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September 20, 2024, 08:23:55 pm

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Topic: Completely pointless Thought Of The Day thread  (Read 2019723 times)

chai tea latte

  • TheftBot is, simply put, a fully sentient robot for stealing automatic teller machines
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Valid Snake.
Snake, get down! You are valid!
Agent (gobble, gobble) Coop Wrought bubbleuj

Macho Masc Sangy Savage

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...there's a graphic designer position open for Llewellyn Worldwide which apparently "is the country’s oldest and largest independent publisher of books on the New Age, Mind Body Spirit, alternative spirituality, esoteric literature, and the paranormal, celebrating more than a century of publishing books and related products."

I can't decide if that would be the best job or the most infuriating job.


  • The Unsevered
  • Paid
  • 2,365
  • -85
...there's a graphic designer position open for Llewellyn Worldwide which apparently "is the country’s oldest and largest independent publisher of books on the New Age, Mind Body Spirit, alternative spirituality, esoteric literature, and the paranormal, celebrating more than a century of publishing books and related products."

I can't decide if that would be the best job or the most infuriating job.
Sanguinary Novel?, March 23, 2018, 05:14:15 pm
Imagine the typical client who wants like, really dark grey, but not like, black, no like a liiittle bit darker than that but no not black

Now imagine that they ate mushrooms yesterday

Macho Masc Sangy Savage

  • Beep Beep Imma Dwarf Jeep
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  • 🍕 Pizza Philosopher 🍕
  • 3,984
  • 423
...there's a graphic designer position open for Llewellyn Worldwide which apparently "is the country’s oldest and largest independent publisher of books on the New Age, Mind Body Spirit, alternative spirituality, esoteric literature, and the paranormal, celebrating more than a century of publishing books and related products."

I can't decide if that would be the best job or the most infuriating job.
Sanguinary Novel?, March 23, 2018, 05:14:15 pm
Imagine the typical client who wants like, really dark grey, but not like, black, no like a liiittle bit darker than that but no not black

Now imagine that they ate mushrooms yesterday
Wrought, March 23, 2018, 05:35:11 pm

I don't know, being the stone-cold sober designer for tripped out people would be fascinating and frustrating. My real concerns are if they publish garbage natural remedies like homeopathy, which I'm very, very morally against.


  • Every corpse on Mount Everest
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  • was once an extremely motivated person.
  • 3,730
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I try to live my life one ballpit post at a time.
Agent (gobble, gobble) Coop GirlKisser420 A Meat bubbleuj

Agent (gobble, gobble) Coop

  • Trill Lesh
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  • 12 cellphones and I look like kurt angle
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I try to live my life one ballpit post at a time.
Spooks, March 23, 2018, 07:21:46 pm
it's the only way brother


  • Its time for limpboys to have their day in the sun
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ballpit is the best way to pit your balls

Dr. Buttplug

  • Formerly Jackal Flapnasty
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  • Legendary Jizz-Wailer
  • 2,264
  • -12
...there's a graphic designer position open for Llewellyn Worldwide which apparently "is the country’s oldest and largest independent publisher of books on the New Age, Mind Body Spirit, alternative spirituality, esoteric literature, and the paranormal, celebrating more than a century of publishing books and related products."

I can't decide if that would be the best job or the most infuriating job.
Sanguinary Novel?, March 23, 2018, 05:14:15 pm
I say go for it. If you get saddled with something you disagree with you can make noise or subvert it in some way. Regular graphic design work can be hard to get, and at least you'd have a good story. Best case scenario they know the score and it's all fun and harmless for you. Of course I'm comfortable making a scene at work if things get out of hand, so maybe that's not good advice for you. Still good luck on the job search.

