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Topic: Completely pointless Thought Of The Day thread  (Read 2019774 times)


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If the father son and holy ghost are all at least partially the same thing would it be incestuous for Jesus to jerk it?
Salubrious Rex Lemon


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plus on the battery is where the little dick is and you can draw the rest of the gender monster cockogy for the minus yourselves
Salubrious Rex


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Current work status: someone a row away from me just said "oh my gosh, Bertha, look at all that backed-up work" in about the same cadence as "oh my GOD, Becky, look at her BUTT"


  • Every corpse on Mount Everest
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I've been eating food for about three decades now, give or take. I like eating food. I enjoy maintaining the ascendant position in the relationship between me and food. In terms of the Hegelian master/slave dialectic, I am definitely the master of the food that I eat. I wouldn't like the food to eat me. I wouldn't like if the tables metaphorically turned, while, literally, the table on which my food stood did not turn but, rather, the food sprung up from said stationary table and began eating me. It would be a cruel twist of fate if my food attacked and ate me. I have not fantasized about my food eating me. I have not had dreams about my food eating me. I have not had to clean up after myself after waking up, panting, from a dream about food eating me, swallowing me whole and digesting me. I have never been dropped as an infant. I have not drawn pictures of various scenarios in which I would like to find myself in, where food would animate and begin eating me bit by bit as I scream for help and squirm in secret pleasure. I have not recently switched to drinking Soylent exclusively to try and batter down the hatch and weather my uncontrollable urges. Oh, I'm sorry. I just looked it up and it's actually "batten down the hatch". I typed "batter" because I was thinking about food again and how good I am at eating it, and it not eating me.

I have been shitting myself from the Soylent though.
DykeDastardly chai tea latte Antivehicular A Meat Dr. Buttplug RoeCocoa

A Meat

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Why would Danny boy need to know that the pipes are calling

Victor Laszlo

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Waiter at the Philly airport restaurant just said it was shift change and the next guy can be a little rude and then the second guy came and said “I’ll be checking on you from time to time. If I get annoying, just tell me to fuck off and I’ll just fuck right off” and I think it’s possible to lean a little too hard into your city’s reputation.

Shell Game

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Why would Danny boy need to know that the pipes are calling
A Meat, June 03, 2023, 02:18:41 pm
someone's gotta deal with those damn pipes
Dr. Buttplug

A Meat

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Why would Danny boy need to know that the pipes are calling
A Meat, June 03, 2023, 02:18:41 pm
someone's gotta deal with those damn pipes
Shell Game, June 04, 2023, 02:25:32 am
Danny boy is going to bring this up with his local union rep, the Pied Piper.


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Yes, our experiment might have killed the sun but in the hype leading up to that event we created a lot of shareholder value.
Dr. Buttplug RoeCocoa


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[in my gruff film noir detective voice] I don't believe in coinky-dinks...
Salubrious Rex Great Joe Dr. Buttplug Lemon chai tea latte Sauce Shell Game RoeCocoa

A Meat

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you're telling me you're into this vers spider?
Sauce Shell Game xX_sp00ks_Xx

Dr. Buttplug

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Merm's Aid

Salubrious Rex

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Benthic Billionaires
A Meat Dr. Buttplug

A Meat

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it is a well established fact that if you take the same medicine and put it in a fancier sounding delivery mechanism the better it is (because of the placebo effect), so I've decided to sell fentanyl in tiny ampoules that look like bullets and I'm calling them "copbane"
DykeDastardly Salubrious Rex RoeCocoa


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I'm really feeling desperate to have physical contact, like simple hand holding. But, partner less, so I'll just keep doing the laundry instead