JORDAN: Now, the biggest problem with the Jackbox Party Pack games, which I'll say time and time again,'s not really for people like me. (sighs) Even though the series and know everything about it. Because the Jackbox Party Packs are meant for parties, and you're [sic] an antisocial asshole. Yeah. I can barely make people hang out at one spot at any given time? I can't even get a twitch stream going to get people to play Jackbox games with. So if I'm spending, thirty or forty dollars...I have no one to play them with. And that's very sad. This time around I really barely play them with my friends - it's not that the groupchat, like, pushes me away. We really couldn't co-ordinate schedules. But it's the case of....[trails off][...]but what I...have been doing is, going onto twitch streams of people who are playing Jackbox games, and trying to get in on that. It's still very slimy? Because I don't know some of these twitch streamers, I don't know their sense of it's very voyeuristic? but I try to have fun with them. And it's still OK, 'cause it's still the Jackbox team, it's still in that regard. I'm glad people still enjoy the Jackbox Party Pack Series, but, the only disappointing thing for me, you're the lonely guy at the party, so therefore the game's really not for you. But this is one of the best party packs they've done so far.