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September 20, 2024, 08:30:17 pm

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Aug 16 07:36pm

CTRL+V and post it (post #1594)

Also i gotta say I've seen a lot of like central Asian and ex soviet zoos now and all the like dog mistreatment stuff doesn't really rate compared to like. When you see the novelty 4L bottle of vodka they give to the bears. almost funny honestly to see God's noblest creature reduced to a Russian level of alcoholism
Aug 16 06:43pm
“Wow, Spooks, you’re so erudite!” What can I say? I have my finger in many pies. It’s a really long finger and it pierces them all, vertically, in a huge stack. It’s hitscan, it’s like getting 3 headshots at once with the AWP in Counter-Strike. I once tried to give myself a prostate orgasm and almost died.
Aug 16 01:08pm
Aug 16 06:01am
How hard is it to retroactively change an episode cover image after being pushed out? You could take submissions after an episode goes live and then pick the best art for the cover after some time frame and then put the rest on display in the fanart gallery
Aug 15 05:17pm
As an artist, I've been inclined to give a pass to AI gen "art" on thumbnails for youtube videos and podcasts, especially amateur ones, since they usually have such a fast turnaround and low budget that it would be a miracle to find someone who can consistently churn out the necessary work for pocket lint and a stick of gum.

That being said, I definitely appreciate the ethical stance here, and I know a lot of artists are a lot less tolerant of AI stuff (for very good reasons), so I can only find this an overall positive move. 

I'd also definitely be up for being in the pool of available artists!  It'd be a nice way to keep rewarding one of my favorite podcasts for existing. :D
Aug 15 05:16pm
So maybe the thing people would volunteer for is "I volunteer to be an artist for an episode, you tell me what episode I'm doing."
Lemon, August 12, 2024, 02:39:32 pm

This is exactly what I had been envisioning tbh
Sherlockian, August 12, 2024, 05:06:18 pm

Yeah, this sounds most logical. Otherwise I imagine the chaos of "okay everybody draw a title for an imagined future episode, pick a fetish and go go go!" Alternately people could contribute like images they've done in the past and give the F Plus permission to freely use them for episode images, but I don't know how many of those would actually be useful without the context of what the episode is.

When you get down to it, while I love seeing all of the episodes get title art, the important part is of course the audio. If you all get strapped for time and just want to release episodes where the art is literally just the F Plus logo and the name of the episode, that would be perfectly fine to me.

Otherwise, if it could be done with minimal frustration on your part, I think artists signing up to draw stuff for you would also be awesome, I'd sign up!
Aug 15 07:42am

CTRL+V and post it (post #1594)

Have a look at our most selling Yakuza Like a Dragon Ichiban Kasuga Suit. The suit is the perfect depiction of intense killer looks so you can have a deep impact on your enemies by wearing this ravishing suit. Yazuka Like a Dragon is a role-playing video game by Sega that stares Ichiban Kasuga as a protagonist wearing this ravishing suit. The game has fictionalized Kasuga’s personality with cool attires and amazing fashion sense.

 Video Game Yakuza Like a Dragon Ichiban Kasuga Maroon Suit is the fabrication of 100% real cotton. Also, it contains a viscose lining on the inside to give a soft silk-like touch. It has unique styled buttoned closure on the front with open hem cuffs on the sleeves. The maroon suit has One Chest and Two Flap Pockets.
Aug 14 01:44am

(Hi sorry for not posting here for years, I still love you guys)
Aug 13 08:13pm
I think caregiver and caretaker should be opposites
Aug 13 04:01am

Find An Episode (post #205)

That's great. You never know where the window's gonna be until you marry art and science in this era.
Recon Rabbit, August 12, 2024, 09:36:07 pm

And that's terrorism. Actually.
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