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Topic: Completely pointless Thought Of The Day thread  (Read 2020448 times)

A Meat

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fruits tripe gum
RoeCocoa Lemon


  • Every corpse on Mount Everest
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The scariest part of Jacob's Ladder is that God's agents are all chiropractors.
Shell Game

Salubrious Rex

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Besides eyebrows are there any other bodyparts you can get away with having drawn on?

A Meat

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googly eyes are the most important invention in prop comedy history
Salubrious Rex NoneuclidianSchlong RoeCocoa

Dr. Buttplug

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Besides eyebrows are there any other bodyparts you can get away with having drawn on?
Salubrious Rex, January 15, 2023, 04:16:36 am
Mustache, if you're Groucho Marx and your natural facial hair doesn't show up very well on contemporary film stock.
Finger/toe nails? If you just put some polish where it should be.
Nipple if you're short one, or need an extra.
Salubrious Rex RoeCocoa

moooo566 (taylor's version)

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This Ain't L'Arrivée D'Un Train En Gare De La Ciotat XXX
A Meat Dr. Buttplug Sauce chai tea latte Shell Game xX_sp00ks_Xx RoeCocoa Antivehicular


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Anytime a store is playing music that isn't just the basic music so many stored plat it feels so nice. I don't care what genre or decade, it just gives it a good refresh instead of hearing the same songs every other store is playing.
Great Joe RoeCocoa

A Meat

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There's a popular song in Hebrew where the chorus is (translated as accurately as I can bother, but the rhyme scheme is AABB in Hebrew):

Those who believe are not afraid
to lose their faith
and we have the king of the world (a name for god used in Hebrew prayer)
and He guards us from everyone

this raises a troubling question:
How can you lose your faith if you don't believe? If this assertion holds that both everybody who believes and everybody who doesn't believe are not afraid of losing their faith, we can completely disregard the possibility of losing faith, making it irrelevant, but the song makes it the focus of the chorus, implying this is an important issue.

P.S. I fucking hate this song and the singer, an absolute piece of shit

Victor Laszlo

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I have gotten so many emails from Avis telling me that there is nothing wrong with my upcoming rental car reservation that I am now terrified that something is wrong with my upcoming rental car reservation.
chai tea latte Salubrious Rex Dr. Buttplug


  • Every corpse on Mount Everest
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Mommy Teresa
Salubrious Rex Shell Game Lemon


  • Every corpse on Mount Everest
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  • was once an extremely motivated person.
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guy debord - le singe voit, le singe n'agit pas

A Meat

  • Artificial Man Pop Seasoning
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only recently realized that nvidia the gpu maker is gamed after invidia, the mortal sin of envy, which is why their logo and stuff is green in color. there should be more companies named after sins
Sauce Salubrious Rex chai tea latte Shell Game Frank West


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My favorite restaurant reopened and I'm in an unreasonably happy mood about it. Fuck the place next to them for catching fire.
Shell Game Dr. Buttplug


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Surfin' Terf.
xX_sp00ks_Xx Salubrious Rex A Meat Shell Game thelizzerd

One Of The Crappy Pokemon That Nobody Likes

  • Oh no it's the "The-World-Owes-Me-A-Living Lads"!!
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Surfin' Terf.
Lemon, January 25, 2023, 08:02:14 pm

She sees a clownfish, screams, turns inside out and explodes. Her eyeballs wash onto the shore, they spot a bluehead wrasse. The eyeballs then explode too. Cue music as everyone gogo dances around the remains.
Shell Game Lemon thelizzerd Sauce Dr. Buttplug
« Last Edit: January 26, 2023, 12:06:02 am by One Of The Crappy Pokemon That Nobody Likes »