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Topic: Episodes you found hard to get through  (Read 35207 times)


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Episodes you found hard to get through #15
Dickbugs for sure. I am far from an insectophobe but that one is nearly impossible to deal with. It took me about three hours to get through that episode the first time.  I've relistened to it only a few times since then, but only once have I relistened to the last story, because as hilarious as the ridiculists are, maggots... in there... ugh.

A few stories in the other episodes are borderline difficult to listen to but are saved by absurdity, like the sock transformation one. Ewww sweaty feet and incest and bizarre child abuse.

Lou Reads is a lot worse though. I made it through the recent Return to Pozworld episode, even the part about urinal drinking, but the recent one about... um... butt abuse was so horrible. I made the mistake of trying to listen to it at work and at one point dropped all the stuff I was carrying in horror at one particular turn of phrase (don't remember what it was, don't want to go back and find out). I got a little over 10 minutes into that before I stopped, deleted the episode and considered reformatting my iPod. The one with the forum where people fantasize about torturing and killing women was another one I couldn't finish.


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Episodes you found hard to get through #16
I've listened to dickbugs three times, purposely.

I have yet to finish the childfree episode or start the unschooling episode.


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Episodes you found hard to get through #17
I haven't listened to the dickbugs episode a second time because of the rotten pizza segment. Well, most of it, but that was the part that was hardest for me to get through- apparently decay is way nastier to me than insects. THAT SAID the other episodes I have the most trouble with are the secondhand nerd embarrassment ones- the TVtropes episode, the waifu episode, the NaNo episode, and the Escapist forum episode in particular. They're funny, but I cringe for knowing what those people are talking about and for having known/knowing those exact sorts of people.

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Episodes you found hard to get through #18
I found adult babies to be grosser than dick bugs. If it weren't for Bunnybread's stellar performance I wouldn't revisit that ep too often.

The only ep I have a hard time listening to is Conservapedia, because I can't stand conservative BS and ignorance (same reason I can't watch a FOX News). I think it's from knowing that people who believe in that stuff have real power in this world, and so many people suffer for it.


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Episodes you found hard to get through #19
I have yet to make it all the way through the Fat Acceptance episode. Fat jokes make me very uncomfortable for a variety of reasons, so every time I try, I manage about five to ten minutes and then have to stop again. 

The Cosplay episode took me two or three tries because I was getting secondhand embarrassment for my teenage self.

For some reason the stuffed animals one pinged my "making fun of people with developmental issues" button in a way that made me nearly turn off the episode too, and I'm not sure why.

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Episodes you found hard to get through #20
I have yet to make it all the way through the Fat Acceptance episode. Fat jokes make me very uncomfortable for a variety of reasons, so every time I try, I manage about five to ten minutes and then have to stop again. 
sherlockian, May 06, 2014, 12:30:13 pm

Why do they make you uncomfortable? These people only have themselves to blame.

Mister Smalls

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Episodes you found hard to get through #21
Why do they make you uncomfortable? These people only have themselves to blame.
Aevi, May 06, 2014, 01:50:43 pm

Hey man, some people just have health issues that make them rapidly gain weight or make them unable to lose it.

The funny thing about the fat acceptance episode - to me, at least - isn't "oh these people are fat, ha ha", it's that they present this front of being socially and culturally oppressed because of their weight, because feigned outrage is easier than just owning up to the fact that they're uncomfortable with themselves.  (As a person with weight issues, I won't deny it can be tough, but come on.  Go listen to the fat acceptance episode and tell me that some of those people aren't fucking delusional.)
« Last Edit: May 06, 2014, 03:12:34 pm by Mister Smalls »


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Episodes you found hard to get through #22
Why do they make you uncomfortable? These people only have themselves to blame.
Aevi, May 06, 2014, 01:50:43 pm

Because cultural judgement of fat people as lazy and unlovable is actively harmful-- fat people are less likely to be hired, more likely to be paid less, and basically every fat person I know has had to work through the culturally imposed feeling of isolation and unlovability that comes when something that you physically are (due to diet, genetics, health or environment) is used as a shorthand for "hideous selfish moocher".

