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Topic: F Plus Quotes Thread  (Read 603429 times)


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F Plus Quotes Thread #105
I saw Portaxx once. Her hair was made of spun diamonds and instead of normal clothing she wore a robe woven out of live voles. Her eyes were both scarlet and emerald at the same time. They kind of hurt to look at. She can tell who is and is not an otherkin because in her presence all otherkin spontaneously start to sweat cheap vodka. Her voice was as fierce as the storm and as calm as the placid waters. Also, it sounded a bit like a dude's.
Runic, September 16, 2014, 09:23:13 pm
Thank god, no mention of pendulous breasts. I was getting worried there for a moment.

STOG saying "Titanium Teeth!!" gets me every time.


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F Plus Quotes Thread #106
eudo likes to introduce people to the podcast with the adult babies, which was how I was taken in.
applecake, September 16, 2014, 07:32:57 pm

I dooo. I ask people if they "want to dip a toe in or dive in headfirst" and if they pick the former, they get cling film. The latter, adult babies. Most people, failing to anticipate the depths of the madness, choose to dive in. It has a rather good success rate, actually.

"it's adam and eve, not air bud and slam dunk!"

Tiny Prancer

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F Plus Quotes Thread #107
I'd say if you're introducing the podcast to someone, it's probably best to start with a topic that they already like to make fun of. I started with the multiples episode and was instantly hooked.


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F Plus Quotes Thread #108
I think my favourite moment is when Squiddy genuinely can't get through the line 'I've had the pleasure of cracking a squat' without crying with laughter. The whole episode is great, but that bit is amazing. Not that these are quotes, but I also love Jack Chick's 'Sir Charles' voice, Kumquatxop's voice in general, and literally any time Lemon says the word 'pagan'.
Liatai usunoro


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F Plus Quotes Thread #109
"He's turning a hand job into a hand career"
"MVP: Does for monkeys on skateboards what Psycho did for showers"
"I said I was going to hex both her and her kid, but they kept laughing for some reason"
"This is an adequate amount of marriage. Send me to Mars! Return me to Mars!"

I, EmmaGhost

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F Plus Quotes Thread #110
Lemon: "bumpgirl, will you tell us about your watermelon straps?"
bumpgirl: "....Lemon!"

The pause really did it for me.

Emperor Jack Chick

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F Plus Quotes Thread #111
"Well Lemon, I'm feelin in a country mood"
"I don't know which one of these that is"

For some reason that exchange gives me the giggles mighty fierce.


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F Plus Quotes Thread #112
Isfahan: "And the corners are rounded, so it wouldn't even make a good bludgeon."
Portaxx: "...Jesus, Isfahan."
Liatai Sherman Tank A Whirring Bone-White Gleech


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F Plus Quotes Thread #113
"*audible grimace*" - Lemon


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F Plus Quotes Thread #114
Can't remember the ridiculists or the episode (maybe the one with the 'experts'), but it went something like this:

Ridiculist 1: "blah blah blah hippie bullshit blah blah blah our time together does not end after our call!"
Ridiculist 2: "I'm standing right outside your house!"
Ridiculist 3: "Got any Ben & Jerry's?!"

Emperor Jack Chick

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F Plus Quotes Thread #115
F+Live Crowd: USA USA USA

Tiny Prancer

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F Plus Quotes Thread #116
I'm re-listening to the second live episode(s) while I work on art, and it's not quite a quote but after Lemon reveals that the guy who wrote the incredibly creepy book on "seducing" and dumping women based on zodiac signs also wrote a book on speaking in Na'vi and that it's part one in a series of eight where in the background you can hear what sounds a lot like someone smacking their head against a table repeatedly, and it's the most perfect audial accompaniment to that moment.

(also the dude who wrote "never wallpaper together" in that fucking pizza-obsessed relationship tips book may have actually been onto something, because one of my mom's friends once paid me to rip out some old carpet in her house for her and later she told me that I may have saved her marriage because she and her husband had been fighting about it for ages. It is possibly the only marginally decent tip in that book.)


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F Plus Quotes Thread #117
I was listening to the latest episode, and I lost my shit at Hans von Hozel's perverted cousin, when John cut in, "The father-in-law danubed [...]"
« Last Edit: October 18, 2014, 12:09:13 pm by Nyarai »


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F Plus Quotes Thread #118
Portaxx: “Spoof Porn II from Studio Cumlouder”
John Toast: “Are they the New England Cumlouders?”

No one else laughed at this, but I did!

edit: Properly credited. Boots and Toast really sound alike!
« Last Edit: November 24, 2014, 04:00:42 pm by Down10 »


  • Willy Dang Doodle
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F Plus Quotes Thread #119
Portaxx: “Spoof Porn II from Studio Cumlouder”
Boots: “Are they the New England Cumlouders?”

No one else laughed at this, but I did!
Down10, October 18, 2014, 09:57:50 am
Fear not; I loved this one too.