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Topic: Completely pointless Thought Of The Day thread  (Read 2019771 times)

Agent (gobble, gobble) Coop

  • Trill Lesh
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  • 12 cellphones and I look like kurt angle
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I'd argue Self Esteem by The Offspring but honestly if the last 20 years have taught me anything it's that the offspring guy probably deserves it
Mr. Hunky Academia chai tea latte Lumbermouth Lemon Wyst Liatai


  • Persnickety fussbudget
  • Paid
  • 852
  • 88
How soon we forget “Lyin’ Eyes” by The Eagles, in which we not only confront a cheating woman, but we learn that there is an entire side of town devoted to cheating.
chai tea latte Agent (gobble, gobble) Coop Liatai RoeCocoa


  • Paid
  • 268
  • 9
Dave Navarro is pretending that a picture of my friend’s new tattoo is actually his new tattoo.

I don’t know why he would do this.

A Meat

  • Artificial Man Pop Seasoning
  • Paid
  • filled with delicious dude meat
  • 4,705
  • 132
Porn parodies of famous classical music

Peter and the MILF
Pictures of an Exhibitionist
Ode to JOI (alternatively Chode to Joy)
Appalachian Spring Break:Ho down
Dom Giovanni
The carnival of the animals, but with the movements being asses, cocks, pussies, and aunts ( and other puns)
Dan's Sabre
Masturbatehoven 3: Sinfonia Erotica
F(lesh)light of the Bumblebees

The nutcracker Is already one

Ragnarok Boobies

  • 3viltiki's Spirit Animal
  • Paid
  • "Please insert proof of insurance into slot 'A'."
    • 675
    • 23
The optimist sees the glass as half full.
The pessimist sees the glass as half empty.
The fetishist wants to put an MLP figurine in the glass and do horrible horrible things.
Shell Game Yavuz


  • Its time for limpboys to have their day in the sun
  • Paid
  • Just a Baby Drinkin Coffee
  • 3,804
  • 180
I really hate people describing things as Overrated. phrasing an opinion as everybody else being wrong doesn't sit well with me. don't be afraid to say I liked/didn't like it
Yavuz chai tea latte Seth "Slimy" Rollins

Macho Masc Sangy Savage

  • Beep Beep Imma Dwarf Jeep
  • Paid
  • 🍕 Pizza Philosopher 🍕
  • 3,984
  • 423
Overheard a couple planning a wedding and I'm suddenly very tired and lost $20 out of my wallet


  • Persnickety fussbudget
  • Paid
  • 852
  • 88
Porn parodies of famous classical music

Peter and the MILF
Pictures of an Exhibitionist
Ode to JOI (alternatively Chode to Joy)
Appalachian Spring Break:Ho down
Dom Giovanni
The carnival of the animals, but with the movements being asses, cocks, pussies, and aunts ( and other puns)
Dan's Sabre
Masturbatehoven 3: Sinfonia Erotica
F(lesh)light of the Bumblebees

The nutcracker Is already one
A Meat, November 29, 2018, 04:55:31 am

And Mozart’s Leck Mich im Arsch.


  • Paid
  • Can wink with both eyes at once
  • 776
  • 22
Yartzstick (pronounced yardstick)


  • Every corpse on Mount Everest
  • Paid
  • was once an extremely motivated person.
  • 3,730
  • 141
They should rename Portal to Chell Game.
. Wrought Shell Game

Shell Game

  • Probability of victory in Tarzan jump: 99.99%. Probability of sinking when landing on mudflat: 100%.
  • Paid
  • Captain, what should I do?
  • 4,954
  • 667
They should rename Portal to Chell Game.
Spooks, November 30, 2018, 03:02:46 pm
I found this post INSIGHTFUL!

Shell Game

  • Probability of victory in Tarzan jump: 99.99%. Probability of sinking when landing on mudflat: 100%.
  • Paid
  • Captain, what should I do?
  • 4,954
  • 667

Our state flag is the only one with two different sides. We get a beaver on the back, and that's nice.
chai tea latte Dr. Buttplug Yavuz Mr. Hunky Academia Sherman Tank


  • Its time for limpboys to have their day in the sun
  • Paid
  • Just a Baby Drinkin Coffee
  • 3,804
  • 180
very few people know this but in the original text of plato's allegory of the cave instead of watching the shadows on the wall everybody was arguing about whether hot dogs were sandwiches
Yavuz Lemon A Meat Shell Game chai tea latte Mr. Hunky Academia Achilles' Heelies

Mr. Hunky Academia

  • Paid
  • The only thing I'm good at is go away
    • 512
    • 41
Command & Conker
Wrought Yavuz


  • Every corpse on Mount Everest
  • Paid
  • was once an extremely motivated person.
  • 3,730
  • 141
Every stalker can be a gangstalker if they're a multiple system.
Carbon Wrought Dr. Buttplug The Smoking Dad Ragnarok Boobies