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Topic: Completely pointless Thought Of The Day thread  (Read 2017466 times)


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I found a male lesser goldfinch huddled against the railroad tracks while on a walk today. There was nothing obviously wrong with it except that it was there on the ground and not fleeing. I brought it to a wildlife rescue place and they said I could call tomorrow to see how it was doing. It's funny. They just assume you're gonna be kinda attached to the animal you brought in.

Here's a picture of one because they are cute and so very tiny.

I do second guess myself every time I try helping an animal, though, cause I don't want to disturb a peaceful death or stress it out and cause it to fair worse. ):
Tose the Handsome Anime Boy, February 19, 2017, 01:19:45 am

If you do end up calling, please let us know how the bird is doing!


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On a lighter note to my post in the 'strategic jargon' thread, because it doesn't deserve to be derailed by my light-hearted fantasy-elaborations: I often amuse myself by trying to figure out what kind of villainous entity various large companies would be.

Amazon is absolutely 'death ray evil', like a Bond villain or a Lex Luthor thing where they're just thinly-veiling some evil scheme. Google and Apple are both Deus Ex-esque 'conspiracy cyberpunk' that's ubiquitous and innocent until they flip the 'take over the world' switch. eBay I can't see as anything high-level, but would be complicit in black-market dealings and taken down by some street-level hero like Daredevil. Nintendo is obviously the friendly company targeting kids for some nefarious-but-soft plan in a kid-focused TV show or movie, but that's so clear you wouldn't even have to make any changes.
« Last Edit: February 20, 2017, 03:14:39 am by Cleretic »


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If yaoi moms exist, so must yuri dads.
Agent (gobble, gobble) Coop Really_Quite_Nice

Macho Masc Sangy Savage

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Can a hypochondriac have hypochondria about hypochondria?


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In order to understand a yaoi mom you have to internalize two thoughts: the notion of homosexuality being sexy and the notion of sexuality being experienced by a female.

The flip side of the alt-right coin isn't SJWs, it's yaoi moms.
Corn Syrup junior associate faguar Agent (gobble, gobble) Coop positive stress


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Got up to go to bathroom and came back to see a spider in my bed. It crawled between my blankets. Tried to save it with a cup, but ended up smashing off three legs. ): ):


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pasta good
chai tea latte

A Meat

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Why isn't statistics a required class in high school?

Eider Duck

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God, ceilidh is such a hard word to spell without goggling it. No wonder Gaelic is a dying language, it's a pain in the ass to spell


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Why isn't statistics a required class in high school?A Meat, February 24, 2017, 03:09:12 am

Because they'd just fuck it up, like they fuck up everything else they try to teach.
Lemon bubbleuj Gyro

A Meat

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Why isn't statistics a required class in high school?A Meat, February 24, 2017, 03:09:12 am

Because they'd just fuck it up, like they fuck up everything else they try to teach.
Healslime, February 24, 2017, 01:03:21 pm
Good point, I sometimes forget that my high school experience isn't representative of most.


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When other people are charitable towards my uncharitable statements it makes me feel like a bad person.


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If I had enough money to build a huge mansion, I would set aside a room to store really secure boxes in order to store valuable items and vast amounts of money.

I'd call it a "Safe Space."

Macho Masc Sangy Savage

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If I had enough money to build a huge mansion, I would set aside a room to store really secure boxes in order to store valuable items and vast amounts of money.

I'd call it a "Safe Space."
MyFaceBeHi, February 26, 2017, 07:31:02 am

One of the boxes has a single scrap of paper with "My Feelings" written on it


  • Its time for limpboys to have their day in the sun
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When a Fucking Hand Fetish Forum is locked down harder than most banks #fplusproblems
Liatai Yavuz Macho Masc Sangy Savage Runic Corn Syrup Really_Quite_Nice