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Topic: 320: BBB BBB BBB Bind.  (Read 17719 times)

A Meat

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320: BBB BBB BBB Bind. #15
Haven't finished the episode yet, but fuck, the Seal of Solomon seals demons and makes them serve god again, that's the whole point of it, why would that be satanic? The story is that Solomon was given the signet ring by an angel to make demons build the temple for him.

Unrelated, I'm not hearing any reasons why I should support God in this one, Satan seems to have this one in the bag and neither side gives me free will (what with having to pray or demonic mind control), and at least Satan is less preachy about it

Edit: Vav/Waw is the 6th letter in Hebrew, but since the number of the beast isn't 6,6,6, but 666, it'd actually be TRSW (Taw, Resh, Samekh, Waw, because numerical values go up to 400 so there isn't a 600)
SHAMBA~1.SBB Mr. Hunky Academia chai tea latte Yavuz
« Last Edit: March 25, 2020, 05:16:39 am by A Meat »


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320: BBB BBB BBB Bind. #16
The household I grew up in was Baptist - specifically, a denomination known as Free Will Baptists, because part of their specific creed was that we have to choose to be saved (and baptized), and we have to continue to exercise our free will to remain saved (apostasy or "backsliding" is a big part of the doctrine). Lemon's comments in the episode made something click for me: why would they need to specify that unless other Baptists don't believe the same thing?

Shell Game

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320: BBB BBB BBB Bind. #17
The household I grew up in was Baptist - specifically, a denomination known as Free Will Baptists, because part of their specific creed was that we have to choose to be saved (and baptized), and we have to continue to exercise our free will to remain saved (apostasy or "backsliding" is a big part of the doctrine). Lemon's comments in the episode made something click for me: why would they need to specify that unless other Baptists don't believe the same thing?
Neal, March 25, 2020, 01:11:42 pm
yeah, my Baptist upbringing was weird in that one had to knowingly choose baptism, but you were more or less saved anyway. The church was largely composed of wealthy white folk.

You still judged the shit out of anyone who had fun. Also poverty was a moral failing.


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320: BBB BBB BBB Bind. #18
The household I grew up in was Baptist - specifically, a denomination known as Free Will Baptists, because part of their specific creed was that we have to choose to be saved (and baptized), and we have to continue to exercise our free will to remain saved (apostasy or "backsliding" is a big part of the doctrine). Lemon's comments in the episode made something click for me: why would they need to specify that unless other Baptists don't believe the same thing?
Neal, March 25, 2020, 01:11:42 pm
yeah, my Baptist upbringing was weird in that one had to knowingly choose baptism, but you were more or less saved anyway. The church was largely composed of wealthy white folk.

You still judged the shit out of anyone who had fun. Also poverty was a moral failing.
Shell Game, March 25, 2020, 02:09:02 pm

Yeah, my dad is a Presbyterian; his brother is born-again, his sister was schizophrenic, and he mocked transubstantiation behind my Catholic mom's back. Cessationism may really be the only hard stop in Christianity from descending the path to madness. Not against being a piece of shit, but at least not crossing the "indistinguishable from mental illness" line.

chai tea latte

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320: BBB BBB BBB Bind. #19
No offense but speaking in tongues is kind of cringe
SHAMBA~1.SBB Lemon Shell Game Wrought Yavuz


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320: BBB BBB BBB Bind. #20
Found the new ballsnuff.


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320: BBB BBB BBB Bind. #21
No offense but speaking in tongues is kind of cringe
chai tea latte, March 25, 2020, 02:31:47 pm

bro u just posted arianism u are going to lose communion
chai tea latte Mr. Hunky Academia Vinny Possum SHAMBA~1.SBB Shell Game Cirr Wrought adrenochrome dome Down10 Yavuz


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320: BBB BBB BBB Bind. #22
Unrelated, I'm not hearing any reasons why I should support God in this one, Satan seems to have this one in the bag and neither side gives me free will (what with having to pray or demonic mind control), and at least Satan is less preachy about it
A Meat, March 25, 2020, 04:34:06 am

Yeah, this isn't something where I feel 100% comfortable arguing with these viewpoints theologically (since they're very obviously more about mental illness and fear than any kind of actual theology, and arguing against that seems unkind), but these kinds of arguments always make it seem like God is either substantially less powerful than Satan or just completely uncaring. Either God's hands are tied while Satan can act with impunity -- and has done so to a degree that he basically owns the world -- or God is apparently cool with it unless someone specifically petitions the angels/sperm whales for help. Neither of these create an image of an all-powerful benevolent deity, you know?


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320: BBB BBB BBB Bind. #23
If Lemon ever goes off the deep end into evangelical apocalyptic conspiracy theory territory, let it be known that the domain http://theendti.me/ has already been taken. (Future episode fodder. [wink])
SHAMBA~1.SBB adrenochrome dome


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320: BBB BBB BBB Bind. #24
endtim.es and theendtim.es are both parked by GoDaddy, regrettably


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320: BBB BBB BBB Bind. #25
Thank you for this!

I once many years ago, tried to tackle The Open Scroll Blog, as it was (and still is today!) a rich source of absolutely nutty stuff. There could be a dozen or more whole F Plus episodes to the stuff found on this guy's site alone.

Tipsy Almond

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320: BBB BBB BBB Bind. #26
endtim.es and theendtim.es are both parked by GoDaddy, regrettably
Antivehicular, April 26, 2020, 10:35:06 pm

For a while, I thought GoDaddy was a porn site due to their advertising. They made little mention of the fact that they were a web hosting service. :P


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320: BBB BBB BBB Bind. #27
For a while, I thought GoDaddy was a porn site due to their advertising. They made little mention of the fact that they were a web hosting service. :P
Tipsy Almond, August 02, 2020, 08:03:57 pm

GoDaddy is less ethical than most porn companies.
Shell Game xX_sp00ks_Xx SHAMBA~1.SBB A Meat Secret Gaygent 69 Dr. Buttplug chai tea latte Antivehicular Down10 Ashto Yavuz

chai tea latte

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320: BBB BBB BBB Bind. #28
For a while, I thought GoDaddy was a porn site due to their advertising. They made little mention of the fact that they were a web hosting service. :P
Tipsy Almond, August 02, 2020, 08:03:57 pm

GoDaddy is less ethical than most porn companies.
Lemon, August 03, 2020, 03:12:09 pm
unsure whether this reflects worse on godaddy or porn companies

Tipsy Almond

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320: BBB BBB BBB Bind. #29
I present to you: a sentient sock enacting the binding spell.
Lemon Hoffgod Dr. Buttplug Frank West chai tea latte Shell Game Secret Gaygent 69 SHAMBA~1.SBB Yavuz