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Topic: Completely pointless Thought Of The Day thread  (Read 2017634 times)

Shell Game

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Shell Game has an evil twin named Game Shell and it's a turtle who reviews videogames on youtube
Wrought, March 28, 2018, 02:00:38 pm

is there a reverse [~you] function I'm not aware of? because i swear I'm always worried of falling for yet another one of those mean mean tricks!


  • The Unsevered
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Shell Game has an evil twin named Game Shell and it's a turtle who reviews videogames on youtube
Wrought, March 28, 2018, 02:00:38 pm

is there a reverse [~you] function I'm not aware of? because i swear I'm always worried of falling for yet another one of those mean mean tricks!
Shell Game, March 28, 2018, 03:07:43 pm
I have an evil twin named Thguorw and he eats rats and bugs
Shell Game A Meat


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i have an evil twin called nottyrk and he wants you to know he does not originate from asia minor

Macho Masc Sangy Savage

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If you eat a ton of ice, you might have low iron. What vitamin/mineral are you short on if you gnaw on frozen pizza rolls?


  • The Unsevered
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Macho Masc Sangy Savage Shell Game Moose krytton Dr. Buttplug Wyst A Meat Mix Sherman Tank Yavuz bubbleuj Corn Syrup


  • The Unsevered
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Erotica writers secretly wish women had to wear ass bras so they could quantify how big their butts are
GirlKisser420 Yavuz

Macho Masc Sangy Savage

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Erotica writers secretly wish women had to wear ass bras so they could quantify how big their butts are
Wrought, March 29, 2018, 09:14:13 am

D - Donk
BD - BaDonk
BDD - BaDonkaDonk
SM - Sir Mix-a-Lot
Agent (gobble, gobble) Coop Moose Wrought A Meat Dr. Buttplug

Seth "Slimy" Rollins

  • I Waterboard Clowns For A Living And I Fucked Up Real Bad
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  • ratfucking ourselves into oblivion
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Whenever I die, I want to put 'killed by fall damage' on my tombstone.


  • God's Personal Jester
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ive had the phrase 'wokeback mountain' bouncing around my head all day.
Shell Game Yavuz bubbleuj

Macho Masc Sangy Savage

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ive had the phrase 'wokeback mountain' bouncing around my head all day.
Mix, March 29, 2018, 06:10:10 pm

Two young men meet at a march in Washington DC, one carrying a "WOMENS RIGHTS NOW" sign, the other "DONT SHOOT :C". They look at each other's asses. Fucking ensues.
Wrought Shell Game


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today 2000 years ago jesus was crucified because you slimeboys wont stop jerkin it to anime tity
skeletons! Dr. Buttplug bubbleuj

Macho Masc Sangy Savage

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Next week a lot of people are out for spring break with their kids... All of the bond work for schools is completed... My manager is probably even going to take a few days off...

I'm gonna go wild and crazy and do a bunch of CSS tutorials. SPRING BREAK 2018 WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO


  • Every corpse on Mount Everest
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Christopher Nolan's M&Mto.

Shell Game

  • Probability of victory in Tarzan jump: 99.99%. Probability of sinking when landing on mudflat: 100%.
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Hi I'm actually really good at using the phone at work. calls, transfers, holds, general information exchange. I'm good at it and not hesitant in the slightest. idk i just feel good about that.
Wrought Moose

chai tea latte

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I watch a lot of 'dog reunited with family member who Went Away for A While' type videos (soldiers, oil rig guys, college kids coming home on break, etc). They tend to vary in length - most are about two minutes long or so - but there's a common formula. You get to see the dog, the person holding the camera walks-and-talks their way to a door, and then there's a shot of the excited and very happy dog jumping up on the delighted human and licking them in the face. You see the entire first burst of energy, where the dog seemingly can't believe Dad's home again, and then usually a few seconds after that. What's interesting to me is that a lot of them go to 3, even 4 minutes. Even though these are videos that have been uploaded to youtube willingly, watching them for too long can feel a little uncomfortable, or like I'm seeing something too intimate that I shouldn't be seeing - sometimes the person holding the camera will start talking to the person who's returned, about how their day was, while the dog plays excitedly.

It's weird to complain that watching home movies feels intimate, but seeing the insides of so many different peoples' homes feels like i've been invited to see something more private than usual because there's a happy dog attached to it. That's an interesting evolution in how we behave on the internet, anyway. imo.
Wrought Eider Duck bubbleuj