Basically, because fat jokes do nothing but shame people for something that is often outside their control, and reinforces social stigma which, in turn, actually causes greater health problems.

So I can't get through the fat acceptance episode.
chai tea latte
« Last Edit: May 06, 2014, 04:04:05 pm by sherlockian »


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Episodes you found hard to get through #23
Do you think it's more likely we're featuring the posts of the sort of people born with a certain set of genes, or of the sort of people who eat eighteen donuts in a sitting and scoop out aioli with their fingers to eat it straight-up after their fries are gone? Because if you haven't listened to the episode, it's made pretty clear.
Sherman Tank


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Episodes you found hard to get through #24
Do you think it's more likely we're featuring the posts of the sort of people born with a certain set of genes, or of the sort of people who eat eighteen donuts in a sitting and scoop out aioli with their fingers to eat it straight-up after their fries are gone? Because if you haven't listened to the episode, it's made pretty clear.
Isfahan, May 06, 2014, 04:28:51 pm

Do you think that the fact that y'all routinely make fat jokes might make me hesitant to listen to an episode entirely about fat people?

Fat and health is a sensitive subject. Fat jokes make me wince and the treatment of the subject within the first few minutes of the episode made me turn it off.  I'm sorry y'all feel so defensive about someone not enjoying the idea of making fun of that subject and not being able to make it through that particular episode.
« Last Edit: May 06, 2014, 05:51:23 pm by sherlockian »

One Of The Crappy Pokemon That Nobody Likes

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Episodes you found hard to get through #25
I was counting down the minutes until this thread devolved into "but whyyyy just give it a chaaaance!"

Some people can't get through certain episodes. That's all this thread should be about. We don't need to bicker about "just try it ooouuut" like a bunch of goofy otakus.
Sherlockian Mister Smalls Adept nilvoid Ansemaru Navigator Sherman Tank

Cat Planet

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Episodes you found hard to get through #26
Yeah, I'm sorry for starting this derail. Portaxx is right, let's end these discussions altogether.


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Episodes you found hard to get through #27
I'm personally good with the awfulness to date (although the half-assed Twin Peak wedding has me gritting my teeth every time I listen to it), but two friends have two separate ones they can't handle.

Introducing one friend to the F Plus: after one of the recipe ones, the mistake was made of queuing up the anti-vac/unschooling episode. This friend being a new mother, someone with anti-vac relatives, and a teacher. It was like the perfect storm of everything nightmarish for her. I don't think she made it halfway.

Another friend who's a regular listener won't listen to one with the glasses' fetishists. She doesn't wear glasses at all, but has blind grandparents and one side of her family with serious eyesight degradation leading to blindness. The thought of someone fetishizing something she's so familiar with is too much, even with the promise of STOG singing.

I, like a couple other people in the thread, definitely had to tap out in a couple Lou Reads, though, which keeps me humble. Humble about listening to gross podcasts.
« Last Edit: May 06, 2014, 05:14:11 pm by advancedclass »

One Of The Crappy Pokemon That Nobody Likes

  • Oh no it's the "The-World-Owes-Me-A-Living Lads"!!
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Episodes you found hard to get through #28
Bringing it back, I will say I have yet to listen to the monkey moms episode. It's straight-up animal abuse and that drives me up a wall >(


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Episodes you found hard to get through #29
I'm going to be boring and say that I had a hard time with the dickbugs episode. That shit is just fucking disgusting. Oddly I didn't have much of a problem with the most recent episode, possibly because it is sometimes unclear what exactly they were even into doing. I don't know enough about hyper-boners to know if they're gross or not, but I definitely understand the idea of maggots crawling up your dick, and I do not like it. No sir. That's a one-listen episode right there.