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Topic: 298: Giving You Tingles  (Read 29640 times)

Agent (gobble, gobble) Coop

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298: Giving You Tingles #30
Real Lord Of The Flies hours who up

Shell Game

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298: Giving You Tingles #31
Fuck, the reddit debate at the end is brat for beat the edging vs nofap debate that also took place on surprise! reddit.

Sherman Tank

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298: Giving You Tingles #32
I hope the episode name isn't changed because then Lemon will have to change the Tingle cover art, and I don't want that.
Monkey’s Paw Wish Dr. Buttplug


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298: Giving You Tingles #33
I should look into putting on ASMR videos when I go to sleep, instead of my current go-to, those season-long collections of Angry Video Game Nerd.


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298: Giving You Tingles #34
I've always felt ASMR as like a kind of tickling on my scalp and neck - like one of those weird scalp massaging things? It's just noises and images (I've found light stimuli - like fake eye tests and whatnot to make me drowsy) that relax ya. It's just a super quick way to doze off in my case.

While yeah, there are defs weird Redditors that listen to it to get off, I've always just used it as white noise. I can't use it to study or work or anything though because I just get too sleepy.

Dr. Buttplug

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298: Giving You Tingles #35
I was going to ask if ASMR is the same thing as lying in the dark and listening to Tangerine Dream, but apparently that’s a completely different feeling?

I get a major “emperor’s new clothes” vibe from it. Like everyone claims to feel something but they can’t seem to articulately describe it and also it makes no sense to me. Not that I disbelieve any of you guys who are into ASMR, but that reddit talk really made it sound like it was just people being weird about hearing a pleasant sound.
Darkly, March 11, 2019, 02:56:10 pm
It's one of those physiological things like enjoying pesto or being ticklish. Some studies have said that there is a specific reaction that some people have to these stimuli and some just don't. That's why it's so hard to explain to people that have never experienced it. It's like trying to explain why I hate your hellish soap noodles LINDA!

I was premature to stick my toe in the pool, apparently I wasn't the only ASMR obsessive here!

« Last Edit: March 12, 2019, 12:51:38 pm by Dr. Buttplug »

Adam Bozarth

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298: Giving You Tingles #36
Petition to officially renamed this episode “Sucks to Your ASMR”
Adam Bozarth, March 11, 2019, 03:27:23 pm

Pretty sure there's a reference here I'm not getting.
Lemon, March 11, 2019, 04:01:33 pm

In “Lord of the Flies,” which they make you read in high school to help inspire the imaginations of the crueler children, there is a character named Piggy. He’s the worst and he can’t do anything right. When the marooned boys all go swimming, Piggy says he can’t because he has “Ass-mar,” the British pronounciation of Asthma. And the other boys respond “Sucks to your ass-mar!” It’s the only thing I remember from Sophomore English.
chai tea latte Corn Syrup xX_sp00ks_Xx KingKalamari


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298: Giving You Tingles #37
I remember when the ASMR shit first took off and it wasn’t full of creepy ladies and ladies being creeped on.

The video that triggered it the most was just someone ironing a shirt really well. My ex would make fun of me in bed by just whispering/making clicking noises close to my ear.

It’s like a feeling of being just super satisfied but you feel it physically.  Like when you eat something really good and you feel the yum radiate out of your body.

Its kinda like being tickled but inside your brain.
Dr. Buttplug
« Last Edit: March 13, 2019, 05:36:10 pm by bubbleuj »


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298: Giving You Tingles #38
This episode had some amazing jargon. I don't know how I have never heard "AMSRtist" or "reddiquette" before.
Monkey’s Paw Wish


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298: Giving You Tingles #39
This episode had some amazing jargon. I don't know how I have never heard "AMSRtist" or "reddiquette" before.
Spenny, March 13, 2019, 11:37:41 pm

Neither has reddit


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298: Giving You Tingles #40
Agent (gobble, gobble) Coop chai tea latte Shell Game Boots Raingear Penultimatum Lemon Frank West SHAMBA~1.SBB MasterOfHope RoeCocoa moooo566 (taylor's version) A Meat Vinny Possum Wrought Monkey’s Paw Wish Dr. Buttplug Captain Nobeard Wyst Nikaer Drekin Achilles' Heelies


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298: Giving You Tingles #41
"Don't wake Mother"

The Superman III thing totally caught me off guard too.

Sherman Tank

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298: Giving You Tingles #42
Macho Masc Sangy Savage Dr. Buttplug


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298: Giving You Tingles #43
sambair Sherman Tank Maslow’s Tweeds RoeCocoa NutshellGulag


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298: Giving You Tingles #44
SHAMBA~1.SBB Frank West Mr. Hunky Academia . Carbon Mix birdie GenesisAlwaysSucked