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Topic: 236: Mana From Heathens  (Read 55870 times)


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236: Mana From Heathens #15
The first great blog post of his I found was "How I Gave Up Alternating Current", and hoo boy does it start strong:
Nikaer Drekin, December 17, 2016, 10:30:15 pm

Life is Dark Souls and I need to min-max my stats in order to survive.
Corn Syrup Nifty Nif


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236: Mana From Heathens #16
Did you consider including his "beep boop I am a robot" dating routine?

The client also has messaging capabilities. After a match is identified the algorithm sends a simple message “Can I have a dance?” inspired by Mos Def’s success with Ms. Fat Booty. If no response is received the candidate is discarded. If any response is received, it is ignored and a follow up message is sent “Haha okay then how about we go to a fancy seafood restaurant?”, inspired by the classic meat-for-sex exchange that is common in the animal kingdom as well as among humans. The client uses NLTK to judge an affirmative or negative response. From here an Odesk virtual assistant coordinates dates. This also handles rescheduling but conflicts are not an issue as you will soon see.

Come date night a Double Robot loaded with over 10 hours of pre-recorded content of me rolls up to a restaurant automatically chosen from Yelp based on reviews, distance, cost, and whether or not another double of me has a date there at the time (awkward). Reservations are made via OpenTable’s API. Everything from witty, non-offensive stories to mildly embarrassing personal traits to compliments are recorded. According to the logs candidates are often taken aback at a robot showing up, but a sincere recording complimenting their shoes immediately puts them at ease. Mostly, though, it asks questions and listens. The algorithm aims for a 4:1 ratio of listening to presenting. Based on tone of voice computed by DSP, the system knows which topics to go deeper on and which to avoid, organized in a tree structure in memory. If things are going poorly the emergency “tell me about your cat” routine is run and the microphone is muted to prevent the Speech to Text processor from running useless cycles.

The people in the comments seem to think it's satire. But it really does fit with the Soylent "I have no time for your inefficient human tasks, I must code, beep boop" mindset.

Bonus content: The replies to the auto-posted "New blog post" tweet are full of people going "interesting use of technologies, will you open source your algorithm by any chance?" and "HOW ARE YOU SO COOL??!" (both of those are verbatim quotes).
Corn Syrup


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236: Mana From Heathens #17
Decent red wine is surprisingly cheap, pleasurable, and does not require refrigeration.

I also found myself constantly distracted by my phone while driving, and knew other drivers were too. So, with a simple lifestyle adjustment I find Uber eliminates the pain points of transportation much the same way soylent eliminates the pain points of food.

I miss my car sometimes, and I miss frying burgers, but I know both behaviors would have eventually caught up with me.After two years of relying on soylent my blood and body metrics are still optimal, and I no longer have to worry about drunk or distracted driving.

All of my scars are either from cooking or driving. I noticed I have not collected any new ones lately.

On second thought, I find myself becoming very supportive of his decision to quit driving.
Nikaer Drekin


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236: Mana From Heathens #18
The client also has messaging capabilities. After a match is identified the algorithm sends a simple message “Can I have a dance?” inspired by Mos Def’s success with Ms. Fat Booty. If no response is received the candidate is discarded. If any response is received, it is ignored and a follow up message is sent “Haha okay then how about we go to a fancy seafood restaurant?”, inspired by the classic meat-for-sex exchange that is common in the animal kingdom as well as among humans. The client uses NLTK to judge an affirmative or negative response. From here an Odesk virtual assistant coordinates dates. This also handles rescheduling but conflicts are not an issue as you will soon see.

Come date night a Double Robot loaded with over 10 hours of pre-recorded content of me rolls up to a restaurant automatically chosen from Yelp based on reviews, distance, cost, and whether or not another double of me has a date there at the time (awkward). Reservations are made via OpenTable’s API. Everything from witty, non-offensive stories to mildly embarrassing personal traits to compliments are recorded. According to the logs candidates are often taken aback at a robot showing up, but a sincere recording complimenting their shoes immediately puts them at ease. Mostly, though, it asks questions and listens. The algorithm aims for a 4:1 ratio of listening to presenting. Based on tone of voice computed by DSP, the system knows which topics to go deeper on and which to avoid, organized in a tree structure in memory. If things are going poorly the emergency “tell me about your cat” routine is run and the microphone is muted to prevent the Speech to Text processor from running useless cycles.
Neşeli Sultan Selim the Hedgesultan, December 17, 2016, 11:58:50 pm

Wasn't this already covered in the Love Shy episode?


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236: Mana From Heathens #19
It's such a weird mindset that this guy seems to have. "If I'm doing any of this normal human stuff, I'm not making optimal use of my time, and that is a source of pain!" I mean, sometimes it's nice to be a little inefficient. For example, I don't have a car (and I can't afford/won't pay for Uber). So whenever I go somewhere, either I have to get a ride with a friend, or I have to ride the bus and/or walk. And it can actually be fun to just be riding through town on the bus, watching things pass by; or to walk down a street, all by myself. It's a chance to listen to a lot of podcasts, or to sing along with my music (only when I'm reasonably sure I'm alone). Maybe I could stand to do things a bit more efficiently sometimes, but I don't mind the transit time all that much, really.

