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Topic: Tell the world your current go-to exclamation  (Read 20636 times)


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Tell the world your current go-to exclamation #15
Never been an "aw, tits" kind of person, but lately- Well, no. Not really. The truth is, I've been saying "titty" lately. Just the one. Titty.
Salubrious Rex RoeCocoa

A Meat

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Tell the world your current go-to exclamation #16
doesn't quite roll off the tongue in english like it does in hebrew, but "l'azazel" is my go to exclamation when something is bad in hebrew. it's basically just "damn it" in modern hebrew, even if christianity and islam turned what might have just been the 'scape' where you sent the scapegoat into some kind of angel or the like
Salubrious Rex

A Simple Farming Goblin

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Tell the world your current go-to exclamation #17
"Shimatta" is mine - "shit" in Japanese. No I am not Japanese. Yes, I watched a lot of anime as a teen.  It's got a particular cadence that's really pleasant in a cellar-door way.


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I'm saying Piss a bunch
xX_sp00ks_Xx Dr. Buttplug Salubrious Rex


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Instead of 'my opinion' I say 'my imo' and that's not capitalized because I don't say the letters. It's my eyemo. Sometimes it just gets contracted to "mymo".

Great Joe

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Instead of 'my opinion' I say 'my imo' and that's not capitalized because I don't say the letters. It's my eyemo. Sometimes it just gets contracted to "mymo".
EYE OF ZA, June 06, 2023, 04:04:02 pm
This is a crime.
Salubrious Rex Dr. Buttplug Sauce

Salubrious Rex

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I've been saying "Oh my goodness" a lot lately and I don't know where it's come from. It mostly gets used when I'm frustrated with something.


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Tell the world your current go-to exclamation #22
i've been doing a lot of "oki doki", pronounced like that. Less now but... it was scary for a while.
Salubrious Rex RoeCocoa

Shell Game

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Tell the world your current go-to exclamation #23
I'm fond of this one

but this one is growing on me
Salubrious Rex RoeCocoa Frank West