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October 08, 2024, 03:43:04 am

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Oct 6 01:16am
I, and I'm sure Frank will do so as well, will assume you're talking about the video game characters and not some dusty old book.
Dr. Buttplug, October 05, 2024, 05:23:53 pm

Yup, Dante from my favorite game Dante's Inferno!
Oct 6 01:09am
as much as it would pain me to listen to such an episode I support this notion
Oct 6 12:24am
Ah, the month to post this again
Oct 5 10:27pm
Unfortunate they couldn't figure out how to do the rib xylophone bit
Oct 5 10:23pm
I mean, we COULD do it without you. :P
Shell Game, October 04, 2024, 10:49:19 am

That's like Dante going into Hell without Virgil.
Positronic, October 05, 2024, 12:14:21 pm
I, and I'm sure Frank will do so as well, will assume you're talking about the video game characters and not some dusty old book.
Oct 5 05:14pm
I mean, we COULD do it without you. :P
Shell Game, October 04, 2024, 10:49:19 am

That's like Dante going into Hell without Virgil.
Oct 5 09:46am

CTRL+V and post it (post #1597)

Or, if your little spoon has a penis,
Oct 5 07:56am
deep immersive inundating sim
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