But I guess that's why I'm a poor-ass grad student, rather than a human robot Silicon Valley thought leader who gives people diarrhea for a living.
Vinny Possum Agent (gobble, gobble) Coop


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236: Mana From Heathens #20
The first great blog post of his I found was "How I Gave Up Alternating Current", and hoo boy does it start strong:
Nikaer Drekin, December 17, 2016, 10:30:15 pm

Life is Dark Souls and I need to min-max my stats in order to survive.
Shigan, December 17, 2016, 11:23:33 pm

Actually, life is Anno 2070 and I'm taking the Eden Initiative way too seriously.

Nikaer Drekin

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236: Mana From Heathens #21
Did you consider including his "beep boop I am a robot" dating routine?

The people in the comments seem to think it's satire. But it really does fit with the Soylent "I have no time for your inefficient human tasks, I must code, beep boop" mindset.

Bonus content: The replies to the auto-posted "New blog post" tweet are full of people going "interesting use of technologies, will you open source your algorithm by any chance?" and "HOW ARE YOU SO COOL??!" (both of those are verbatim quotes).
Neşeli Sultan Selim the Hedgesultan, December 17, 2016, 11:58:50 pm

I did see that one, but I ultimately didn't include it because I do think he meant it as satire. However, it does seem in line with his mindset and eerily close to the stuff he posts with a straight face, so I'd say it's worth reading for people who are curious what weird stuff his brain is capable of producing.


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236: Mana From Heathens #22
I drank a bottle of ballp.it the other day, and a few hours later I found myself having uncontrollable explosive diarrhea - I'm not sure why. So yesterday I drank another bottle of ballp.it and had yet another painful monster cock eruption, but this time I was also shitting blood. I'm wondering if I might have some kind of sensitivity to an ingredient in the ballp.it (snakes? heroin?). I just drank another bottle to test the hypothesis, I'll report back on the results.
Agent (gobble, gobble) Coop RoeCocoa Knitting Machine Goose Goose Honk At Me Now
« Last Edit: December 18, 2016, 11:02:14 am by Gyro »

A Meat

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236: Mana From Heathens #23
I wonder what happens if you put Soylent in a centrifuge to fractionate the ingredients.

you know, because I want to get rid of all that useless water in food that causes me to leave my desk


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236: Mana From Heathens #24
I drank a bottle of ballp.it the other day, and a few hours later I found myself having uncontrollable explosive diarrhea - I'm not sure why. So yesterday I drank another bottle of ballp.it and had yet another painful monster cock eruption, but this time I was also shitting blood. I'm wondering if I might have some kind of sensitivity to an ingredient in the ballp.it (snakes? heroin?). I just drank another bottle to test the hypothesis, I'll report back on the results.
Gyro, December 18, 2016, 11:00:42 am
You should try drinking F Plus instead.

Captain Nobeard Captain Capitalism blunge

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236: Mana From Heathens #25
The walls are buzzing. I know this because I have a magnet implanted in my hand and whenever I reach near an outlet I can feel them. I can feel fortresses of industry miles away burning prehistoric hydrocarbons by the megaton.

This guy wants to live in a Phillip K. Dick novel SO BAD.
Agent (gobble, gobble) Coop Captain Nobeard Yavuz chai tea latte


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236: Mana From Heathens #26
This guy reminds me of Patrick82, actually. Screw all normal human joys, all must either be in service or sacrificed to achieve my sole interest!

...what does he code? I think that determines if I respect him or Patrick82 more.


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236: Mana From Heathens #27
I just wanted to say that the blog posts at the end of my doc were super long, but also grade-A nutjob material that I highly recommend reading. I might post some choice quotes here later!
Nikaer Drekin, December 17, 2016, 08:11:27 pm

My favorite "experiment" of his is the one where he tries to make it so he no longer needs to poop.

Nikaer Drekin

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236: Mana From Heathens #28
I just wanted to say that the blog posts at the end of my doc were super long, but also grade-A nutjob material that I highly recommend reading. I might post some choice quotes here later!
Nikaer Drekin, December 17, 2016, 08:11:27 pm

My favorite "experiment" of his is the one where he tries to make it so he no longer needs to poop.
duz, December 18, 2016, 07:49:45 pm

I think that's part of the Life Without Water one, if I'm remembering it right, though I wouldn't put it past him to try that twice.


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236: Mana From Heathens #29
I keep checking this thread expecting to see a drawing of the Hawaiian Punch mascot, holding a bottle of Soylent as he surfs on a wave of thick green gas that's coming out of his own butt, and the caption "RIDE THE GREEN STINK WAVE".

Agent (gobble, gobble) Coop Boots Raingear Sherman Tank Achilles' Heelies Captain Nobeard nuffkins, of all people,