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Topic: Favourite moments!  (Read 52859 times)


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Favourite moments! #15
"One Hundred and Oney One"KingKalamari, March 06, 2013, 06:27:59 pm
I can't believe I forgot this one!

Also, there was a certain moment in All RFIDs In Me that actually made me snort water out of my nose which I've never done before (I was at the drinking fountain at work, too). I think one of the readers was attempting to do an O Fortuna-type background sound and it just wasn't working? Something like that.


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Favourite moments! #16
I almost forgot "There are no blind yam-shaped men named Nigel!" from the Sinead o'Connor episode.


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Favourite moments! #17
Bunnybread as Paula Deen in "I Can't Believe it's Entirely Butter." Just...every moment.

Bunnybread: "Coat the pan with two tablespoons of the butter. Well, four. Sixteen tablespoons."
John: "Touch yourself while doing this."
Bunnybread: "I thought that was implied."


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Favourite moments! #18
From the Troper Tales episode, specifically regarding the Cloud Cuckoolander trope and their overusage of cheese as a "OMG QUIRKY AND RANDOM" thing:

John: "I get the feeling a lot of people commenting on this site see a lot of cheese daily, and I bet it goes right in their faces."
Lemon: "Well, cheese isn't exactly what they see."
Boots: "'Modified milk ingredients'..."

Also Boots arguing that people say "Cheese" to smile for photos because it's funny. "IT'S FUCKING SCIENCE!"


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Favourite moments! #19
A lot of mine have been posted already, but re-listening to Ignorance of the Law is My Excuse today made me remember how much the end bumper cracks me up, particularly "Wiggaman, Wiggaman and Niggaman: We're Actually All White."


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Favourite moments! #20
Portaxx during the Pokegirls episode.  That was some prime anguish right there.


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Favourite moments! #21
Likewise, Victor during the mothering.com episode. You can hear his utter agony at having to read anti-vacc stuff.


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Favourite moments! #22
Likewise, Victor during the mothering.com episode. You can hear his utter agony at having to read anti-vacc stuff.
Chaz GELF, March 14, 2013, 12:56:59 am

I was right there with him. He adopted the same tone of voice as a person who had to stick his hand into a plastic box full of angry wasps.
Sherman Tank


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Favourite moments! #23
The Dragon Dong episode where they were talking about one of the tentacle devices and someone said something along the lines of not wanting anything to do with the tentacle device and Victor (I think?) said "well, the tentacle is for you anyway!"

Also, Maggot-Faggot as Metal Gear villain almost made me pee myself.


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Favourite moments! #24
'North American Suck Cock Assault Rifle' is a sport I actually want to see.


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Favourite moments! #25
From the Kickstarter episode:

"You'll get all of that stuff I mentioned earlier, PLUS a limited edition Gamer's Hip Clip!"
"What makes it limited edition?"

The sheer enthusiasm with which Lemon delivers that line cracks me up.
Navigator znarf


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Favourite moments! #26
"The black stereotypes have The Bomb!" - Portaxx, The Netflix Revue

I listen to podcasts at work and I've learned to keep a straight face so that I don't disturb anyone, but I laughed so hard at that line.


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Favourite moments! #27
From the Kickstarter episode:

"You'll get all of that stuff I mentioned earlier, PLUS a limited edition Gamer's Hip Clip!"
"What makes it limited edition?"

The sheer enthusiasm with which Lemon delivers that line cracks me up.
Chaz GELF, March 26, 2013, 08:49:45 pm

That reminds me of a moment I always loved from the second WikiHow episode where Lemon is teaching us how to rap and gets interrupted by Nutshell:

"You shut your whore mouth...In the rap community we'd call you a "ho""

It's made hilarious simply because he said it in the whitest voice imaginable.


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Favourite moments! #28
I loved that Wikihow episode. "Rap like you're trying to get a raise from your boss" cracked me up. Especially when the other ridiculists jumped in on the idea.

"Um, excuse me, Mr. Johnson, I'm try to slap dat ass and pop a cap, don't be steppin' to this dirty rap."


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Favourite moments! #29
Aw geez dere, Edith, yer killin' muh boner!