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Topic: Episode 217: Steal This Episode  (Read 39692 times)


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Episode 217: Steal This Episode
Agent (gobble, gobble) Coop znarf


  • touched fuzzy, got dizzy
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Episode 217: Steal This Episode #1
Shit. This is going to make me angry, isn't it?
Sherman Tank Bodark

Achilles' Heelies

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Episode 217: Steal This Episode #2
What a bunch of stupid motherfuckers.


  • Made of tea, science, art, and dragons.
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Episode 217: Steal This Episode #3
Shit. This is going to make me angry, isn't it?
Gyro, June 25, 2016, 11:21:05 am

Probably. I mean, I can't speak for you? But I'm only fifteen minutes in, and I'm already angry at these folks. Been so for, mm, since about the five-minute mark...? Not since the smoking episode have I gotten mad at F Plus subjects so fast, and not since monkey moms have I gotten mad at them so thoroughly! ^^;

At least the Ridiculists' mockery makes it entertaining despite the -- ARRRRGH MAKEUP IS NOT A NECESSITY YOU -- ENTITLED -- FUCK MOTHERING TOASTER STRUDELS -- ARRRRRGH >8O

also yay Squiddy!
Lemon Gyro Amelia Blank

Amelia Blank

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Episode 217: Steal This Episode #4
Yaay Squiddy!! <3
Sherman Tank znarf Dr. Buttplug

Achilles' Heelies

  • Ridiculist
  • Intelligent Doggie Tracking System
  • 508
  • 69
Episode 217: Steal This Episode #5
Lemon Boots Raingear STOG Sherman Tank Ganymede Liatai nuffkins, of all people, Chupasaurus-Rex zmonbobbo Dr. Buttplug


  • touched fuzzy, got dizzy
  • Paid
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  • 55
Episode 217: Steal This Episode #6
Son of a bitch, I just listened to this sober.



moooo566 (taylor's version)

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Episode 217: Steal This Episode #7
The people are awful but the ridiculists are on fire this time.
Liatai Vekson Chupasaurus-Rex

Sherman Tank

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Episode 217: Steal This Episode #8
Hooray for Squiddy, she makes everything better!

Anyhoodle, IT'S TIME FOR SHERMAN TANK TO ARROGANTLY SUGGEST TAGS: "insanity", "bad parenting", "massive cunts", "drama queens", "internet whining", "sour grapes", "the internet isn't helping", "first world problems", "consumer culture"

A Meat

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Episode 217: Steal This Episode #9
I'm only halfway through but "this" is a really "good" "episode" of the "F" "Plus", I "liked" the "part" about the ""sugar""daddies""

But really, why is it always cosmetic products these people steal?


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Episode 217: Steal This Episode #10
Yay Squiddy, boo shoplifters! I'd bet a lot of these fuckers really love Ayn Rand. The stunning lack of empathy that they have for the employees (who I assume could get fired if too much merchandise goes missing) and the dumb moral relativism of "if we do war crimes in the Middle East, obviously it's cool if I stuff tubes of lipstick down my pants" just pissed me off. You're not sticking it to The Man. The Man accounts for that sort of minor losses and compensates by screwing over the minimum wage employees.

And Johnny Quotationmarkseed really seems to like this subreddit.
Vinny Possum

moooo566 (taylor's version)

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Episode 217: Steal This Episode #11
Also, having a sugar daddy sounds like a lot of work. Why not get an actual job and just spend your free time having fun instead of hanging out with some greasy rich dude you don't actually like?

Like, that makes sense as advice if you're set on being a mail order bride as your route into america, but otherwise I feel like someone who's learned a second language and has crafted themselves into a well rounded individual must have better ways of making money.

But really, why is it always cosmetic products these people steal?
A Meat, June 25, 2016, 01:39:09 pm

Cosmetics are probably pretty good value in terms of their size - expensive to buy, lucrative to sell and pretty easy to hide. Also, apparently pretty easy to justify. And, a significant part of this appears to be spoiled girls so they're basically the cosmetic target market.


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Episode 217: Steal This Episode #12
Bro, do you even lift?
Sherman Tank McMillan and Waifu Fanzay chai tea latte Gyro Knitting Machine junior associate faguar toxcity JonRG Chupasaurus-Rex Liatai


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Episode 217: Steal This Episode #13
Bro, do you even lift?
Chaymie, June 25, 2016, 02:00:30 pm

Dammit I came here to post this
Sherman Tank Chaymie Amelia Blank Fanzay Liatai

Sherman Tank

  • Licensed Kadir-Buxton Method Practitioner
  • Associate Tag Director, East
  • I'm over 30 years old and I like fried chicken.
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Episode 217: Steal This Episode #14
I kept waiting for someone to say "Let's Play" for LP but it didn't happen, presumably because Portaxx wasn't there.