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Topic: Completely pointless Thought Of The Day thread  (Read 2327889 times)

Nifty Nif

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What should I do with my viola that's collecting dust in my closet?  It's a beautiful instrument and I never play it.  Hmmm...
Nifty Nif, April 21, 2016, 10:36:05 am

Isfahan, April 24, 2016, 08:21:19 pm

NO we do NOT take these instruments outside what is this a POPS CONCERT
in all seriousness I don't even know how to play anymore and I hate buskers.  I kinda want to sell it to a student for $$$$.


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I finally have a smartphone, so now I can shitpost on the go!
Agent (gobble, gobble) Coop Bodark Positronic Runic chai tea latte Cirr Chupasaurus-Rex


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Pizza on Earth, and good will to men.
Nifty Nif Agent (gobble, gobble) Coop


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Of all the people I meet during the day, none interests me as much as Pear Dude. He's this guy, about 60 or so I'd guess, who leaves the train on the same station I board it every morning. He always wears a red beret and scarf and a long, black leather coat, and every time he steps out of the train he has what appears to be an entire pear in his mouth. He's always in a hurry and half runs wherever he's going.

Where's he going? What does he do? Why doesn't he eat breakfast at home? These are the things that interest me.
Runic Digital Walnut Baldr A Meat Caroline Nifty Nif Gyro Liatai Chupasaurus-Rex


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Of all the people I meet during the day, none interests me as much as Pear Dude. He's this guy, about 60 or so I'd guess, who leaves the train on the same station I board it every morning. He always wears a red beret and scarf and a long, black leather coat, and every time he steps out of the train he has what appears to be an entire pear in his mouth. He's always in a hurry and half runs wherever he's going.

Where's he going? What does he do? Why doesn't he eat breakfast at home? These are the things that interest me.
montrith, April 25, 2016, 10:25:19 pm

Not sure why, but he sounds like a character in a children's book.


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So here's something I just realized. You know the whole misongynistic "Meninism" thing? I just found out that that word, "Meninism," is just a crappy rip-off of "Feminism." For the longest time, I thought they were patterning their name on "Leninism," i.e. Marxism-Leninism. It's only a single letter difference!

Pear Dude reminds me of everyones' favorite anime trope.
« Last Edit: April 26, 2016, 09:47:40 am by Psammetichus »

A Meat

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You could probably film a Fallout movie in Detroit without making any sets

Maxine Headroom

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You could probably film a Fallout movie in Detroit without making any sets
A Meat, April 26, 2016, 09:59:02 am
Gentrification's started downtown and in Midtown, but yeah, a lot of the city will be in bad shape for quite a while.

(A Korean pop group filmed a music video in Detroit a few years ago to get that edgy post-apocalyptic feel for cheap -- and then cast all the black extras as rioters or criminals, and talked in interviews about how ~scary~ it was, because of course they would. Sigh.)

A Meat

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Yeah, I watched some documentaries about the decay of the automotive industry in the US and Detroit just has a huge area and not enough people to fill it anymore so there's bound to be tons of abandoned shit

Emperor Jack Chick

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Of all the people I meet during the day, none interests me as much as Pear Dude. He's this guy, about 60 or so I'd guess, who leaves the train on the same station I board it every morning. He always wears a red beret and scarf and a long, black leather coat, and every time he steps out of the train he has what appears to be an entire pear in his mouth. He's always in a hurry and half runs wherever he's going.

Where's he going? What does he do? Why doesn't he eat breakfast at home? These are the things that interest me.
montrith, April 25, 2016, 10:25:19 pm

you should go ask him a lot of questions while he has the pear in his mouth. purely to make him as uncomfortable as possible.

Nifty Nif

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Yeah, I watched some documentaries about the decay of the automotive industry in the US and Detroit just has a huge area and not enough people to fill it anymore so there's bound to be tons of abandoned shit
A Meat, April 26, 2016, 11:22:30 am

It's not all that bad.  I don't live there, but I've visited plenty of times.  A lot of rust belt cities in the US (Detroit, Pittsburgh, Cleveland, Cincinnati, east/east-midwestern steel towns) are attracting millennials and new companies in droves because of their dirt-cheap cost of living and real estate.  As a lifelong denizen of the rust belt, I kind of love it here, even though I felt a strong urge to leave up until I got a job in the opposite corner of the state from which I grew up.  I also feel a fierce pride in the region, despite having little to defend.  I know a lot of other people from the area feel the same way.

It's really cute seeing my friends from other parts of the country (especially, like, California) settle down in the rust belt and absolutely love it and never want to leave.  My friends were recently charmed by an arcade in Pittsburgh called "Games 'n 'at" which, at 5 PM, dismissed all children and started carding everyone.
Maxine Headroom


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It is totally possible to cut your hands and lips on bread crust, provided the crust is on one of Pearl Bakery's excellent french baugettes. Ow/yum.

Nifty Nif

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Nif's rules for life:
It is completely acceptable to ignore any and all Left Turn Only signs, but only if you make a sound like Curly from the Three Stooges when you turn successfully.
Source: Nif's Dad.
Revised: 4/27/16
chai tea latte Agent (gobble, gobble) Coop Gyro Maxine Headroom

Digital Walnut

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Is there a female equivalent for "manchild"? "Womanchild" just doesn't have the same ring to it and I've found myself searching for the right word a couple times while describing women that are still obsessed with Disney and Hello Kitty well into adulthood.

chai tea latte

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Is there a female equivalent for "manchild"? "Womanchild" just doesn't have the same ring to it and I've found myself searching for the right word a couple times while describing women that are still obsessed with Disney and Hello Kitty well into adulthood.
Digital Walnut, April 27, 2016, 02:55:18 pm
"legbeard" is the closest I've heard