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Topic: Episode 92: We Don't Not Need No Uneducation  (Read 33924 times)


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Episode 92: We Don't Not Need No Uneducation
Parenting, as many have said, is a difficult task. But it's a task that's made significantly simpler if you just decide you'll let your children do whatever they want. We're exploring the forums of mothering.com, a place where mothers can gather to discuss raising the single most brilliant and unique person the world has ever known, but it turns out there's quite a few of them. This week, we're stocking up on Placenta Helper.


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Episode 92: We Don't Not Need No Uneducation #1
There was a minor explosion on Tumblr because of the use of "cunt" in this episode.  I actually took a week off from Tumblr because of it.  I let Portaxx know, but did the rest of you catch any of that?

Lady Naga

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Episode 92: We Don't Not Need No Uneducation #2
There was a minor explosion on Tumblr because of the use of "cunt" in this episode.  I actually took a week off from Tumblr because of it.  I let Portaxx know, but did the rest of you catch any of that?
Delcat, February 11, 2013, 07:02:11 am

There's a "minor explosion" on Tumblr over fucking anything. I'm actually fairly surprised that "Tumblrites" still listen to the 'cast after the headmates episode. Unless it's just to complain about shit.


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Episode 92: We Don't Not Need No Uneducation #3
There was a minor explosion on Tumblr because of the use of "cunt" in this episode.  I actually took a week off from Tumblr because of it.  I let Portaxx know, but did the rest of you catch any of that?
Delcat, February 11, 2013, 07:02:11 am

There's a "minor explosion" on Tumblr over fucking anything. I'm actually fairly surprised that "Tumblrites" still listen to the 'cast after the headmates episode. Unless it's just to complain about shit.
Lady Naga, February 11, 2013, 10:38:55 am

Are you kidding? Dumblres love to complain. It's their whole reason for existing. They probably secretly love the podcast, since it gives them more stuff to be upset about. Only happy Tumblr user is an insulted Tumblr user.

Lady Naga

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Episode 92: We Don't Not Need No Uneducation #4
There was a minor explosion on Tumblr because of the use of "cunt" in this episode.  I actually took a week off from Tumblr because of it.  I let Portaxx know, but did the rest of you catch any of that?
Delcat, February 11, 2013, 07:02:11 am

There's a "minor explosion" on Tumblr over fucking anything. I'm actually fairly surprised that "Tumblrites" still listen to the 'cast after the headmates episode. Unless it's just to complain about shit.
Lady Naga, February 11, 2013, 10:38:55 am

Are you kidding? Dumblres love to complain. It's their whole reason for existing. They probably secretly love the podcast, since it gives them more stuff to be upset about. Only happy Tumblr user is an insulted Tumblr user.
montrith, February 11, 2013, 10:52:42 am

Hey come on that's not entirely true. They don't complain about Dr.Who.

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Episode 92: We Don't Not Need No Uneducation #5
There was a minor explosion on Tumblr because of the use of "cunt" in this episode.  I actually took a week off from Tumblr because of it.  I let Portaxx know, but did the rest of you catch any of that?
Delcat, February 11, 2013, 07:02:11 am

There's a "minor explosion" on Tumblr over fucking anything. I'm actually fairly surprised that "Tumblrites" still listen to the 'cast after the headmates episode. Unless it's just to complain about shit.
Lady Naga, February 11, 2013, 10:38:55 am

Are you kidding? Dumblres love to complain. It's their whole reason for existing. They probably secretly love the podcast, since it gives them more stuff to be upset about. Only happy Tumblr user is an insulted Tumblr user.
montrith, February 11, 2013, 10:52:42 am

Hey come on that's not entirely true. They don't complain about Dr.Who.
Lady Naga, February 11, 2013, 11:10:08 am
People are still talking about Susan The Transgender Horse Who Was Misgendered.


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Episode 92: We Don't Not Need No Uneducation #6
Hey come on that's not entirely true. They don't complain about Dr.Who.
Lady Naga, February 11, 2013, 11:10:08 am

Gimme ten seconds and I'll prove you wrong.

Oh, look. It only took five.

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Episode 92: We Don't Not Need No Uneducation #7
And now we show you The Strange Case of Cuntgate (as Lemon called it). Again I'll remind everyone to NOT harass anyone over this.

