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September 20, 2024, 08:46:49 pm

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Topic: Completely pointless Thought Of The Day thread  (Read 2020354 times)

Dr. Buttplug

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Watched this video and I'm wondering what the oldest preserved grease is.

A Meat

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underrated solution to the trolley problem: have another trolley go the other way, now you don't feel bad because regardless of your choice both bad things happen
Salubrious Rex Lemon

Salubrious Rex

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Magic: the Gatling


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underrated solution to the trolley problem: have another trolley go the other way, now you don't feel bad because regardless of your choice both bad things happen
A Meat, April 17, 2023, 07:49:59 am

My workaround is try to derail the trolly. If you time it right you can send the trolly wheels in different directions. Worst case, both sets of people die. But you've also got a drifting train.


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Face hugger from alien? Oh you mean the mouth breeder.
Sauce Dr. Buttplug Lemon

A Meat

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I looked up the etymology for lukewarm, and apparently 'luke' most likely comes from a proto-indo-european root that also means warm, so saying lukewarm is kinda like saying hound dog, where both of the words mean the same thing but together they mean something specific, and I'm now curious how many of these combos exist in English
chai tea latte Salubrious Rex

A Meat

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Timmy Turner from Fairly Odd Parents is the ur-incel


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After the apocalypse the roving bands of raiders dressed in football pads are going to get their asses handed to them by the roving bands of raiders dressed as baseball catchers.
Salubrious Rex Dr. Buttplug


  • Its time for limpboys to have their day in the sun
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rip dame edna. he died after he ate the queens pussy and the dust got in his lungs like asbestos
Salubrious Rex A Meat Dr. Buttplug


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I'd rather have a world with Rose Quartz fucking things up and leaving it to Steven to fix than a world without her where we're colonized by Reptiloids instead. I refuse to work in the heat lamp mines!


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Imagine you're the parents to some kids, you're doing well enough with a house etc and then the economy goes to shit and you lose your income but your kid has some prank youtube channel that's growing and he keeps pranking you.
But now it's your only source of income. And the pranks just get worse and worse but to stop means losing the house. So you just let the pranks happen, you try to get more "in on it" but your kid says that would ruin it and won't let you.

I'm not really going anywhere with this, just a pointless though.
thelizzerd Salubrious Rex corporate daiquiri

A Meat

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yeah I'm a carnivore for spiritual reasons, my chakras need raw chuck


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Me and my wife were talking about JKR's transphobia because of some recent discussion going around, regarding her old comments of like "if I had known what a trans person was back then, i would've transitioned". People have taken it to mean that poor, misguided Joan is in the closet and because she can't handle it she's lashing out. Possibly they are saying that, I really have not put the effort to look into it, for I doth noth care.

My wife was saying that, since JKR grew up in the 70s, what she meant by those comments was simply that being a man would've been a lot easier in a man's world. I was incredulous at first, and went on to ask if she really thought JKR had no concept of 'identity' with regards to gender and gender transition. She answered yeah, duh, she seems like a pretty superficial and stupid person, doesn't she? To her being transgender is just about reaping the social benefit, not anything that fundamentally has to do with the self.

A light bulb lit up inside my head: the english cult of the class system has rotted the woman's brain to the point where she cannot conceive of a human that does not operate on principles of social mobility, whether it be along economic or gender lines. As for her, so for the rest of the TERFs. The english class system is the reason why it's "TERF island" over there.

My completely pointless thought of the day is that the English are a vile race that should be exterminated like vermin.
A Meat Salubrious Rex GirlKisser420 eldritchhat chai tea latte Shell Game RoeCocoa


  • Its time for limpboys to have their day in the sun
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Infest me with bugs
Dr. Buttplug xX_sp00ks_Xx


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There's a thing that sorta has me feeling messed up but, it's late at night, nobody really around to validate that, yes, shit is fucked up. A plane crashed nearby multiple mansions, and people heard it, and people were asked about it, and none of them thought to call it in. The fire department eventually found the crashed plane, with the deceased pilot having gotten out of the plane but not made it to help. And...

How disconnected can people be when a plane can crash and the mansion residents all just figured that the explosion-type sound wasn't their problem?