it's a WWII allied unit and not Aaron Tank's sibling, or something.
Agent (gobble, gobble) Coop positive stress chai tea latte Bodark Really_Quite_Nice A Whirring Bone-White Gleech

nuffkins, of all people,

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What's up with your username? #209
I visited family a few years ago and bought my then 6y/o cousins a fancy sock puppet sheep. They called it Nuffkins, which I stole because I can't name things for shit.

The original Nuffkins is probably in a box in their parents' basement now. I'm Nuffkins now, motherfucker.
Ragnarok Boobies