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Topic: Experiences Introducing Other People to The F-Plus?  (Read 21368 times)

lazzer grardaion?

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This is a podcast which, occasionally, deals with some super gross things, so it might not be the sort of thing you'd show your parents and/or grandparents (unless they're cool parents and/or grandparents). However, some people we meet in our daily lives might be more internet-savvy, or jaded, or whatever adjective might conceivably prepare somebody for the possibility of dickbugs. This can lead to stories.

My story comes from back when I was in undergrad, I think senior year. There was this girl I ran into occasionally, whom I'd chatted with her a few times in the hall, and with whom I shared a couple friends. One day, she was sitting alone in the cafeteria at lunch, and I asked if I could join her, and we hit it off. We were into a lot of the same kind of movies and she started talking about Silent Hill, and it was all a good time, so I asked her out for coffee. That day, we ended up on the topic of podcasts, and as she'd talked about weird stuff she'd found on reddit or whatever, I decided that F-Plus might be in her wheelhouse. I rattled off a few topics about episodes I'd listened to recently, Robot-Dragon micronations, Dolphin/Bigfoot enthusiasts, and Asexuals. The date went fine, but it was a little awkward, which I figured was basically standard first-date nervousness.

So, later that night, curiosity got the better of me, and I decided to look her up on facebook. The first thing that popped up wasn't actually her personal page, but the page for her artwork. That led me to her deviantart page (!), which led me to her tumblr account (!!!) which was dedicated to an anime which was apparently about a 13-year-old boy having sex with his ancient demon butler [freakout]!!!!!!!!![freakout] I have since been told by people that the anime in question isn't actually about this, but all I had to go by at the time was this lady's fanart, complete with a long post about why a 13-year-old having sex with a demon butler isn't creepy, because he's extremely mature for his age! [freakout][freakout][freakout][freakout][freakout][freakout][freakout].

Also, the punchline to this is, obviously, that she was asexual. And she made a loooooong post on her tumblr about me, and how there was a 'radio show' I listened to where people 'called in' to make fun of asexuals, and how she bravely stepped in to defend the integrity of asexuals everywhere against my insults. To be perfectly honest, I do feel bad about that whole thing, and wish I hadn't made that particular faux pas (I hate to make anyone feel like something the cat dragged in), though that's slighty mitigated by all the other stuff.

So, does anybody else have any good F-Plus introduction stories?


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Once I was listening to the F Plus in a cafe, and the waiter asked me what I was smiling about. Usually when that happens I lie and say I'm listening to Radio 4, but in a fit of honesty I told him about the podcast. I described the general premise and some specific episodes. I may have mentioned some of the gross ones. About halfway through my explanation I could see panic start to set in, but I kept going anyway. When I was finished, he just said, 'Well, that sounds like fun.' And I haven't been back to that cafe since, even though I really like their coffee.
Lemon Ashto Gyro Nifty Nif Fanzay


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I may have mentioned some of the gross ones. About halfway through my explanation I could see panic start to set in, but I kept going anyway.
Caroline, May 07, 2016, 03:28:33 am

See that's why you introduce people by talking about really inoffensive but wonderful stuff like Joan Ocean and that one guy who thinks his wife is a genie.


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I have introduced it to a whole bunch of people because I really can't help myself. I play it for friends sometimes when they visit. Everyone has liked it a lot, but you can never really tell if they like it to the point where they listen to it on their own, especially if they're new to podcasts. But then recently a friend of mine told me about a skype date he had with his new girlfriend... to introduce her to fplus. And lo did the virus spread.

I also will never forget the one time I had to pause the penis enlargement episode to google an anatomical diagram of the penis for someone, who had never thought about his taint before as much as he did that day.
Lemon Bodark Caroline xX_sp00ks_Xx
« Last Edit: May 07, 2016, 11:28:49 am by LINDA »

Frank West

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Well apparently ky dad showed the youtube video of me reading Bipartisanship around to everyone at last thanksgiving when I wasn't there.

