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March 31, 2025, 05:57:08 pm

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Topic: 384: The Angry Apple Nerd  (Read 40976 times)


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384: The Angry Apple Nerd
Salubrious Rex Achilles' Heelies chai tea latte Doctor Interrogative oscaruglyface RoeCocoa Shell Game thelizzerd


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384: The Angry Apple Nerd #1
I'd been waiting for this episode ever since you uploaded the toiccing JFK tribute. So about 5 hours.
Achilles' Heelies

Great Joe

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384: The Angry Apple Nerd #2
chai tea latte Salubrious Rex

Doctor Interrogative

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384: The Angry Apple Nerd #3
Everyone be cool, but I've managed to procure a photo of Brian Frange.
Lemon xdaringdamselx Dr. Buttplug Salubrious Rex RoeCocoa Shell Game


  • some people's reactions such as the fuck,the hell,wtf, or what the hell
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384: The Angry Apple Nerd #4
There's something special about the last review where the review and the commenter both start off in internet tough guy voice and then both apologize and calm down.


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384: The Angry Apple Nerd #5
Apple rankings guy just popped up on my tiktok, he only has 2 videos so far.


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384: The Angry Apple Nerd #6
Apple rankings guy just popped up on my tiktok, he only has 2 videos so far.
Diploskull, February 19, 2023, 07:46:50 pm

I bet Lemon is trying to help Apple Guy go viral. Tree fruit folk stick together
xdaringdamselx Glitterbomber RoeCocoa thelizzerd DUDEVSTHEWORLD


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384: The Angry Apple Nerd #7

ceci n'est pas une pomme rouge délicieuse
xdaringdamselx thelizzerd
« Last Edit: February 20, 2023, 01:23:31 am by Wolley74 »

Dr. Buttplug

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384: The Angry Apple Nerd #8
Portax forgot the obvious, "Apple in your eye you worm filled son of a bitch"
One Of The Crappy Pokemon That Nobody Likes thelizzerd


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384: The Angry Apple Nerd #9
Jack Chick is right about gala apples, absolute dogshit apple for morons


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384: The Angry Apple Nerd #10
The sound of absolute agony Frank West made after Portaxx told her stapler joke floored me, holy shit
xX_sp00ks_Xx thelizzerd

A Simple Farming Goblin

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384: The Angry Apple Nerd #11
Is it terrible that I agree with a lot of the rankings? Like, the guy's a bit of a wingnut and it's always a delight when people go waaaaaay in depth on stuff that's ultimately inconsequential but dammit he's right about granny smiths man


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384: The Angry Apple Nerd #12
The sound of absolute agony Frank West made after Portaxx told her stapler joke floored me, holy shit
LuckyNumbers, February 22, 2023, 04:29:42 pm

Frank consistently has the best noises.
thelizzerd Salubrious Rex Dr. Buttplug LuckyNumbers Frank West RoeCocoa Shell Game xX_sp00ks_Xx


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384: The Angry Apple Nerd #13
With her horses, I think no one can take Kathy.


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384: The Angry Apple Nerd #14
As presumably one of the only folk on this site currently within the bounds of New Zealand, I decided to conduct some field research by purchasing a Sweetango for 0.89 human cents.

And y'know, it's fine.

Jazz are better.
thelizzerd Great Joe xdaringdamselx Doctor Interrogative Lemon Sauce chai tea latte Vinny Possum