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Topic: Completely pointless Thought Of The Day thread  (Read 2020376 times)


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New idea to make me cum: Pissing on her chest then twisting her nipples as the TF2 hit-sound plays and two comic font “MINI-CRIT!” messages float up from her titties
Shell Game


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Writers added context: I woke up at 3:30 am running a nasty fucking cold, wrote the above, then fell back asleep.
Antivehicular Lemon chai tea latte Salubrious Rex A Meat Sauce Frank West


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What do you mean all of the gangbangers forgot about the drive by? You know, if there was one group I thought I could count on to remember the drive by, it would be them.

Yes yes, I heard you, but I'm afraid in this case this is how we do it isn't going to work as an answer here.
GirlKisser420 chai tea latte Antivehicular corporate daiquiri
« Last Edit: May 01, 2023, 09:11:41 pm by Lemon »


  • Its time for limpboys to have their day in the sun
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the beggars sect were the original crust punks. yeah man I dropped out of college to fuck around on the streets of hunan, smoke weed and learn the dog beating staff technique
chai tea latte


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I'm wiping my ass off with kitchen towels because I ran out of toilet paper.

Please note: the above is strictly not true. I just wrote it because it felt a little off-kilter, a little edgy and maybe brutal, a little rebellious in the face of all the rules and regulations about what you can and cannot wipe your ass with (no, there's no written rules but it's a social contract, and society so often holds us down).

*a little cartoon devil pops up on my left shoulder* Great going, ya dumb cunt! Whose mind do you think you're blowing, huh? If you really wanted to be punk, you should've just lied that you didn't wipe at all!

*the little cartoon devil does not disappear but does get taken out of frame as the camera zooms on my face* Huh... I guess you have a point. I... I can't really argue with that.

*cut to a still, medium shot. I've become silent and morose*
Lemon chai tea latte Salubrious Rex Frank West


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I sat down on a bench and had some fast food today. I cracked open a can of carbonated soft drink (they don't pay me so I won't advertise their brand) and decided to put it on the ground rather than on the bench, next to me, because I was afraid I'd knock it over with the corner of my jacket or something. The trees are blooming so, you know, there's petals and fluff, and leaves, and all sorts of shit coming down from above. I thought, oh no, I should pick the can off the ground and put it back next to me.

You see, benches are for people to sit on. The ground is for nature to do her business, it's where tree detritus falls. I had a preconceived categorical division of the human and non-human realm and this imbued the bench with a magical aura of protection. If I put the can back on the bench, then said can was, by virtue of this rational categorization, protected from any petals that might fall into its mouth. I thought this intuitively and easily. It was, for that moment, the truth for me.

This is what "education" does to your brain.
chai tea latte Salubrious Rex Antivehicular A Meat Dr. Buttplug Frank West RoeCocoa

A Meat

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fucked up that Q-R-T KH-D-SH-T became "Carthage" in English

chai tea latte

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why the FUCK did I not repair my office chair sooner. christ. i had forgotten how good it is to have lumbar support
Salubrious Rex Dr. Buttplug

A Meat

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"Leggings" is such a weird word, imagine if more clothes were named like this, like a scarf was a "necking" or if sleeves were called "armings"
Salubrious Rex Dr. Buttplug

A Meat

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Sex, or as I like to call it, "god's gacha"


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We could all use more pro-social, compassionate, empathetic kinks and fetishes in our lives.


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Self-actualization is becoming the kind of person you'd want to fuck *i say this while comically sinking face-first into the lake*
thelizzerd Salubrious Rex

Salubrious Rex

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You think you're King Shit of Fuck Mountain but you're about to become the Shit King of Fucked Mountain buddy
Dr. Buttplug GirlKisser420

Dr. Buttplug

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No, this is Frank Incense, as in incense I got from Frank.
Sauce Frank West Salubrious Rex A Meat RoeCocoa


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My new Jerk Off Instruction: Stop jerking off to me and go jerk off to someone else if you're going to post "god you're ugly" under every one of my videos after you finish!!!!
Dr. Buttplug Salubrious Rex