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July 26, 2024, 08:00:55 pm

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Jul 20 03:12pm

Find An Episode (post #201)

Not possible; the song was released three years later. Helpful information nonetheless.
SHAMBA~1.SBB, July 20, 2024, 04:03:56 am
That would make it unlikely.

The bit I was thinking of is actually from Episode 231. It’s not from a bio of a multiple system, it’s from the bio of Samantha the Dove.

Edit: This is unhelpful but I listened to this song for the first time and it has an allusion to Tom’s Diner by Suzanne Vega which is also referenced in Episode 106.
Jul 20 09:03am

Find An Episode (post #201)

Not possible; the song was released three years later. Helpful information nonetheless.
Jul 19 07:59pm

Find An Episode (post #201)

Trying to remember which episode had Lemon answering another Ridiculist's reading with a spirited performance of "Centuries" by Fall Out Boy.
SHAMBA~1.SBB, July 17, 2024, 06:25:09 pm

Is this with the post where someone’s theme song is “Centuries by Fallout Boys?” I thinks that’s Episode 83.
Jul 19 02:04pm
I get absolutely ruined when i have 3 standard drinks just to chill after a stressful afternoon but then whrn i go hang out with people and say "hey my alcohol tolerwance is a bit silly i might get fucked up" i go compleyely normal and have a liar made out of me . Tonights a 3 standard night and once again I am a little loopy from it after 3 cruisers and like 4 hours, all I'm qsking for is a little consostency im fine with always getting hammered easily just make it always please
Jul 19 11:29am
Ennio Morricone's Surfin' Cowboys!
Jul 19 12:33am
Hewen or Heww
Jul 18 11:00pm
Thinking about 'Hewen'
A Meat, July 18, 2024, 11:35:54 am

I've heard that Hewen is a place on Earwth.
Jul 18 09:58pm
Watched "Rope" by Alfred Hitchcock. I would recommend watching Rope without ads by all means. It is structured to give the illusion that the entire film is one continuous shot. So breaking it up would be bad.
The film has much the same effect on me as Uncut Gems did, near panic attack levels of anxiety by the end. Not nearly as intense, but incredible considering this is little more than a recorded stage play with a few camera tricks to sustain the illusion.
The actors are corny as shit (with the exception of Jimmy Stewart of course) and that may bother you at first but having unbroken views of them for so long you just accept them as real.
A well observed aspect of motion picture media, the world in the box feels realer than those next to you, but heightened so by the technique.
Jul 18 04:35pm
Thinking about 'Hewen'
Jul 18 02:35am
Yamaha owns Line 6.
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