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Topic: F Plus Quotes Thread  (Read 603456 times)

Adam Bozarth

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F Plus Quotes Thread #45
"oh, so he's a hand-to-hand hypnosis... fuck- fuckin' guy."
Mister Smalls, April 30, 2014, 06:06:40 pm
Proud moments.


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F Plus Quotes Thread #46
STOG: "[dismayed wordless scream-groan]"
chai tea latte count_actuala Yavuz


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F Plus Quotes Thread #47
I think "BOY MEAT" is gonna be one of those things I suddenly think about at work and start laughing, like Kumquat's "NAAOooowww" from the pop culrure pagan episode.

"Okay, I'm 1+1=2...that's the first correct statement we've had on this site."

"What makes it limited edition?"
« Last Edit: May 04, 2014, 12:30:10 am by Navigator »


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F Plus Quotes Thread #48
"Now Hanvjor, when you get off the boat in America you must say this thing that I must teach you, to get to the hotel.  'Jonas Brothers are penis'..."
Mister Smalls, April 28, 2014, 10:40:01 pm

I remember saying this, but not the episode where I said it. Which one was this?


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F Plus Quotes Thread #49
One of the early Youtube shorts, probably Here Comes The Metalheads.

Adam Bozarth

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F Plus Quotes Thread #50
"I agree with posts 1 and 2, especially the part about sniffing ass"

Cat Planet

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F Plus Quotes Thread #51
"Semicolons make everything into good grammar"


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F Plus Quotes Thread #52
"It's ribs! For nihilists!" as well as "Open up! It's the police! For kids!"


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F Plus Quotes Thread #53
"Myyyy name is Michael Barrier, and my brain is so large that my head won't fit on your screen."

Mister Smalls

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F Plus Quotes Thread #54
"I have kissed my wife's feet on trains, on aeroplanes, OF COURSE I'M BRITISH, WHAT THE FUCK!"

junior associate faguar

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F Plus Quotes Thread #55
Which episode was "It's like you went to the fetish buffet and said 'I'll take everything'" from?


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F Plus Quotes Thread #56
I am in love with how the infomercial line has become a recurring joke.  Very few of the episodes involve people agonizing that "there's gotta be a better way!!!!".


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F Plus Quotes Thread #57
bring JT back on the show
Mighty Dicktron, April 30, 2014, 02:51:06 am

Boots Raingear, April 30, 2014, 07:34:12 am
Take me off the bench, coach! I'm ready!

On topic: Surprised nobody's brought up "I'M SKINNY! GOODBYE!" yet. It's just funny in general whenever someone is like "help I have a problem" and then someone else's entire response is "I don't have that problem!"
Liatai Sherman Tank


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F Plus Quotes Thread #58
bring JT back on the show
Mighty Dicktron, April 30, 2014, 02:51:06 am

Boots Raingear, April 30, 2014, 07:34:12 am
Take me off the bench, coach! I'm ready!

On topic: Surprised nobody's brought up "I'M SKINNY! GOODBYE!" yet. It's just funny in general whenever someone is like "help I have a problem" and then someone else's entire response is "I don't have that problem!"
JT, May 18, 2014, 05:18:48 am
Best Jack Chick voice ever!

I'll second the motion for JT's return. The FPlus needs more boners.

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F Plus Quotes Thread #59
Victor reading Lady Gaga lyrics in a deadpan voice will always be fantastic, but I haven't listened to episodes in so long that I can't remember when he did it. HALP!