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Topic: Completely pointless Thought Of The Day thread  (Read 2020424 times)

A Meat

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Never cut a gordian horse in the mouth.
Spooks, September 07, 2019, 01:02:22 pm
Bad Dragon really ought to have a dog dick called Gordian
Ragnarok Boobies krytton

Ragnarok Boobies

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Never cut a gordian horse in the mouth.
Spooks, September 07, 2019, 01:02:22 pm
Bad Dragon really ought to have a dog dick called Gordian
A Meat, September 08, 2019, 04:12:05 pm
Gordon Ramsey’s dildo factory nightmares
Salubrious Rex A Meat

Shell Game

  • Probability of victory in Tarzan jump: 99.99%. Probability of sinking when landing on mudflat: 100%.
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I'm looking around on the bus and realizing everyone's arms are really short.

Macho Masc Sangy Savage

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I'm looking around on the bus and realizing everyone's arms are really short.
Shell Game, September 09, 2019, 09:58:29 am

You gotta stop boarding the t-rex bus shell, one day they're gonna suss out your inflatable raptor costume
Dr. Buttplug Shell Game Carbon

Agent (gobble, gobble) Coop

  • Trill Lesh
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Thesis: Jerry Garcia Band
Antithesis: Jerry's Kids
Synthesis: a band designed to piss off as many people as possible
chai tea latte Wrought

Agent (gobble, gobble) Coop

  • Trill Lesh
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  • 12 cellphones and I look like kurt angle
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There's no difference between Escape (The Pina Colada Song) and Babushka by Kate Bush
Shell Game


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There's no difference between Escape (The Pina Colada Song) and Escape (The Sonic the Hedgehog Song)
Salubrious Rex

Agent (gobble, gobble) Coop

  • Trill Lesh
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  • 12 cellphones and I look like kurt angle
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There's no difference between Escape (The Pina Colada Song) and Escape (The Sonic the Hedgehog Song)
Turtle, September 10, 2019, 10:00:54 am
Holy shit you are correct
GirlKisser420 Sovereign

Shell Game

  • Probability of victory in Tarzan jump: 99.99%. Probability of sinking when landing on mudflat: 100%.
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There's no difference between Escape (The Pina Colada Song) and Babushka by Kate Bush
AgentCoop, September 09, 2019, 08:52:31 pm
Don't let Turtle get you down. You're right.
Agent (gobble, gobble) Coop

Shell Game

  • Probability of victory in Tarzan jump: 99.99%. Probability of sinking when landing on mudflat: 100%.
  • Paid
  • Captain, what should I do?
  • 4,954
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There's no difference between Escape (The Pina Colada Song) and Escape (The Sonic the Hedgehog Song)
Turtle, September 10, 2019, 10:00:54 am
Don't let Agent Coop fool you. You're right.
Agent (gobble, gobble) Coop

Salubrious Rex

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Why was there a Donkey Kong animated series with musical segments but not a Sonic the Hedgehog animated series with musical segments?

Shell Game

  • Probability of victory in Tarzan jump: 99.99%. Probability of sinking when landing on mudflat: 100%.
  • Paid
  • Captain, what should I do?
  • 4,954
  • 667
Why was there a Donkey Kong animated series with musical segments but not a Sonic the Hedgehog animated series with musical segments?
Salubrious Rex, September 10, 2019, 05:51:40 pm
Does this count?

chai tea latte

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Your Brexit Is Not My Brexit But Your Brexit Is Okay


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Why was there a Donkey Kong animated series with musical segments but not a Sonic the Hedgehog animated series with musical segments?
Salubrious Rex, September 10, 2019, 05:51:40 pm

Does this count?
Shell Game, September 10, 2019, 07:19:09 pm

More importantly, does this?

Dr. Buttplug

  • Formerly Jackal Flapnasty
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A child opens a present on Christmas day 2045. All that is inside the large box is a series of letters and numbers written on a card.

"What is this? A code?"

Her father smiles knowingly and tells her to try it out. She goes to her headset, holodeck and even the neglected old game box. As she's frantically re-reading the code the mother asks the father in a whisper

 "what is the code for dear?"

He answers with that same knowing smile,

"Nothing that i know of, i pulled it from a random number generator. When she gets tired of trying it ill get her something for that headset, since now I know it'sher favorite."
Agent (gobble, gobble) Coop Ragnarok Boobies