But one of the girls who was upset about this was also very mad because she thought... well... I'll let her 80 billion liveblogs of her listening experience sum it up:

- "hearing someone on an audio recording use the word “cunt” and your immediate reaction is, out loud, “WHOA BRO HEY” even though it’s only a recording"

- "i mean i don’t want to tread on your freedom to make fun of people who eat placenta or anything but i don’t think you need to call them “dumb cunts”"

- "i—- i really wish you wouldn’t—-

i mean yeah they’re doing pretty questionable stuff but you’re a dude and it’s kind of weird for you to be using gendered insults like a bludgeon like that

call them stupid, fine, but what does them being women have to do with it!



dude!!!!!!  that’s like the 5th time stop"

- "and i’m over here posting this on tumblr because i feel like if i emailed these people about it they would laugh it off and call me a cunt too"

- "i mean they’re getting angry about perfectly legitimate things to be angry about but i really wish this guy’s nuclear-option insult wasn’t “vagina-haver”"

- "it’s like,

wow dude, what did vagina ever do to you

(besides spew you out into this uncaring world i guess)"

So yes, this person was convinced, throughout the entirety of the episode, that I was a guy. Someone told her I was a plain ol' cisgendered female, and it basically fried her brain. She was simultaneously flabbergasted that a woman would dare use that word and mortified that she misgendered me 18 times in a row even though it was an honest mistake. Despite her multiple angry, snarky potshots at me, she immediately did a 180 and reverted into "omg I wanna apologize for misgendering I'm so scared though talking to people is hard I hate confrontation I'm a scared little mouse made of delicate flower petals waaahhh ;_;" Regardless, I opted to not string her up and leave her to the Tumblrhounds, and instead told her to not sweat it. I also attempted to set up a joke about reclaiming the word for cunts everywhere, but nobody took the bait. Boo.

I have a Tumblr myself and I almost never use it, but I figured this was the most appropriate response to that: http://jazaaboo.tumblr.com/post/41187395334/because-im-on-tumblr

Some other angry little apids have expressed a lot of outrage on how I'm clearly a huge misogynist and how someone should do something about that awful asshole Portaxx, but since this is Tumblr, there's just been a lot of talk and no action. Because you see, nobody's ever had the stones to contact me directly about their grievances.


« Last Edit: February 11, 2013, 01:16:34 pm by portaxx »


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Episode 92: We Don't Not Need No Uneducation #8

portaxx, February 11, 2013, 01:11:08 pm

I think the term used against Tumblrites should be "huevos," since that way it's both Spanish slang for "testicles" and literally translates into "eggs." If someone claims you're being misogynist, just say you meant it as "eggs." As a bonus, it works well as doubting the reproductive ability of the person in question, regardless of gender!


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Episode 92: We Don't Not Need No Uneducation #9
I'm totally gonna riff on Isfahan's idea here, but think you should go with the French, "gosses," being "testicles" if you're Quebecois, and "kids" otherwise.  You can choose to piss off tumblerites OR childhardcorefreebird wankery with the simple flip of the explanation switch.  Genius!

Lady Naga

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On a side note, I thought the title at first was "We Don't Need No Uneducation" as a reference to Another Brick In The Wall

(Chrome doesn't recognize uneducation as a word. Funny, that!)


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On a side note, I thought the title at first was "We Don't Need No Uneducation" as a reference to Another Brick In The Wall
Lady Naga, February 11, 2013, 09:04:43 pm
It's still a reference to Another Brick In The Wall, just with less unbad grammar.


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I liked the part where they got everyone angry by making it out like you were using it because people were eating placentas and not because people were actively ruining the lives of children.

I mean, fuck, it's not my favorite word either, but good GOD did I get pissed off over that.  I've heard the phrase "tone argument" used a bajillion times in SJ circles but apparently they can't be arsed to use it when they're doing the arguing.


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Is it even possible to do or say a thing that isn't offending somebody on Tumblr? Not too long ago I saw this post and I literally wanted to die. They should just call the site Sanctimoniousteenagemalcontentr.


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Again, the whole point of Tumblrite attention-seeking is to Make Posts™. If you don't Make Posts™, you don't get attention, and nobody pays attention to someone who's content. You gotta read shit and then deliberately interpret it in the way which allows you to get the most offended and do the most complaining (see Angry Angry Hippos), because that's what brings in the sympathy of other people who choose to misinterpret shit in the same way. Together you all can sit around and pretend the emperor has no clothes together!

As a bonus, you also get the ire of people who want to correct you or argue with you. Since you took a logical leap in your interpretation, you know others will pick up on it, but not necessarily on the fact that you yourself are aware of it. More attention! It's a win-win!
« Last Edit: February 12, 2013, 02:48:06 pm by Isfahan »