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Topic: Experiences Introducing Other People to The F-Plus?  (Read 21362 times)

a gross spider

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My GF made a van full of undergrads listen to the ballbusting episode once while driving them on a field trip.

So there's that.
LINDA Gyro STOG Sherman Tank chai tea latte Mu. Lemon


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My undergrad thesis, Dragon Gonads, Make 'Em Squeal: A Comparative Analysis
junior associate faguar Agent (gobble, gobble) Coop eldritchhat


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My GF made a van full of undergrads listen to the ballbusting episode once while driving them on a field trip.

So there's that.
a gross spider, May 10, 2016, 11:23:41 am

Your GF is a horrible person. [freakout]


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My GF made a van full of undergrads listen to the ballbusting episode once while driving them on a field trip.

So there's that.
a gross spider, May 10, 2016, 11:23:41 am

Your GF is a horrible person. [freakout]
Gyro, May 10, 2016, 03:16:03 pm

She could have had Frank's story from F Plus Live 3 on loop.


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My GF made a van full of undergrads listen to the ballbusting episode once while driving them on a field trip.

So there's that.
a gross spider, May 10, 2016, 11:23:41 am

Your GF is a horrible person. [freakout]
Gyro, May 10, 2016, 03:16:03 pm

She could have had Frank's story from F Plus Live 3 on loop.
Turkeyvolumeguessing, May 10, 2016, 06:46:37 pm

So... your girlfriend is Piers Anthony?

Mistress Eva

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complete with a long post about why a 13-year-old having sex with a demon butler isn't creepy, because he's extremely mature for his age!

I hate it when people can't own that the taboo, creepy stuff they're into is, in fact, creepy. If it turns you on it turns you on, and in most cases it's not like there's anything wrong with that, but the bending over backwards to justify it as totes fine is so cringeworthy. OTOH, considering that justification is the basis of maybe 33% of all F Plus fodder I suppose I shouldn't complain that much.

Anyway, by far my most successful introduction of the F Plus has been to Mistress Eva, an atrocity tourist who makes me look like a naive atrocity bumpkin. (She's subsequently branched out into Lou Reads, for instance, something I could never do in a million years.*) Other attempts seem to have mostly been directed at people who listen to too many podcasts already and thus aren't super blown away by one more, or to people who haven't really gotten the humor or appeal. I remember one guy I used to game with, one of those dudes who was always trying to be mindful of his privileged place in the world in ways that mostly just involved regurgitating the newest identity politics crap he'd read about on the Internet, getting all offended about the Ridiculists making jokes about the "trans*" asterisk. Despite my attempts to point out that no one was making fun of trans people, just a written affectation that even a lot of trans people think is idiotic, he wasn't having it and never listened to any more.

*She has an amusing story involving our friendship and the Cum in Food episode which I will try to get her to post in this thread. It amuses me, anyway.
TheCrawlingChaos, May 10, 2016, 11:21:33 am

As my dear friend, The Crawling Chaos, requested, here's the story. Y'all should appreciate it.

I was listening to Lou Reads one day (my atrocity tourism is probably pathological at this point - I've listened to every single one of his episodes, including the infamous bug chasers) and he started reading a thread wherein a couple described how much they loved to put their cum in food. As the story unfolded, the similarities between these cum-eaters (we'll call them the CEs) and two of my closest friends, known here as The Crawling Chaos and Elizabeth Sterling, were uncanny. What started out as being kind of a funny coincidence became truly disconcerting. The CEs loved cooking food for their friends - my friends, a professionally training culinary artist and a British person with a passion for exotic spices, loved to cook for us. The CEs loved gaming with their friends - I game with my two friends all the time. One of the CEs was American and the other was Britsh, the American (same gender as my friend, too) was looking forward to studying in England so they could be with their partner. THIS IS THE EXACT SAME SITUATION AS MY TWO BEST FRIENDS. And then the CE who was posting on the thread started talking about how excited they were to go to the Download music festival. My best friends had recently gone to Download. I felt the hair on the back of my neck stand up.