It's fine though, I don't like any of those people anyway.
Sherman Tank Shigan cube abuser Lemon Boots Raingear Bodark Positronic Digital Walnut Nifty Nif montrith JonRG Fanzay
« Last Edit: May 07, 2016, 12:50:59 pm by Frank West »

Boots Raingear

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Well apparently ky dad showed the youtube video of me reading Bipartisanship around to everyone at last thanksgiving when I wasn't there.
Frank West, May 07, 2016, 11:32:53 am

You're not my real father, Kentucky Dad!
Agent (gobble, gobble) Coop eldritchhat Frank West Gyro Amelia Blank Dawnswalker Sherman Tank Turtle

moooo566 (taylor's version)

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I'd feel bad introducing someone with Paula Deen with the full knowledge that sooner or later, they'll run into whatever the next dickbugs turns out to be.


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I'd feel bad introducing someone with Paula Deen with the full knowledge that sooner or later, they'll run into the Paula Deen/Gordon Ramsey fanfic from F Plus Live 4.
moooo566, May 07, 2016, 03:12:55 pm
Lemon Gyro


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If I somehow become aware that a new acquaintance is into a subject that The F Plus covered, I will try to play an episode about said subject for them. Their reaction then informs me how much further contact I should have with them. Most people have enjoyed what they've heard, and the only pushback I've encountered before was in regards to male pregnancy (that pushback came long before the episode was even recorded, but that's a whole 'nother story). Still waiting for a really negative outcome, if only cause it'd be a funny story to share. Aside from that, I've shared some with my wife. She's mildly entertained, but not a fan of the show's format unfortunately.

I've also played a few episodes over the store's speakers during work. It's not that I meant to share it with others, as I hit pause whenever anyone's coming in, but once time I wasn't fast enough and ended up treating a customer to a quick clip of Bunnybread yelling about boners or something similar. I'm sure that counts as some sort of introduction.


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I've exposed people on my Saturday third shift to various readings from The F Plus and they've responded with apathy.

Just to be sure, I've also exposed them to MBMBAM, Mouth Sounds by Neil Ciecirega, and parts of The Dollop, and I've come to the conclusion that my co-workers are dead inside.
Bodark RoeCocoa A Meat Amelia Blank Gyro Yavuz Ashto Nifty Nif
« Last Edit: May 07, 2016, 10:52:28 pm by STOG »

chai tea latte

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I tried twice, once with a roomie (apathy, except for the Roy Orbison episode, which he loved) and once with a friend (already a listener!). Those are the only times I've mentioned the F Plus in public. I like this podcast a lot, but talking about it is very awkward, and sussing out when to talk about it even more so.
Lemon Nifty Nif


  • some people's reactions such as the fuck,the hell,wtf, or what the hell
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I have an F Plus sticker on my water bottle but no one's asked about it. :(

Nifty Nif

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I have an F Plus sticker on my water bottle but no one's asked about it. :(
EYE OF ZA, May 08, 2016, 08:11:46 am

I have a logo sticker on the back of my car...

and "Hypno Boobs Turned Me Gay" hiding below the dashboard for observant passengers.  ;)


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I don't have any friends or talk to anyone! Goodbye!

Agent (gobble, gobble) Coop Sherman Tank Mu. Fanzay


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complete with a long post about why a 13-year-old having sex with a demon butler isn't creepy, because he's extremely mature for his age!

I hate it when people can't own that the taboo, creepy stuff they're into is, in fact, creepy. If it turns you on it turns you on, and in most cases it's not like there's anything wrong with that, but the bending over backwards to justify it as totes fine is so cringeworthy. OTOH, considering that justification is the basis of maybe 33% of all F Plus fodder I suppose I shouldn't complain that much.

Anyway, by far my most successful introduction of the F Plus has been to Mistress Eva, an atrocity tourist who makes me look like a naive atrocity bumpkin. (She's subsequently branched out into Lou Reads, for instance, something I could never do in a million years.*) Other attempts seem to have mostly been directed at people who listen to too many podcasts already and thus aren't super blown away by one more, or to people who haven't really gotten the humor or appeal. I remember one guy I used to game with, one of those dudes who was always trying to be mindful of his privileged place in the world in ways that mostly just involved regurgitating the newest identity politics crap he'd read about on the Internet, getting all offended about the Ridiculists making jokes about the "trans*" asterisk. Despite my attempts to point out that no one was making fun of trans people, just a written affectation that even a lot of trans people think is idiotic, he wasn't having it and never listened to any more.

*She has an amusing story involving our friendship and the Cum in Food episode which I will try to get her to post in this thread. It amuses me, anyway.
« Last Edit: May 10, 2016, 11:44:28 am by TheCrawlingChaos »