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Topic: 169: I'm Gonna Cuddle Everyone In This Room  (Read 60148 times)


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Episode 169: I Would Cuddle You So Hard
As a real vampire, I can confirm this.


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Episode 169: I Would Cuddle You So Hard
I dunno, I think I'd get better stories from the vampire orgy than the cuddle party.  REAL VAMPIRES sounds like they'd be more interesting to be uncomfortable with than PEOPLE WHO SIGN UP FOR CUDDLE PARTIES.

e: I wouldn't want either of these situations because I'm not a masochist but if it was the lesser of two evils I'd have to pick vampires

Macho Masc Sangy Savage

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Episode 169: I Would Cuddle You So Hard
About 8 years ago a friend of mine told me about the time she somehow managed to get an invitation to a secret, invite-only, underground REAL VAMPIRES party, where about 150 REAL VAMPIRES gathered in a big basement someplace in Brooklyn to do vampire stuff for about 20 hours.

Cuddle parties sound so much worse on all levels.
Old_Zircon, March 22, 2015, 04:36:11 pm

So when is this going to be an episode?


  • The phased-out byzantine devil.
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Episode 169: I Would Cuddle You So Hard
You all scoffed at the cuddle hormone, but it's a useful thing!

moooo566, March 13, 2015, 01:10:46 pm

Interesting.  On the other hand


The evidence shows that intranasal oxytocin: (1) produces no detectable subjective changes in recipients, (2) produces no reliable side-effects, and (3) is not associated with adverse outcomes when delivered in doses of 18-40 IU for short term use in controlled research settings. Future research directions should include a focus on the dosage and duration of use, and application with younger age groups, vulnerable populations, and with females.



Although no significant changes were detected in the primary outcome measures after correcting for baseline differences, results suggested improvements after 6 weeks in measures of social cognition (Reading-the-Mind-in-the-Eyes Test, p = 0.002, d = 1.2), and quality of life (World Health Organization Quality of Life Questionnaire – emotion, p = 0.031, d = 0.84), both secondary measures. Oxytocin was well tolerated and no serious adverse effects were reported.

Apparently this stuff is completely unregulated and sells on Amazon for like $30 a bottle as a "pheromone to attract women."

We live in weird times.

LAST EDIT:  in the process of googling this, I discovered a forum for "pheromone enthusiasts" that might be worth digging through; I'm busy with Quora right now and I'll probably start digging in worlddreambank.org after that, though, so I'm not going to get around to it any time soon myself.  http://pherotruth.com/
« Last Edit: March 22, 2015, 10:45:37 pm by Old_Zircon »


  • The phased-out byzantine devil.
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Episode 169: I Would Cuddle You So Hard
I don't remember much of the story but the gist of it was that the REAL VAMPIRE party was pretty much a giant S&M/bloodplay/sex orgy and EBM DJ set.  Sounds pretty awkward to attend if that wasn't your thing, but still way better than a cuddle party. And I've definitely got a soft spot for oldschool, 80s EBM.

smoking crow already called it and it's pretty obvious, but the fact that it was a VAMPIRE ORGY and that she was attending not because she wanted to go to an orgy or was a REAL VAMPIRE, but because a goth she knew offered to get her in and it was one of those things were if you have a chance to attend a vampire orgy you might as well.  Plus she probably got tons of free drugs.

Come to think of it, I did sit next to a REAL VAMPIRE for most of a term in one class back in college, she was OK all things considered, and surprisingly ungoth - just anemic looking and manic, kind of like a really sickly Amelie if anything.
« Last Edit: March 22, 2015, 10:37:16 pm by Old_Zircon »


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Episode 169: I Would Cuddle You So Hard
And I've definitely got a soft spot for oldschool, 80s EBM.
Old_Zircon, March 22, 2015, 10:28:41 pm

Me too but blood play is fucking nasty and a fantastic way to get hepatitis


  • The phased-out byzantine devil.
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Episode 169: I Would Cuddle You So Hard
And I've definitely got a soft spot for oldschool, 80s EBM.
Old_Zircon, March 22, 2015, 10:28:41 pm

Me too but blood play is fucking nasty and a fantastic way to get hepatitis
Smoking Crow, March 23, 2015, 01:38:04 am

Definitely. She was there merely as an observer.

Tiny Prancer

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Episode 169: I Would Cuddle You So Hard
I finally listened to this episode today and there was a throwaway line Portaxx said at the end that I heard and instantly knew I had to draw.

NSFW content. Click to show.

this is in my brand new sketchbook forever now. I have taped a piece of paper that says "don't look this is terrible" over it.
McMillan and Waifu Bobalay crow AlbieQuirky Really_Quite_Nice Sherman Tank

Macho Masc Sangy Savage

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Episode 169: I Would Cuddle You So Hard
But now you won't have that feeling that you're fucking up a sketchbook with shitty drawings, because after dickwing dolphin, everything is drawing gold.

Tiny Prancer

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Episode 169: I Would Cuddle You So Hard
that is honestly a genuinely good point


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Episode 169: I Would Cuddle You So Hard
that is honestly a genuinely good point
Tiny Prancer, March 28, 2015, 12:41:05 am

No because everything you have and will ever draw will never reach the level of perfection that dick dolphin exists at

Goose Goose Honk At Me Now

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Episode 169: I Would Cuddle You So Hard
I had occasion to look up Cuddlr, the Tinder/Grindr cuddle-wannabe, on Wikipedia.

Turns out they shut down on March 16th.

Tiny Prancer

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Episode 169: I Would Cuddle You So Hard
that is honestly a genuinely good point
Tiny Prancer, March 28, 2015, 12:41:05 am

No because everything you have and will ever draw will never reach the level of perfection that dick dolphin exists at
Smoking Crow, March 28, 2015, 01:43:05 am

I can accept this

Cat Planet

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Episode 169: I Would Cuddle You So Hard

Fine isn't spooning with the intent of having sex. “Sex is like a chore, a routine," he explained. "It’s like going to the dentist.” Instead, he's developed brand-new snuggle moves that sound both nightmarish and difficult to escape — e.g., the "cuddle doggy style," where a "woman raises up on all fours while he wraps himself around her holding and rocking her." He only cuddles women, some of whom he meets at "cuddle parties" (others, he claims, seek out his services).


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Episode 169: I Would Cuddle You So Hard
I have to say, this episode made me wretch more than any other.  I felt nauseous with dick-bugs, but this one horrified me on a psychological level.  Have I been cuddled without me knowing in the past?  Is cuddling a part of the human psyche that is not meant to be seen?

I have gazed into the abyss, and it posts on reddit