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May 31, 2024, 10:17:41 pm

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May 29 06:42pm

CTRL+V and post it (post #1564)

Look if you gonna learn Japanese for professional career and stuff that is fine

But dear god if you learn a whole ass new language to play untranslated visual novels then leave touching grass you need to touch all the trees in Amazon forest
May 29 03:57pm
I hate cpp pthread mutexs
May 29 05:52am
May 29 01:28am

F Plus Quotes Thread (post #1301)

370, I Am Hucow, And I Need To Be Milked

Frank, reading: "Will my penis need to be circumcised?"

Lemon: What does that have to do with anything?

Kumquat: In case he needs to convert to Hu-daism!
May 28 09:22pm
Saw a half-eaten Fig Newton lying in a parking lot and came up with the phrase "toddler-involved littering"
May 28 11:05am
Lorenzo Music was born Gerald Music
May 27 11:41pm
Can you still be a hero if in the next 90 seconds you'll have shit in your pants unless you find a public toilet?
May 27 09:53pm
Most communists don't even own a sickle
May 27 11:30am
its been very disappointing in myself to have got a few tattoos over the last 6 months or so and watch myself develop Opinions and get judgmental of things I think look bad.

And I'm right by the way
May 27 12:15am
My cat will drink out of wine glasses. This is not a fun learn.
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