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Topic: Completely pointless Thought Of The Day thread  (Read 2327959 times)


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Sometimes I wish that the world would suddenly be plagued by dragons, simply so I could drop everything and go on an epic quest. Cause then it would be more socially acceptable to sing "Kill the Dwagon" like Elmer Fudd does about Wabbits.
« Last Edit: April 21, 2016, 11:53:06 am by Chupasaurus-Rex »


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I once met a black girl with a really short winter coat and thoughtlessly commented "Well, I can tell you're not from Finland!". Only after I said it I realized she probably gave those words a whole different interpretation than I had meant. I wanted to run after her and shout "Your coat! It's because you have a short coat and everyone here wears long ones! I'm not a racist I swear!!".
montrith, April 20, 2016, 10:17:05 pm

But that wouldn't be respecting the traditional Finnish hectare of personal space!


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Every morning I think up excuses for not showing up at work. I never use them because I can't deal with the guilt.

But sometimes I take a break and play Candy Crush. Then I feel guilty again when I get called a hard worker.
Chupasaurus-Rex Gyro


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I always kinda figured your job was looking up deranged, godawful shit on google. 

I think you've earned that Candy Crush break, baby.  Maybe take the week off, even.
Chupasaurus-Rex Gyro


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Waking up after a night of good sleep is disappointing. I could've done something better with a few of those hours.
Bodark Nifty Nif

lazzer grardaion?

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Since AgentCoop's avatar is of Gyro Zeppeli, Gyro needs to change his avatar to Dale Cooper.
Agent (gobble, gobble) Coop A Meat

Agent (gobble, gobble) Coop

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Since AgentCoop's avatar is of Gyro Zeppeli, Gyro needs to change his avatar to Dale Cooper.
LancashireMcGee, April 24, 2016, 06:15:28 pm
After finally figuring out that this wasn't some advanced usage of the 'you' function, I have decided that I am all for it


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What should I do with my viola that's collecting dust in my closet?  It's a beautiful instrument and I never play it.  Hmmm...
Nifty Nif, April 21, 2016, 10:36:05 am



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It's not as fun as I thought to ask what battle theme you transition into if you start humming the classic Final Fantasy bassline.

For me it's the GBA version of the FFI one.

A Meat

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Why are there two substantial systems of color-coding rarity of items in games nowadays? It seems to me like it's either White<Blue<Yellow<(purple sometimes?)<Orange or White<Green<Blue<Purple<(pink sometimes?)<Ochre

One Of The Crappy Pokemon That Nobody Likes

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There should be a light-hearted super sentai show called The Adventures of Power Priest and Robo Rabbi, especially if religion is not mentioned even once in any episode.
Nifty Nif Vinny Possum Chupasaurus-Rex


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It's not as fun as I thought to ask what battle theme you transition into if you start humming the classic Final Fantasy bassline.

For me it's the GBA version of the FFI one.
Cleretic, April 24, 2016, 09:18:58 pm
The GPA version of FFVI.


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I've been humming that stupid forest theme from Alex Kidd for days now and I have no idea why.

Somebody kill me please.

A Meat

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It's not as fun as I thought to ask what battle theme you transition into if you start humming the classic Final Fantasy bassline.

For me it's the GBA version of the FFI one.
Cleretic, April 24, 2016, 09:18:58 pm
For some reason it's the FFIII DS one? Probably since it's the easiest to whistle