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September 20, 2024, 07:58:12 pm

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Topic: Completely pointless Thought Of The Day thread  (Read 2018035 times)


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I hold so much sympathy for the people whose minds were blown by the music of The Beatles. I get it too, right, even if it's so old you can hear what's special about it. But I'm sorry, I simply can't - I wish I could but - I cannot have my mind blown by it. Time has passed, can you seriously expect this shit to have any effect on me at a time where 100 gecs exists? It's like me doing a pound of cocaine and then being asked to appreciate the beauty of a sunset. Get real.
xdaringdamselx thelizzerd

A Meat

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It's weird how readily we accept the fact that the Latin alphabet has lowercase and uppercase letters like it's a thing we have to have in a language
Great Joe thelizzerd RoeCocoa


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i'm hot
chai tea latte eldritchhat cat_examiner Salubrious Rex thelizzerd


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i'm hot
Spooks, March 30, 2023, 04:13:42 pm

hi hot, im cat
Salubrious Rex thelizzerd chai tea latte Great Joe A Meat xdaringdamselx Lemon Shell Game Dr. Buttplug xX_sp00ks_Xx

A Meat

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gonna go see the mcdonalds with the embalmed corpse of ronald mcdonald in a giant glass case in the center of the restaurant
xX_sp00ks_Xx xdaringdamselx chai tea latte Dr. Buttplug


  • Every corpse on Mount Everest
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just like biggie, i'm ready to die


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It feels like there's less posts about transgender day of visibility compared to years prior and I honestly think it's because of current legislation. It makes me sad.
Shell Game

Salubrious Rex

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I like orange juice but every time I drink it something in the back of my mind asks "Does this taste like vomit?" because it remembers the time when I was 9 and had a flu that lasted a month and nearly killed me. For some reason during this I was at the shopping center with my friends and their grandma and I collapsed on the ground, so they decided to give me orange juice which I vomitted up again 5 minutes later in a toy aisle at K-mart.

And that's what I think about every time I drink orange juice.
xX_sp00ks_Xx Shell Game Antivehicular


  • she/her
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I like orange juice but every time I drink it something in the back of my mind asks "Does this taste like vomit?" because it remembers the time when I was 9 and had a flu that lasted a month and nearly killed me. For some reason during this I was at the shopping center with my friends and their grandma and I collapsed on the ground, so they decided to give me orange juice which I vomitted up again 5 minutes later in a toy aisle at K-mart.

And that's what I think about every time I drink orange juice.
Salubrious Rex, April 03, 2023, 09:06:11 am

I have a similar reaction to lemon-lime Kool-Aid, for similar reasons. Luckily that one's extremely easy to cut out of your diet forever with no value lost.

A Meat

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if you make a priceless piece of art you should be allowed to get everything you want for free
Salubrious Rex Sauce RoeCocoa


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Salubrious Rex Antivehicular PaulLovesToLaugh Hux Great Joe Dr. Buttplug Shell Game RoeCocoa


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Attorney: So let me get this straight, you mean to tell me that while the rest of them dudes were getting their kicks, you were doing what exactly?

Defendant: I beg your pardon?
Sauce Antivehicular organburner


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Been thinking today about how there's probably people who have met both my brother and I and didn't know we were related.


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If the beatles were alive today we'd call him Cringo Star

A Meat

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Kingdom Hearts and its sequel, Democratic People's Republic Hearts