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Topic: CTRL+V and post it  (Read 754974 times)


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CTRL+V and post it
Because why not? Explain or not, as you see fit.

http://misrarecords.com/artists/the-mendoza-line did the latest weather segment from Welcome to Night Vale, which has honestly been one of my favorites so far so I decided to give the rest of their stuff a look. Their endorsement as "the prettiest protest songs imaginable" is certainly a draw.


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CTRL+V and post it #1

I thought this was a pretty good article about theology you guys might like it. Or not, that's cool to.


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CTRL+V and post it #2

I thought this was a pretty good article about theology you guys might like it. Or not, that's cool to.
Runic, September 02, 2013, 02:51:07 pm

That is a cool post. I'll have to check out the rest of the blog.

Goose Goose Honk At Me Now

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CTRL+V and post it #3

Juice showed me this. God damn, Lovecraft.


I have 55 ounces of cherry juice and 36-ish of key lime juice/pulp and a powerful, powerful urge to turn those things into sweets or honey wine.

Emperor Jack Chick

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CTRL+V and post it #4


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CTRL+V and post it #5

Juice showed me this. God damn, Lovecraft.


I have 55 ounces of cherry juice and 36-ish of key lime juice/pulp and a powerful, powerful urge to turn those things into sweets or honey wine.
Cuddlegoose, September 02, 2013, 08:24:32 pm

I should be way, way less surprised than I am at how much that Elder Thing looks like a giant fucked-up vagina. Additionally, whatever you do with the latter please tell me how it turns out! Homemade wine is one of those things I've always been too intimidated to try but hearing anecdotal stuff about other peoples' experiences always helps.

Goose Goose Honk At Me Now

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CTRL+V and post it #6
I should be way, way less surprised than I am at how much that Elder Thing looks like a giant fucked-up vagina.
TheCrawlingChaos, September 03, 2013, 04:19:38 am

Apparently his marriage was a horror story in its own right. Though I think that's more because he was a racist asshole married to a lady of Jewish descent rather than because of anything he could or couldn't do in bed.

Additionally, whatever you do with the latter please tell me how it turns out! Homemade wine is one of those things I've always been too intimidated to try but hearing anecdotal stuff about other peoples' experiences always helps.

This is how I got started! These people are always at the Renaissance Faire, and one year on a whim my stepsister and I decided to try getting some mead kits. I don't know if she ever made hers but I was hooked pretty quickly. If you bottle it sooner it tastes kind of like a dessert wine, and if you bottle it later it's more like a slightly sweet beer.


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CTRL+V and post it #7
I should be way, way less surprised than I am at how much that Elder Thing looks like a giant fucked-up vagina.
TheCrawlingChaos, September 03, 2013, 04:19:38 am

Apparently his marriage was a horror story in its own right. Though I think that's more because he was a racist asshole married to a lady of Jewish descent rather than because of anything he could or couldn't do in bed.Cuddlegoose, September 03, 2013, 09:06:42 am

I recall a passage from his biography (following an excerpt of one of her letters talking about how he'd practically have apoplectic fits seeing all the filthy foreigners whenever they went out) where she was like, "You know I'm Jewish, right?" and he was like, "No, you're Sonia Haft Lovecraft now and therefore the Jewishness is negated." Dude's capacity for doublethink was off the charts occasionally.

Additionally, whatever you do with the latter please tell me how it turns out! Homemade wine is one of those things I've always been too intimidated to try but hearing anecdotal stuff about other peoples' experiences always helps.

This is how I got started! These people are always at the Renaissance Faire, and one year on a whim my stepsister and I decided to try getting some mead kits. I don't know if she ever made hers but I was hooked pretty quickly. If you bottle it sooner it tastes kind of like a dessert wine, and if you bottle it later it's more like a slightly sweet beer.

Oh my glob, that looks amazing. The fact that rural Utah is as big on honey as it is does mean that I can source basically any kind, anywhere, so this is definitely relevant to my interests. Ren-Faires are always so great for sourcing stuff like that, aren't they?


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CTRL+V and post it #8

Found a creepy barn the other day.


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CTRL+V and post it #9
Oo, that barn is lovely.

this was, after all, the century that produced the term “conspicuous consumption”  and saw the invention of mass-production leading to the huge amounts of “furnishings, pictures and pianos”  James Walvin broadly describes coming to occupy the average British home in Victorian Values. The ensuing rejection of an essentially Victorian materialism is what Matthew Sweet calls in his Inventing the Victorians “the hygienic, formally pure innovations of Modernism.” (123) --A short extract from my master's thesis which I may or may not have cannibalized from an essay on Modernism I wrote last year.


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CTRL+V and post it #10
Good song that I had sent to a friend


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CTRL+V and post it #11

Found this, thought it was weird, and sent it to a friend.  It's pretty much gone viral since this morning.


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CTRL+V and post it #12

Because this needs to be shared, to be savoured like a fine wine, to be appreciated.  And thanks to PurpleXVI for sharing it with me earlier, credit where it's due.

(And a backup link here in the not-improbable event he eventually shame-pulls it, though the commentariat adds zesty spice to a delicious dish.)


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CTRL+V and post it #13

Because this needs to be shared, to be savoured like a fine wine, to be appreciated.  And thanks to PurpleXVI for sharing it with me earlier, credit where it's due.

(And a backup link here in the not-improbable event he eventually shame-pulls it, though the commentariat adds zesty spice to a delicious dish.)
Acierocolotl, September 06, 2013, 02:27:38 am

Hm. I didn't know Onan had a blog.


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CTRL+V and post it #14

Because this needs to be shared, to be savoured like a fine wine, to be appreciated.  And thanks to PurpleXVI for sharing it with me earlier, credit where it's due.

(And a backup link here in the not-improbable event he eventually shame-pulls it, though the commentariat adds zesty spice to a delicious dish.)
Acierocolotl, September 06, 2013, 02:27:38 am

Haha, he's literally talking about "precious bodily fluids."