Dr. Buttplug

  • Formerly Jackal Flapnasty
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  • Legendary Jizz-Wailer
  • 2,264
  • -12
There's a very special feeling when you see a really good post and you get to be the sixth to click the bulb, like [freakout]
Agent (gobble, gobble) Coop Shell Game bubbleuj

A Meat

  • Artificial Man Pop Seasoning
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  • filled with delicious dude meat
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Making jokes for yourself and yourself alone is good self care
Moose Macho Masc Sangy Savage Shigan Dr. Buttplug

Shell Game

  • Probability of victory in Tarzan jump: 99.99%. Probability of sinking when landing on mudflat: 100%.
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There's a very special feeling when you see a really good post and you get to be the sixth to click the bulb, like [freakout]
Jackal Flapnasty, March 24, 2018, 03:02:31 am
i only got to make it two bulbs

i feel ennui
Dr. Buttplug


  • God's Personal Jester
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i know that little caesars is the pizza equivalent of cardboard but i keep wanting to eat it


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the phrase "up is down, down is up, thats the way i like to fuck" entered my mind recently and ive never been more disappointed with myself
. bubbleuj Dr. Buttplug


  • The Unsevered
  • Paid
  • 2,365
  • -85
1742 A.M., 17th of Grumpy Cat.

The upvote harvest has been scarce this year. I appreciate that our subreddit will never be as popular as /r/funny or /r/kotakuinaction, but we've harvested less content this cycle than any previous cycle recorded in the archives. My mods have begun staggering content to provide the illusion of life, hoping that the image of a lively community will be seen as an invitation to participate. The posters do not wish to post in the subreddit proper anymore, largely relegating themselves to the discord server. That damnable server has tormented me ever since its creation. I had hoped to create a forum in which the philosophy of our content could flourish and our community would enrich itself. Instead it has siphoned content that would normally be posted publicly in an ouroboros of shite-posting. If this problem cannot be solved, the subreddit will fall by its own hand.

Our relationship with our sister subreddit has been strained as of late. They have always been more prosperous than us, and do not seem to be suffering as we are. When we initially partnered with them, we assumed that we would be gaining users from them, and that this relationship would result in our growth. Instead it seems to have resulted in an opposite effect; people have come to browse our content, but ultimately end up straying onto our sister's page, enticed by the promise of its title. Few of them come back. Even a few of my most trusted advisers have been lost in this manner. I suppose I should have seen this as a potential result of partnering with /r/neopetsr34. Time will tell if there is a way to amend this mistake, or whether this relationship can ever work in our favour.

My wife is threatening to leave me again. She has never understood the burden of the responsibilities I bear. I cannot blame her for being dissatisfied with me. Her family offered me a hefty dowry of steam games, and she herself had both commendable photoshop skills, as well as being able and willing to verify she was a woman on skype. What could I offer her in return? An ailing subreddit focused on a children's browser game. I did not take her as my bride out of love, but out of greed and lust. She does deserve better. The thought of her leaving hurts me, however, when I am forced to consider the fate of our child...my son. Little Paarthurnax Ash-Ketchum McDonald. He is a good boy, nearly fifteen Youtube-rewinds of age by now. So nearly a man. I have tried to be the best father I could to him, but I have always known that the limited scope of my domain would suppress his soul as it has suppressed my ambition. This land is more burden than gift. Still, it is our home and we must make the most of it. My wife has told me she will leave for /r/neopets if we cannot increase our karma gain threefold by the 20th of Boaty McBoatface, three cycles hence. I almost welcome my family's flight from this place. Perhaps if my son can succeed in the veritable metropolis (at least in comparison to this squalid hamlet) of /r/neopets, then, in a way, I have done good in this world.

Musk Keep Us All.

Thane Funny_Shoryu89, /r/neopetsmemes
Yavuz Frank West bubbleuj Dr. Buttplug Vinny Possum

Schumin Capote

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I was at a festival this weekend and noticed there is a subculture of young white dudes in Tommy Bahama shirts. It wasn't like 1 or 2 people, but there were a lot of guys in loafers, khaki shorts, a Tommy Bahama or 50s Woodie car t-shirts, and the same short hair cut. It didn't seem like a bad fashion trend, but like something else was going on. Not really sure if this is the new face of fascism or just an awful expression of normcore where guys in their 20s-30s dress like overweight men in their 50s,