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February 13, 2025, 12:55:42 pm

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Topic: Completely pointless Thought Of The Day thread  (Read 2326054 times)


  • Petrodactyl Spotter
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  • 402
Sometimes when I go shopping I like to look at what the people in front of me me are buying and imagine what kind of party they're going to have. Another day there was this guy who bought 40 beers and two cartons of eggs.

I still haven't made up my mind about what kind of party that was.
Mango Tango Agent (gobble, gobble) Coop Salubrious Rex Chupasaurus-Rex


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  • 776
  • 21
Today I thought I might start doing cardio. Then I thought I'd wait til it warmed up outside and jump rope. I did not check the forecast to see when it would warm up. I do not own a jump rope.
I can't puzzle out beer and eggs either. Maybe he's gonna get a bunch of ladies intoxicated and take advantage of them, then make them omelettes in the morning.


  • Monkey Bacon
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Sometimes when I go shopping I like to look at what the people in front of me me are buying and imagine what kind of party they're going to have. Another day there was this guy who bought 40 beers and two cartons of eggs.

I still haven't made up my mind about what kind of party that was.
montrith, April 19, 2016, 10:18:38 pm

Vinny Possum Maxine Headroom Ragnarok Boobies cube abuser Monkey’s Paw Wish Detective Popcorn

Sherman Tank

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  • I'm over 30 years old and I like fried chicken.
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  • 17
I really, really, really love crab cakes.
Agent (gobble, gobble) Coop Ragnarok Boobies


  • Petrodactyl Spotter
  • Internaut
  • You must be this tall to ride
  • 3,114
  • 402
Sometimes I cheer myself up by thinking about all the good things people have said about me. Then I realize how narcissistic that is and it makes me depressed.
lunchboxoven ikaribattousai

A Meat

  • Artificial Man Pop Seasoning
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I wonder how the dead spider in my sink lost two of its legs prior to dying


  • a muscular, cum producing MONSTER
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  • 656
  • 46
Vacations seem like such an alien and weird thing to me

A Meat

  • Artificial Man Pop Seasoning
  • Paid
  • filled with delicious dude meat
  • 4,763
  • 134
Vacations seem like such an alien and weird thing to me
goombapolice, April 20, 2016, 08:11:32 am
Vacations are those periods where you don't meet with anybody and spend all your time at home doing things by yourself while all the others go somewhere else, right?
Salubrious Rex

Digital Walnut

  • The Carl Icahn of nuzzling
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  • Source(s): meee~ nyaa~ :3
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Seal nipples are bigger than I thought they would be.

Emperor Jack Chick

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i have good, cool friends and that makes me fucking angry.

Nifty Nif

  • Big Dumb Slimy Monster
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Sometimes I cheer myself up by thinking about all the good things people have said about me. Then I realize how narcissistic that is and it makes me depressed.
montrith, April 20, 2016, 04:48:20 am

We all need a reminder sometimes and external validation is A Thing. [heart]

Why do people sing covers of vocaloid songs?  You don't sound like a robot, you're a person with a lousy singing voice!


  • Petrodactyl Spotter
  • Internaut
  • You must be this tall to ride
  • 3,114
  • 402
I once met a black girl with a really short winter coat and thoughtlessly commented "Well, I can tell you're not from Finland!". Only after I said it I realized she probably gave those words a whole different interpretation than I had meant. I wanted to run after her and shout "Your coat! It's because you have a short coat and everyone here wears long ones! I'm not a racist I swear!!".

One Of The Crappy Pokemon That Nobody Likes

  • Oh no it's the "The-World-Owes-Me-A-Living Lads"!!
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Donald Trump sometimes looks like a poorly drawn chicken nugget gijinka
Sherman Tank Gyro Nifty Nif chai tea latte Frank West Bodark Digital Walnut Yavuz Laocius Quark-Antiquark Ragnarok Boobies Salubrious Rex Chupasaurus-Rex


  • touched fuzzy, got dizzy
  • Paid
  • 830
  • 55
What if: A history-themed restaurant that serves Saladin Salad and Hapsburg-ers?
montrith Sherman Tank Digital Walnut Captain Nobeard SirSlarty Chupasaurus-Rex Really_Quite_Nice Salubrious Rex

Nifty Nif

  • Big Dumb Slimy Monster
  • Paid
  • powerful and can be dangreous
  • 809
  • 51
What should I do with my viola that's collecting dust in my closet?  It's a beautiful instrument and I never play it.  Hmmm...