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June 03, 2024, 04:25:54 pm

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Topic: 360: All My Starchildren  (Read 5710 times)


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360: All My Starchildren
Secret Gaygent 69 marxcarl junior associate faguar Dr. Buttplug Blergh Immoral Filth VerifiedFailure Skeeps


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360: All My Starchildren #1
I learned that if your real kids don't talk to you anymore, you can make newer, better children through the power of imagination!
Great Joe Skeeps VerifiedFailure


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360: All My Starchildren #2
The first to come first appeared in the sky in March 1997, so Hale-Bop? Is this a Heavens Gate off shoot?


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360: All My Starchildren #3
Wearing my ThoughtScreen helmet in order to skip out on my starchild support payments
Dr. Buttplug Blergh Immoral Filth adrenochrome dome Kitfox88


  • some people's reactions such as the fuck,the hell,wtf, or what the hell
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360: All My Starchildren #4
I now know what new age mom trip reports sound like.
VerifiedFailure Diploskull Lemon chai tea latte Skeeps


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360: All My Starchildren #5
Man UFO religions and adjacent beliefs are fantastic, how do you guys dig up this content


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360: All My Starchildren #6
I never thought the Soda Poppers from Sam & Max would star in an F+ episode, but here we are.
A Meat

A Meat

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360: All My Starchildren #7
I never thought the Soda Poppers from Sam & Max would star in an F+ episode, but here we are.
Spooks, October 02, 2021, 12:21:02 pm
Besides the kids looking like the Soda Poppers, this might actually be Hugh Bliss's website, the recipes are about creating weirdly layered foods that bacteria can grow in

Achilles' Heelies

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360: All My Starchildren #8
Boots made that Dr. Bashir joke a light-year ahead of Dijon.
chai tea latte VerifiedFailure adrenochrome dome Penultimatum Boots Raingear

adrenochrome dome

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360: All My Starchildren #9
Boots made that Dr. Bashir joke a light-year ahead of Dijon.
Achilles' Heelies, October 02, 2021, 09:21:01 pm

It makes sense because you can take a shorter path to make the joke if you're fast enough to go through the Maw.
chai tea latte RoeCocoa Achilles' Heelies

Captain Fargle

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360: All My Starchildren #10
I hate myself for this but when they were talking about star child names and said "Lily Luna" I nearly yelled, out loud, "Wait a minute! That's just what Harry Potter named his kid!"


Do I get a special Kumquat Medal or something for that?
adrenochrome dome

sea hag

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360: All My Starchildren #11
I hate myself for this but when they were talking about star child names and said "Lily Luna" I nearly yelled, out loud, "Wait a minute! That's just what Harry Potter named his kid!"


Do I get a special Kumquat Medal or something for that?
Captain Fargle, October 04, 2021, 04:21:31 pm

You get a dark, empty pit in your soul.
adrenochrome dome A Meat Penultimatum Dr. Buttplug SHAMBA~1.SBB

Smallest Sasquatch

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360: All My Starchildren #12
Man UFO religions and adjacent beliefs are fantastic, how do you guys dig up this content
VerifiedFailure, October 02, 2021, 11:50:19 am

I dunno, it's just when I see something crazy on the internet I follow links to crazier and crazier content until I strike gold. 

Although... It probably helps that my childhood was full of this new age bullshit.  Not quite as out there as starchildren, but pretty damn close.  By the time I was 12 I had had an aura reading at a psychic institute, had my complete astrological star chart done, browsed alien conspiracy websites, participated in a smudging ritual for the solstice, was gifted multiple tarot decks and dreamcatchers, and had even tried to develop my latent telekinetic abilities (it turns out I can't move objects with my mind).  Thanks mom.  Our family tried the raw food thing for a while too.  I remember eating a lot of terrible carob and avocado "fudge" for dessert.  And she even got me a slice of raw "pizza" at the New Living Expo that was probably made with the same recipe Bridget uses!  Needless to say, I quickly became a skeptic after a certain point.
adrenochrome dome Lemon VerifiedFailure A Meat Secret Gaygent 69 Penultimatum chai tea latte xX_sp00ks_Xx Philosothelia junior associate faguar Frank West Down10 Zemyla


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360: All My Starchildren #13
Wow that’s quite the new age experience, I hope it was interesting rather than miserable.  My family skirted the edge of new age stuff but I never realized how deep those beliefs go until I got older and started looking for weird stuff online.