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September 20, 2024, 09:51:05 pm

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Topic: Completely pointless Thought Of The Day thread  (Read 2020523 times)


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I've grown away from it but I always did love the bible stories of Carrot, Pickle, and Boxer Briefs.
A Meat Salubrious Rex


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Fantasy authors aren't brave enough to name things in the same style characters in the Bible were named in Hebrew.
No dudes running around being called "God'sGift son of GodShallProvide" who journey to GodHome so they can speak to Grain the Prophet or something
A Meat, June 04, 2024, 03:02:48 am
Except for Hideo Kojima
Lumbermouth, June 04, 2024, 08:46:55 am

Salubrious Rex

moooo566 (taylor's version)

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gettin' jigglypuff wit it


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Maybe one of these days y'all will graduate to "woman dinner."
Salubrious Rex Dr. Buttplug

A Meat

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It's always nice to tell people about hummingbird tongues
Dr. Buttplug

A Meat

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Underlord and their Overlings
Dr. Buttplug

Dr. Buttplug

  • Formerly Jackal Flapnasty
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Underlord and their Overlings
A Meat, June 12, 2024, 05:21:38 am


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xX_sp00ks_Xx A Meat Dr. Buttplug

A Meat

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Selling kids on the idea of education by calling it brainmaxxing
Dr. Buttplug

moooo566 (taylor's version)

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You say you want to be a cowboy's sweetheart but it sounds like what you actually want is to be a cowgirl.


  • Every corpse on Mount Everest
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You want a girl that talks like Ed from Cowboy Bebop while you fuck her. I want a girl that talks like Foghorn Leghorn from Looney Tunes while she fucks me. We are not the same.
vaMpiresoftWare Dr. Buttplug CozyJosie Salubrious Rex chai tea latte

Dr. Buttplug

  • Formerly Jackal Flapnasty
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Little bit of an elaborate prank, but first get your friend blind drunk, invite him to play pin the tail on the donkey. As he's about to pierce the paper donkey, hit him as hard as you can with a two by four that has a horse shoe nailed to it. While he's realing, you uncover the donkey you've kept hidden all night and place it in front of him. Once his blindfold comes off abmonish him for trying to poke your prized blue ribbon donkey with a filthy tack.
Salubrious Rex Lemon Great Joe


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Headed downtown to wish a happy Juneteenth to every white person I see.

A Meat

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Sometimes I get the urge to post some unworkable story ideas to like a worldbuilding subreddit or forum or something and to let them figure out whatever dumb shit my brain came up with.

Haven't actually done it, but I can't say it's not tempting to post something like "in the future everything is determined by an algorithm so parents consult people whose job it is to try and optimize the baby's name so that the algorithm favors them." and then leave forever, never providing more context
Antivehicular Salubrious Rex

moooo566 (taylor's version)

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My favourite type of gig is the kind that ends before 10pm, which is the best evidence yet that I'm fucking old.