So for those keeping track, here are the similarities:
- Both love to cook for friends and did so often
- Both love gaming with friends
- Both are a binational couple, one being from America, the other from England
- The genders of both couples were the same
- Both American halves of the couples studied in England to be closer to their partners and had maintained long distance relationships for many years
- Both went to the same goddamn music festival...

The question then became: were my friends the very same couple who were confessing in that thread to putting their cum in their friends' food so that they could watch them unknowingly eat their disgusting bodily fluids? THIS IS AN IMPORTANT QUESTION. I was so worried, that I had to ask The Crawling Chaos in some seemingly casual fashion - even though I was now almost terrified of them - what year EXACTLY did they go to Download.

Much to my eternal relief, they had gone to the festival *before* the CEs had even made the post from which Lou read. It did make me wonder though, how many of the people I know do weird shit and secretly post about it on the internet. What if I *did* come across something that was undeniably my best friend and not just a bizarre series of coincidences that implied my friends were doing something horrifyingly gross to me. Food for thought -- though hopefully not my-best-friends-cum-filled food.

Isfahan chai tea latte cube abuser TheCrawlingChaos Ashto Eider Duck Gyro Nifty Nif goombapolice Positronic Dawnswalker

moooo566 (taylor's version)

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Upon knowing they've been rumbled, the CEs adjust their story to hide the crime.
Agent (gobble, gobble) Coop Nifty Nif

lazzer grardaion?

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Slightly less upsetting than my other story, I did get to introduce a car full of grad students on the drive back from a string theory conference, via "The Search for Terrestrial Intelligence". Hearing the reactions to "Bird food, gravitation and ESP for down-ness, rotation around various heavenly structures, helium for up-ness", and the complete misunderstanding of what magnets are and how they work was priceless.
Nifty Nif Shigan a gross spider Lemon Caroline Fanzay


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I was on a debate team in undergrad, and we all listened to the debate.org episode on the way to a tournament.  Everyone loved it, and it even branched into a conversation about obvious logical fallacies and how to identify them in competition.  Some of the newbies to the team actually learned a thing or two from that discussion. 

I don't think any of my friends on the team listened to any other episodes after that (I didn't mention it too often, it just kinda came up in conversation on the ride to the tournament), but hey, at least we got a good experience out of it.
« Last Edit: May 13, 2016, 11:18:35 pm by zmonbobbo »


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A coworker has been insisting he's seen the craziest shit the internet has to offer because he has been on 4chan. Adult babies set him straight. Thanks, fplus!
Silent Liver Disease Bodark Agent (gobble, gobble) Coop cube abuser Mu. xX_sp00ks_Xx TurkeyPopulationGuessingMan JonRG Sherman Tank RoeCocoa Digital Walnut Nifty Nif Eider Duck Fanzay Mistress Eva junior associate faguar Lemon JamEngulfer


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I introduced a friend to The F Plus during a trip to Massachusetts. We were both sleep deprived and hanging out in the hotel room when she realized she could turn on the Food Network on mute and one of the food episodes and they synced up pretty well.

This has led to a number of drunken nights where we turn on a random episode of The F Plus and try to find a muted TV show to sync it with.
Lemon Digital Walnut


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Oh shit, try the singing episode and see if it syncs up with something!

chai tea latte

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Oh shit, try the singing episode and see if it syncs up with something!
Isfahan, May 19, 2016, 07:28:39 pm
Dank Side of the Moon


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i've got a friend of mine that loves to cook to listen to the cooking episodes. it's just a lot of her going  " why? :(".

Silent Liver Disease

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Ever since I listened to the entire back catalog, I find that in conversation people will talk about things like niche fetishes and furries in a joking manner because they haven't personally run into them. It's really hard not to say, "well actually there's a website for [adult babies/glasses fetish/etc.] and it's terrifying and I've read it." I've occasionally cited episodes in conversations about weird shit. "No, that's real. It's called frotting and if you do it you're a cock-rub warrior. Look at this."

I take in most of my media in podcast/radio form, so for my girlfriend it's become a sort of Russian roulette. Spin the barrel, plug in the aux cord and see if you get something informative, something funny or something horrifying that you can't unhear (although I would argue that FPlus is a little of all three).