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Topic: Completely pointless Thought Of The Day thread  (Read 2018653 times)

Dr. Buttplug

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VW Jetta turn signals look like flashing pink buttholes.


  • The Unsevered
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paul joseph watson saying "imagine my cock"

i thought it now you have to think it too
krytton, April 26, 2018, 03:40:07 am

Pocial Justice Warrior's voice is so fucking weird that I actually can't imagine anything in his voice

Seth "Slimy" Rollins

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shonen fighting anime, but the characters use their powers via jackoff crystals


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I can't help it if I have resting bishie face.


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When I die I want the whole cask, not just a casket.
Agent (gobble, gobble) Coop

Agent (gobble, gobble) Coop

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Dr. Buttplug

  • Formerly Jackal Flapnasty
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The bones of Waldo, the hide of a Lorax, and the eyes of a rugrat to this altar we commit to destroy our childhoods.
Shell Game Wrought Moose


  • The Unsevered
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New rule: along with "m'lady" and "t'is",  straight white men on the internet are no longer allowed to say "my dear"
Dr. Buttplug chai tea latte Liatai


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Dr. Buttplug


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post malone looks like a fucking idiot


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How old is old enough to handle the internet these days? Is the internet actually more dangerous and repulsive than it was ten years ago, or does it just seem that way because more people are aware of it? I was thinking about how I would introduce it to my kid if I had one.


  • The Unsevered
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I was thinking about how I would introduce it to my kid if I had one.
Sovereign, April 29, 2018, 08:30:33 pm
Sovereign Liatai Corn Syrup

Seth "Slimy" Rollins

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In all honesty, I'd let them have free reign, but be extremely watchful and tell them to come to you if they see anything they don't understand.

For real, considering how everywhere and everything has an internet presence today - and how much it'll likely increase in the future - I think it's impossible to keep children away from it by the time they know basic tech literacy (e.g. knowing how to turn on a tablet or smartphone). There's also the scope of it. Even something as easy-to-access as Youtube contains years and years worth of content, and there's a lot of insidious stuff masking itself as kid's entertainment that, unless you're constantly watching over your kud's shoulder, you can't be sure they haven't seen, and you can't block every website that you know to have kid-unsafe content, since there's about a dozen more that you don't know about.

Thankfully, I think more elementary schools are putting in basic computer literacy as their curriculum, and I think once more and more schools and kids start learning about it, they'll probably expamd it to include internet literacy as well - stuff like being aware of spam and viruses, keeping away from strangers, and how to find actually kid-friendly websites. All-in-all, I think as long as you give a child a good talking to and make sure they're learning safe navigation, you'll be fine.


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How old is old enough to handle the internet these days? Is the internet actually more dangerous and repulsive than it was ten years ago, or does it just seem that way because more people are aware of it? I was thinking about how I would introduce it to my kid if I had one.
Sovereign, April 29, 2018, 08:30:33 pm
I don’t really know what a good parenting policy is, but the internet 10 years ago was insanely fucked up. Looking back, I’m pretty shocked at the stuff I regularly saw as a youth.

IMO it’s probably worse now not for the typical dangerous stuff, but more because of its ubiquity. Even if you never see awful porn or hate sites, you can get easily sucked into social stuff more than before. I blame my teenage forum addiction for my lasting social anxieties and toxic attitudes.
Darkly, April 30, 2018, 05:14:45 am
Yeah, I agree. I was mainly thinking about all the shock sites, learning how to navigate weird strangers on the internet and things like virus protection since those were the main obstacles for me when I was browsing about a decade ago. However I didn't consider social media and its influences over developing minds because it's perhaps the most insidious facet of commonplace internet activities, even for savvy folk.

lazzer grardaion?

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I was watching the recent Junji Ito anthology series, and I noticed something that bugs me a lot in animation, when the moon looks like this:

Like, that is not a shape that results from having a light illuminating half a sphere. You can write down a fucking equation to tell you the shape that it should be, put that in a graphing calculator, and make it happen. People got no excuses.

At the absolute minimum, the tips of the crescent should be halfway around the circle, not 3/4 or whatever the fuck is going on there.
Liatai Sovereign bubbleuj