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Topic: 332: Why Don't The Females Understand Bitcoin?  (Read 29739 times)


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332: Why Don't The Females Understand Bitcoin? #30
I can't find the specific moment, but in one of the SA bitcoin mock threads someone found some posts where a number of bitcoiners were crossposting to a camgirl forum, trying to convince users to adopt cryptocurrencies. This effort included someone who registered on the forum pretending to be a lady new to the scene who was curious about bitcoin and extolled its virtues in a number of threads.
Turns out that sex workers are pretty cluey about finances and quickly identified and shunned the impostor as well,  much to the surprise of the coiners who had thought they had found some easy marks.
Megacrex inepta, September 09, 2020, 08:16:58 am
I feel like you could make an entire (probably depressing) FPlus document about guys trying to scam camgirls and quickly learning that online sex workers are all way, way smarter than they are.
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332: Why Don't The Females Understand Bitcoin? #31
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Puppy Time

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332: Why Don't The Females Understand Bitcoin? #32
That is absolutely beautiful and perfect.  I am in awe.

Puppy Time

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Tipsy Almond

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332: Why Don't The Females Understand Bitcoin? #34
There's a general rule of thumb in business:

If you pay money for something, that thing is the product / service.

If you are paid money in exchange for something, YOU are the product / service.

Which raises the question of what exactly your computer is calculating during mining runs. :B


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332: Why Don't The Females Understand Bitcoin? #35
There's a general rule of thumb in business:

If you pay money for something, that thing is the product / service.

If you are paid money in exchange for something, YOU are the product / service.

Which raises the question of what exactly your computer is calculating during mining runs. :B
Tipsy Almond, September 15, 2020, 12:47:47 am
IIRC, it's explicitly just a lot of useless mathematical calculations designed just to churn processors, because the idea is that you generate coins via "proof of work," not through actually producing anything of value. If Bitcoin mining were secretly processing EvilCorp's world-domination weather-control algorithm, that would be of more value to the world than the current status quo.
Lemon Secret Gaygent 69 chai tea latte Puppy Time Salubrious Rex

moooo566 (taylor's version)

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332: Why Don't The Females Understand Bitcoin? #36
Is there a folding@homecoin? That feels like the logical conclusion to that.


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332: Why Don't The Females Understand Bitcoin? #37
I vaguely remember there being a couple of altcoins that use some kind of "useful" work for their proof-of-work. The difficulty with using something like folding@home is that your ideal proof-of-work should be difficult to brute force, but trivial to check. The harder it is to tell who got the right answer first, the more likely you are to have the transaction record get out of sync between different parts of the network.

Also, to Tipsy Almond's point, the people doing the mining are in fact doing a service for the bitcoin network. The huge amount of garbage number-crunching that goes into mining theoretically protects the network from being controlled by any one actor, because in order to control the network, you need to provide more mining work than the rest of the network combined. The mining reward is supposed to be an incentive to keep as many people mining as possible, thereby keeping the network secure.

In short, bitcoin by nature has to be as useless and wasteful as possible.

Puppy Time

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332: Why Don't The Females Understand Bitcoin? #38
There's a general rule of thumb in business:

If you pay money for something, that thing is the product / service.

If you are paid money in exchange for something, YOU are the product / service.

Which raises the question of what exactly your computer is calculating during mining runs. :B
Tipsy Almond, September 15, 2020, 12:47:47 am
IIRC, it's explicitly just a lot of useless mathematical calculations designed just to churn processors, because the idea is that you generate coins via "proof of work," not through actually producing anything of value. If Bitcoin mining were secretly processing EvilCorp's world-domination weather-control algorithm, that would be of more value to the world than the current status quo.
Antivehicular, September 15, 2020, 01:54:45 am

Jesus, it's like a metaphor for modern capitalism but real.

Shame Boi

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I know y'all love bitcoin, FEEMALES and absolutely excellent domains, so let me dredge up this thread to present you with:


 I have no clue what it's trying to do, buy and sell NFT's of women or something? Definitely check out their eight-page "one pager" PDF though:


We plan to

 1) Generate buzz of relationship status tokenization with help of celebrities (e. g., Hollywood actress Bella Thorn is now on OnlyFans, you can be her boyfriend on girlfriend.finance).
 2) Incentivize females to embrace the new normal of relationship tokenization and blockchain relationship management.
 3) Focus on providing females with blockchain tools that help them grow and manage their brand, navigate romantic and personal relationships.
Lemon Immoral Filth RoeCocoa Puppy Time VerifiedFailure Antivehicular


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Biggie Fries

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332: Why Don't The Females Understand Bitcoin? #41
I find this episode inspirational.
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Great Joe

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332: Why Don't The Females Understand Bitcoin? #42
I find this episode inspirational.
Biggie Fries, September 12, 2023, 09:41:19 pm
Thank you for your art. It's lovely.
Biggie Fries